

  • Sounds like your metabolism is kicking in. That's a good thing. Why don't you plan on eating small meals all day long instead of the keeping the old mindset of 3 squares a day? It might work better for you to split all your meals in half. Don't feel guilty, this could work in your favor.
  • I was at a BBQ place in Dallas a few years ago with my brother. This weathered, old lady worked there and she was trying to explain the menu to a newbie. She told him "We gots french fries, cole slaw and onion rings. Dems da veg-ables." I looked at my brother and said "Until just now I've never thought of onion rings as a…
  • We played dominoes by candlelight. We actually stayed in the dark an extra 1/2 hour. It was really peaceful. :happy:
  • Coffee with powdered creamer 1 Special K Waffle 1 Tblsp Peanut Butter
  • You could always go for a walk after you eat. :wink:
  • If you were her, would you ever go to sleep?
  • That's a great article, but honestly, if I could pre-package 100 calorie snacks I wouldn't be as fat as I am right now. It's not about cost, it's the convenience, for me. I can track 1 90 calorie bag of Quaker Mini Delights without a second thought and as an added bonus....they taste like chocolate chip cookies. It's a…
  • I didn't see where you indicated you only wanted to eat foods low on the nutritional scale. So, I say eat what you want within reason. The way it works for me is this: if I eat a lot of poor choices, even if it's within my calorie range, at some point I just start to crave healthier food. It's really been liberating to me…
  • Austin, Texas HOOK'EM HORNS!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
    in SO Comment by lesliemassage March 2008
  • :flowerforyou: Good for you!! I made it, too. This whole "eating consciously" thing really works.
  • I used that spray on salad dressing as a marinade for some pork loin chops and it worked great. I think I used the red wine vinegar flavor. It doesn't add any calories, either.
  • I'm trying to lose 70 lbs. I went through the cancer thing, too. Here's a revelation....I always pictured cancer patients as skinny, baldheaded people....what a shock when I realized I was gaining weight by the day. Dang those steroids. I went from a size 16 to a 22 and it is very depressing. But, that was 10 years ago and…
  • I find that massage really helps speed up the healing process. It's not fun at first, but afterwards you'll feel a lot of relief. Try putting Biofreeze or Tiger Balm on them. That should help with the discomfort.
  • Have you calculated how many calories you're burning with exercise? It sounds to me like you can afford to eat a lot more than you are right now. 55 lbs in 3 months is huge. Calculate how many calories your burning and then add that many back into your daily calorie allotment.
  • I know a girl who tried it for 3 months. She said the same thing and that you really don't want to sneeze while you on it. :sick:
  • All right Julie!!! I want details. I'm Leslie, I'm 51 and 1/2. I've only been on MFP for a couple weeks now, but I really love it. I'm getting more motivated by the day. My age related problem is that the mind's willing but the body won't. I'd love to do a 2 hour workout, but in my condition that's just unrealistic. I have…
  • Have you tried the Quaker 90 calorie bags of mini-rice cakes? The chocolatey drizzle ones taste just like chocolate chip cookies. They are the bomb. :tongue:
  • I'm guessing that you didn't gain this extra weight in 5 days.....you won't lose it in 5 days, either. STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE!!:bigsmile: It sounds like you're doing everything the way you should....drink extra water and keep on going. It's really just math, not magic. Good luck. Keep your chin up.
  • Wow! What an inspiration! (I do the same thing with my jeans) :blushing:
  • Best of luck to both you and your family. Please keep a positive outlook. In 1998 I was diagnosed with a very rare form of ovarian cancer. My doctor had only seen it in med school in a book and there wasn't thought to be a way to cure it. Well, it will be 10 years in April and I haven't had a set back in all that time.…
  • Thanks! That's what I thought, but I wanted to verify it.
  • I have not researched this at all, it just came to me as I was reading some other posts....does metabolism have a number? Let me explain....can your doctor do a blood test (or whatever test) and tell you what your metabolism "number" is? I've heard people say that their doctor told them they have a slow metabolism, but how…
  • Okay, I filled mine out, too. :wink:
  • I don't know if I'm a "common" people or not. I like to think of myself as un"common". :tongue:
  • My name is Leslie and I actually started here about 2 weeks ago. So far I've lost 5 lbs. I love this site.:flowerforyou:
  • Not to be too personal, but does it cause you to have more gas than normal? :embarassed: I've also been curious about trying it.
  • Try the skinny lattes. They have 1/2 the calories of the one you drank. :drinker: