In Need of Encouraging Words

Hey guys. Nothing too big here, I am just in some serious need of uplifting words/advice/...anything positive. Besides the fact that TOM is visiting about now, I am just feeling so discouraged these past few days! I have around 11-16 pounds to lose (depending on where the number is when I am in the size I want to be in/feel comfortable) but I have been stuck where I am for the past month or so. It's just one of those things that I'm sure many, many people have gone through...I feel like I'll never get to my goal! Like I'll be stuck here forever.

Any positive, honest, comforting, advice or words of any kind would be awesome!

Thanks you guys....MFP is by far my most helpful counselor through this weight loss journey.

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  • swbabe33
    swbabe33 Posts: 21 Member
    You are right, you will make it. I know it is hard, but anything worth having is. Applaud yourself for where you are and hold onto that. Soon, the rest of the weight will start coming off. You have done a lot, and you can do the rest as well. I'm sitting here clapping and encouraging you.
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    @ swbabe33--thank you so much! you're very sweet and you did make me feel a bit better :D I'm trying so hard to not lose these last pounds with some kind of assistance (like hcg injections or something). I really want to do this all on my own like I have been it normal for me to be thinking of doing things like injections and supplements because im so frustrated that my body is holding on to these last pounds???
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    Whoa nelly...I'm in same boat...10ish stubborn *kitten* pounds I can't shake...but you've put so much effort into getting healthy, stay that way...don't fall for quick (temporary) fixes..keep ontrack and we'll both get there!!
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    You're right...there's no way I'd be able to do the injections. I honestly feel like it would take away any sense of being proud of myself because its like taking a short cut after I've come this far. My frustration is just so high with this! I know I need to be patient, its just got me kinda down. Blah! Dang negitive feelings!...I don't like em.
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    and honestly....if it was as easy as getting a shot...wouldn't everyone do it??? not a believer in any kinda quick fix...betting its temporary at best...harmful at worst..?? I don't know enough to say I guess...
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    @ swbabe33--thank you so much! you're very sweet and you did make me feel a bit better :D I'm trying so hard to not lose these last pounds with some kind of assistance (like hcg injections or something). I really want to do this all on my own like I have been it normal for me to be thinking of doing things like injections and supplements because im so frustrated that my body is holding on to these last pounds???

    It's totally normal to think about extreme measures when you're feeling desperate! But most extreme measures fail at some point and most people gain all and more of the weight back. The pot is not worth the ante!

    Have you recalculated what you should be eating (calories)? Or changed your exercise up? Or just change the food you're eating? Our bodies get in a rut so it's important to change things up every now and then. My trainer says the last 10-20 pounds are the hardest. She also suggests really watching the fat intake when you have that little to lose.

    You CAN do this! You've come a long way on your own so there's no reason you can't finish on your own. GO! GO! GO!
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    Thank you guys for getting my head back to its real ways of thinking. I really WANT to do this on my own...I don't know why I even talked about getting hcg injections...I don't need them. Are these last 15 or so pounds going to be hard to get off? Yes. But with some tweaks in diet and exercise I can and will get them off! I have a feeling the support of you guys will be a HUGE part in getting me to my goal, as well:)
  • jlynneh91
    jlynneh91 Posts: 15
    I lost quite a bit of weight in the past and I agree the last handful of pounds are somehow really stubborn! Now I'm back not just for a quick fix this time but for a change!

    But look at your progress so far - you should be proud of yourself! We all have those days where we look to quick fixes or things that can just make us feel better, or so we hope. TOM doesn't help, I know! But surrounding yourself with uplifting people, getting out an exercising, reading a new book, trying a new food, anything to change it up will help. Just set one new goal for this week to try and see if that doesn't help.

    You can do this! :) I was feeling very similar things a few weeks ago and it seemed everywhere I looked there was a new ad for a great pill to try or a good program for only $$ per month, but I somehow happened to stumble upon this site and have been checking in every day for 14 days now. I couldn't be happier and have met some awesome new online friends that can't even imagine how much they have encouraged me. :)
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    I lost quite a bit of weight in the past and I agree the last handful of pounds are somehow really stubborn! Now I'm back not just for a quick fix this time but for a change!

    But look at your progress so far - you should be proud of yourself! We all have those days where we look to quick fixes or things that can just make us feel better, or so we hope. TOM doesn't help, I know! But surrounding yourself with uplifting people, getting out an exercising, reading a new book, trying a new food, anything to change it up will help. Just set one new goal for this week to try and see if that doesn't help.

    You can do this! :) I was feeling very similar things a few weeks ago and it seemed everywhere I looked there was a new ad for a great pill to try or a good program for only $$ per month, but I somehow happened to stumble upon this site and have been checking in every day for 14 days now. I couldn't be happier and have met some awesome new online friends that can't even imagine how much they have encouraged me. :)

    Thank you! I will definitely be changing some things up...a little in my workouts, a little in my eating and a LOT in my attitude. I have had a very positive attitude and outlook throughout this process but this month is by far the worst. Maybe because I switch bc pills?? I don't know, but I know I don't like it. I've been eating like crazy and feeling more down than ever about these last 15 or so pounds. You guys always help a lot, though:) So I'm back to it and with plenty of strength! Thank you for reminding me to set a small seemed easier to set smaller goals when I knew I had 37 pounds to lose, but that went away for some reason as my # needing to lose got smaller. So, for this week I will set one small goal, and the next and the next until I reach my goal.

  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member

    Have you recalculated what you should be eating (calories)? Or changed your exercise up? Or just change the food you're eating? Our bodies get in a rut so it's important to change things up every now and then. My trainer says the last 10-20 pounds are the hardest. She also suggests really watching the fat intake when you have that little to lose.

    Really good points. I've spend the past month hovering in the same spot and I've had to give myself a bit of a reality check. I'm not as active as I like to think I am and my body doesn't need as many calories as I'd like shovel into it. If I want to keep losing I have to be realistic and adjust the numbers and activity level. So I'm going to eat less and move more than I have been and keep adjusting until I find what works. Don't give up. Just tweak your plan a little so you'll keep getting results.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Now might be the time to hide the scale. You will know when you have lost inches or pounds. At this point it's just going to drive you crazy so focus on doing the things you have done so far to be successful and maybe increase your activity a smidge and decrease calories by a very tiny smidge like 100 a day. And in a couple of months weigh yourself. You might only be a pound or two down, but I bet in those two months you lose some inches and clothes fit different. It's not like you are going back to your old ways anyway so it could be time to cut the emotional ties to your scale and focus now on NSVs.