am i the only one who needs to lose over 100 pounds?

KathyR Posts: 67 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
Is there anyone else out there who needs to lose ALOT of weight? cause im seeing pictures and not seeing many bigger people. I used to be a size 20/22 jeans in january 2004, then stage 3 breast cancer hit me, i had surgery and then went though 4 months of agressive chemo, where i was very ill and was in bed most the time between the chemo and was on alot of steroids. then went through the radiation for 2 months everyday. when i finally was out of bed and back on my feet in september i was a whopping jean size 28. I have not been able to get rid of the weight. Had back surgery 15 months ago and now am back to my self again. I am trying hard but its depressing going from a 22 to a 28. Is there any hope for me?


  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    Is there anyone else out there who needs to lose ALOT of weight? cause im seeing pictures and not seeing many bigger people. I used to be a size 20/22 jeans in january 2004, then stage 3 breast cancer hit me, i had surgery and then went though 4 months of agressive chemo, where i was very ill and was in bed most the time between the chemo and was on alot of steroids. then went through the radiation for 2 months everyday. when i finally was out of bed and back on my feet in september i was a whopping jean size 28. I have not been able to get rid of the weight. Had back surgery 15 months ago and now am back to my self again. I am trying hard but its depressing going from a 22 to a 28. Is there any hope for me?
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    I have close to 100 to lose (about 65). It may as well be 100 lbs though, b/c I 've been trying for soooo long. I will ay though, that MANY people on this site have lost SIGNIFICANT amounts of weight, so you can to. Also, if you can beat cancer, you can certainly do this ! God bless!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Hi, I'm not trying to lose over 100, but still a bunch, my goal right now is 59 lbs that will put me at about 150 lbs. Once I'm there I may try for more. BUT I have seen lots of profiles on here of people trying to lose up to 200 lbs. There is a wide range of people on here, but we all have something in common :)
  • I'm trying to lose 70 lbs. I went through the cancer thing, too. Here's a revelation....I always pictured cancer patients as skinny, baldheaded people....what a shock when I realized I was gaining weight by the day. Dang those steroids. I went from a size 16 to a 22 and it is very depressing.

    But, that was 10 years ago and it's time to do something about it.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey there. Look no further! You have found your inspiration! (Not to toot my own horn or anything!)

    BUT, I started in September at 270 lbs, as of this past Thursday, I was down to 199. My goal weight is 135, which means by the end I will have lost 135 lbs! Crazy!! But, I am down 71 of those pounds and have another 64 to lose.

    Just start, take it a week at at time. Focus around 1550-1600 calories a day, maybe a little more, watch your portions, measure EVERYTHING, drink tons of water and exercise when you can and it will happen. Those small, healthy losses will add up QUICK! I should know! When I started in September, it was so daunting to think of even getting below 200!! But, I did it. I just started thinking about food differently. I look at it as fuel for my body and something to contribute to my overall health, not take away from it.

    Let me know if you need anything!!! But, it IS possible. I am sure of that now.

  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    I thought the same thing, told myself , well if i get anything outa this cancer it will be skinny, but i was putting on the weight like mad, even though i was hardly eating. Some even say to me now , you had cancer? I thought you lost weight during cancer, not gained like that. I feel i have to explain my obesity to everyone who looks at me wrong cause im so big.
  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    Tami, that gives me some hope , thank you for your story. And everyone , thank you for your suport and hope also, I cant talk to anyone around me cause they have no idea how much i hurt right now cause im so fat. So this helps alot, thanks again
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    OK, I was a sixe 22 and pushing 300 around 2002....
    Then I went to 218 by 2004
    Then I went to 198 by 2005
    Then 240 2006
    Then I stayed the same until 2007

    In May 2007 I went from 238 and by Dec 07 200.

    Now I am 215

    So No, you aren't the only one who wants to loose 100 or maybe a little less.

    But now I have control!!!!
  • Rachael2179
    Rachael2179 Posts: 148 Member
    You are not the only one that has to lose alot. I have almost 100 pounds to go. :happy:
  • icupfunny2000
    icupfunny2000 Posts: 470 Member
    No your definately not the only one!!! there are lots of us on here that need to lose a lot of weight!!!! i still want to lose 106 and i have already lost 26 since january. so in total when i started eating healthy and working out i needed to lose a whopping 132 pounds!!!!! I am well on my way and you can do this too!!!! i know you can!!!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Your not alone alot of us have been down that route.... here goes

    I was 210 size 20 in 2005
    Size 16/18 in 2006-2007
    size 14/15 2008 right now at 165 lbs.

    So you see if you put your mind to it I know you can do it. I am sure you will get alot of stories like this. Good luck and stick with it.
  • SuniBC
    SuniBC Posts: 92
    Hi Kathy...

    I too need to lose more than 100 lbs. I just started last weight is 280 and put down my goal as 180....which probably is still too heavy.....but I will be satisfied if I can achieve that. Maybe I'll change my goal when I get there...maybe not.

    I know with the motivation, encouragement, and tips from this site, it will be easier than trying to do it all on my own.

    We'll do it together!!!
    Chin up! :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I have been there as well I was 285 in 2005 lost 65 pounds and kept it off until last year I started to gain after having my foot worked on. Now I am 215 and have 65 lbs to go. This time I am taking all of it off. So I can be around for my family.
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    For someone that has battled cancer the way you have and back surgery, I believe there is great hope for you. You are a fighter with a great future ahead of you. :flowerforyou: The picture I have on here is where I had lost 50 pounds last year. I was nearly 300 pounds and went to 245 But that was the way I use to diet, and over the winter I went back up to 273 lbs. I started with MFP 4 weeks ago learning to eat the right way and am now 258 lbs. Instead of just dieting this time, this is a new way of life for me now. You have come to the right place for support and learning a healthier way of life. :drinker: :heart: The picture I have holding one of my cats is where I weighed around 298 pounds.
  • KathyR
    KathyR Posts: 67 Member
    You have all given me hope that it is possible. I weight 292 at this time. I am seting small goals at a time because i don't want to be over welmed. i really would like to be 280 by the first week in June. I think this is a realistic goal but not sure if it can be done. But i am trying. You all are an inspiration to me after seeing all that you guys have gone through to get to the point your at now. I think this site is one of the best ive seen and you all seam careing and very helpfull
  • No, you aren't. I have 120lbs to lose, probably should lose more but it will make be happy to be 150 again and in “normal” sizes. When I started I was 273, 2 weeks ago and have lost 5lbs so far, not much, but it’s something.

    I just adjusted my food calorie intake by changing my weight loss goals to 1lb/week instead of 2 thanks to some posts (the people here are wonderful:happy: ) that said we should eat at least our BMR each day. Make sure you check yours. Mine is 1832, and the calorie counter for loggimg in had me at 1340, which is way below. Now it’s set at 1790. I log every thing I eat as well as every activity, which isn’t much having the back problems I do.

    Some websites I use for the activity logging are: ,

    I like the ones that allow me to enter my weight because someone who only weighs 140lbs doesn’t burn as many calories as I at the same activities. Some of them also include shopping, sitting and playing with children and standing. That way I don’t eat too few calories for my activity, though it is minimal. Most of my weight gain began when I was starving myself, then was sent to a nutritionist that had me eating but not with very good tools to log and watch my calories, so my stomach capacity got larger, but my food choices were poor. This site is the best thing that’s every happened to me! I can’t afford those programs that charge for each meeting and/ or food or have you counting points….I cook a lot of my food and they don’t come with “point values”. I’ve gotten some great recipes and a website for more recipes:
    that has “normal” foods that my son will eat. (sorry I don't know how to make these clickable links, you'll have to cut and paste them)

    Keep coming back and I’m sure the help and support of the members:heart: will be a great encouragement. We aren’t alone anymore!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I don't have to lose 100 but I do have to lose 62. does that count. I have lost 10 lbs. on MFP. It has been about 15 years of trying to loose it. It is time.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, I hope there's hope for you, because that would mean there's hope for me! I'm looking to lose 175lbs. I'm also a jean size 28. I try not to think about it too much, because it seems like an impossible mountain to climb, but I'm doing it one bite at a time. I'm lucky because I am fairly active, I spend alot of time with my horses, mucking, riding, training my little one and keeping fences standing! Not to mention throwing around those 75lb. bales of hay; great strength training!

    When I get discouraged, I think about how much more I'll be able to accomplish when I shed this monkey, how my feet and knees won't hurt all the time, how I'll be able to do stuff without getting winded, how I'm going to be the first person to ride my now 2 year old filly next spring.

    I've noticed too that there don't seem to be many people trying to lose what I have to. So I'm glad you spoke up. We can do it!

  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    No obstacle is impossible. Work hard! Play Hard! Stay positive :wink:

    Starting weight 255 (June 2007)
    Current weight 194
    44 pounds to go
  • commonsensefitness
    commonsensefitness Posts: 105 Member
    I am also a 100lbs loser wanna be. It is going to be little tough but we are here to support each other. Today is my first day on the site and I really appreciate that it has some great elements to keep track of things and focus on the goal.
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