

  • I lost quite a bit of weight in the past and I agree the last handful of pounds are somehow really stubborn! Now I'm back not just for a quick fix this time but for a change! But look at your progress so far - you should be proud of yourself! We all have those days where we look to quick fixes or things that can just make…
  • Hi! Sent you a request. I agree that posting some and adding friends to motivate you is really helpful & gets you back on track when you're down. :) Welcome!
  • You've taken the first step - you have told yourself that you want to make a positive change for yourself and for your son. That's great. I don't have a child with special needs myself, so I don't know your specific challenges, but having worked with children as a teacher for many years I'm sure you are like many parents I…
  • I used C25K free (by Zen Labs) on my iPhone. Yes I could listen to my music and it told me what to do along the way.
  • Don't worry about what tomorrow brings. :) (or, next week) I was completely a non-runner and wasn't doing a whole lot of exercise when I started either. You CAN do it! I have the c25k app on my phone, so I just ran while listening to my music and then the program cut in to just remind me to walk, or run, or whatever. Yes…
  • Good luck! Having a goal in mind (such as a particular race) is great because you have something to work toward. I ditto the C25K, if you have a smartphone it's super easy. I could hardly run for 60-90 seconds at the beginning but at the end I could do at least 35 min w/o stopping. Get yourself to a good shoe store and…
  • Good job! It's always a success just to have that feeling that you accomplished it and finished! I have finished 2 races, and look forward to finding another one - maybe once the summer heat is over!
  • Amazing - you've had some great results. I plan to start doing some weight training - just need the know-how next. :)
  • It's great to have a goal in mind - for example if you want to run the 5K in September than starting/continuing the c25k now would be a great idea. I barely had 8 weeks to fit mine in before my first race, which was a 6K. I still try to run at least twice a week and I think it's given me a much better capacity for cardio…
  • Yep - elementary teacher. Just started MFP this week. Hoping to see some progress before next school year! Feel free to add me (anyone)! :)
  • Looking for new friends as well. Just joined this week. So, feel free to add me (and anyone else, too)! Good luck on your journey.
  • Kim- Congrats on your c25k progress. I started c25k in late February and was glad to just "finish" my first two races - a 6K (late April) and a 5K (last Saturday). Anyway, with all the added running (or jogging, I'm not super fast) 2-3x week I thought I'd be losing as well. But I wasn't at all keeping track of calories,…
  • Wish I saw the post 12 hours ago! Ha ha. I'll give it a try!
  • Hi Jennifer. I'm new this week, too and am hoping to get encouragement from others as well. I know the struggles of being a teacher (in a school of 500 students there's sure to be a kid walking around with b-day cupcakes daily, and many teachers love to bring in their leftover treats, such a struggle for will power).…