

  • This!!!! Totally agree! The people I have as friends on here have been very supportive. If they're not I delete them. And please feel free to add me and we can help each other. Good luck!
  • Wow! 17lbs! That's amazing, well done. It takes a lot of commitment to do that so you should give yourself a massive pat on the back! And every pound lost is a pound nearer to your goal. Good luck with your journey and keep up the hard work. I'll add you as a friend so you can let me know how you get on.
  • I've just turned 40 and really need to get back to fit and 40 not fat, frumpy and 40! I'll add you and we can push each other...
  • I've just returned as well so need friends on here that will tell me off for eating rubbish! I'll add you and if anyone else wants to add me please feel free....
  • In answer to your question - Definitely! I'm back on it starting tomorrow so need to be accountable to someone! Please feel free to add me as well. Andra x
  • Hi! I've managed to gain a few pounds recently and now that I've turned 40 a few weeks ago, I'm determined not to be 40 fat and frumpy. I'm starting over again from Monday (tomorrow) and need to be accountable so it sounds like we can help each other. I've lost count how many times I've done this! I'll add you as a friend…
  • Funnily enough I have brought some protein powder today so I can shift those last few stubborn pounds. I got some Maximuscle Sculptress which is specifically for women and says that it aids weightloss (amongst other things). I am going to have it instead of breakfast each day which for me is easy as I always have breakfast…
  • After looking at your food diary I think you may just be trying to have us all on! And if not, then I fear you may need help. As a grown man you can't seriously think that is a healthy diet. This is a website for people that are trying to maintain a healthy diet/change bad eating habits/lose weight. I'm not sure why you…
  • Sweetcorn? Capers? Cous cous (very nice if you get the flavoured ones) Peppers I love a salad too so thanks for the ideas. Andra
  • One thing that gets me is that no one seems to think it is a problem to comment on the slimmer of us....."oh you're too thin", "you don't need to lose weight", "you need to eat more", "why aren't you having that packet of crips/McDonalds etc". However if we said "ooooh you're too fat", "you're killing yourself", "you need…
  • Hi, I'm from Crawley (near Gatwick). I'll add you....
  • You might be loosing the fat that surrounds your internal organs first before you start loosing the fat you can see/feel. Now while this doesn't help you get into any of your old clothes, it is making you much healthier, so stick with it and soon enough you will begin to see a difference. Let us know how you get on. Andra x
  • I'm normally attacked on a daily basis by something evil trying to get into my mouth!
  • I think you should definitely do it. I always do a spinning class once a week (amongst other things) and really enjoy it. The music always helps too. It is very hard work I won't lie, but you always feel great afterwards. Don't let someone else put you off. And look at it this way, if you go once and don't like it, then…
  • I will happily kick your butt. I too hate exercise but have really had to get myself motivated as I really don't want to be fat and 40! I originally lost about 4½ stone and have managed to keep it off, with the odd blip here and there (just recovering from a blip!). This site is fantastic for support and ideas and just…
  • Love it! That's exactly the kind of thing I would get caught doing. The one moment of self-indulgence I have in a day and someone always catches me out! So glad that kinda thing happens to other people as well as me!
  • Wow!!! What an inspiration you are! You must be very proud of yourself. This board is fantastic for help and ideas and talking to like minded people. Whereabouts are you from? And keep up the excellent work!! Andra x
    in New Comment by AndraSales February 2011
  • I have to admit, I think water is water....I always drink it out of the tap but do let it run for a while first.
  • Well let me add you and then you have at least one friend! When I lost my original weight I found it so hard but people are really supportive. And if you need their help then definitely ask for it and we're all in the same boat!
  • Hello! Hmmmm it..... I could do with some motivation myself so I'll add you as a friend and maybe we can help each other out! Hopefully 'see' you soon. Andra
  • Hi, I've only been on here a few weeks as well and it seems to be going well (so far!). I'll add you as a friend as we can help motivate each other if you like. Hope to 'see' you soon. Andra
  • Hi, if you'd like to add me as a friend I'd be happy to have a weight loss buddy. I'll send you a friend request anyway and hopefully see you on here.... Andra x
    in Hi Comment by AndraSales February 2011