
I have been lurking here for 2 weeks now, so I thought I would introduce myself... I'm Michelle :) I am 24 years old, and a mother to 28 month old identical twin boys, and a 1-year-old baby girl. I am a stay at home mom and wife. Even this is hard for me to post, but after reading all of your stories and seeing how you interact, I am feeling a little more comfortable. My goal is to lose 5 lbs per month, until the end of November, and then to maintain. I am currently using my fitness pal on my phone to keep track of my calories. For exercise, I am doing 30 day shred. I have just completed 14 days at level one. I plan on doing 14 days on level 2, followed by 12 days on level three. This will end March 18th, and then I will take a few days off to have my wisdom teeth out and recover, then on to the P90x lean routine!! :) I also plan on starting to jog once the weather is warmer. Anyway, so that's where I am at!! Happy to meet all of you, and please feel free to add me as your friend, because I have nobody!


  • DoubleO7
    Hi Michelle,

    Welcome to MFP :happy: You are going to LOVE this program :heart: . You can add me as a friend for support :flowerforyou:

    From one Michelle to another :laugh:

    Cheers to your health :drinker:
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Welcome!! I'm a SAHM too and this site has been great for my accountability!! We also have very similar goals--good luck, you'll do great!!
  • sheaschierling
    Hello!!! You will love it. Everyone is so awesome and supportive. It is funny because some of my friends that live here that I am doing a slimdown challenge with are not that supportive but EVERYONE on here is. I love it. You have a great plan and you have made an amazing start. Just be sure to know not everyday will go according to plan. I do not want to discourage you at all but don't want you to set your self up for failure or dissapointment. It sounds like you have a very busy life w/ 3 little ones. Just know it is all one day at a time. I get frustrated when I feel the scales aren't moving fast enough but I try to remember it is about improving my health. So good luck to you and enjoy the ride.
  • AndraSales
    Well let me add you and then you have at least one friend! When I lost my original weight I found it so hard but people are really supportive. And if you need their help then definitely ask for it and we're all in the same boat!
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    :happy: Thank you all for the welcome!! I know that not everyday will be right on target to what I want it to be, but it's about the long term and little changes! Today's weigh in was huge for me. I officially am no longer "obese" by BMI standards!! It was so nice to hear my wii fit say "That's overweight!" instead of "That's obese!" Ahh, the little things. I am SO ready to fight for this. I have a special reward planned for when I hit my goal too! That has been even more motivation... oh and the fact that when I did my initial measurements, my belly was 6 1/2 inches bigger than my 230 lb husband's! Yikes!
  • mvisscher
    mvisscher Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. My name is Mary and I just turned 40 years old. I have 3 teenage boys and I think I finally can take time in my life for myself. I have the ability to work-out in a fantastic gym or swim 5 days a week on my lunch hour. Starting today I will be doing that 4-5 days a week. I am able to stick to my appropriate calorie in-take every day thru the end of my work day. I can even stick to it at dinner as long as I have had 3 meals and 2 snacks. My problem is after dinner. I'm kind of a night owl so if I eat dinner @ 5:30 by 8:30 or 9 my mind wants to eat again and I can't stop. I think I take in more calories from 8-11pm than I do all do. I know it's all mental but the more time I have to think about food the more I eat. I don't know how to combat this. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I want to lose 50lbs.
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    Hi! I have the same problem with night eating, but I allow myself one snack or dessert after dinner and then that is it! Hopefully throughout our stay here, we can learn what works and what doesn't in regards to losing the weight. I have 46 pounds to go before I reach my goal, so we are in the same boat :)