Metabolism question

I have not researched this at all, it just came to me as I was reading some other posts....does metabolism have a number? Let me explain....can your doctor do a blood test (or whatever test) and tell you what your metabolism "number" is?

I've heard people say that their doctor told them they have a slow metabolism, but how do they know that? Is there a standard for how many calories you should be burning within a certain amount of time? I understand that there are a lot of variables out there, like exercise, etc.

Just curious. :huh:


  • lesliemassage
    I have not researched this at all, it just came to me as I was reading some other posts....does metabolism have a number? Let me explain....can your doctor do a blood test (or whatever test) and tell you what your metabolism "number" is?

    I've heard people say that their doctor told them they have a slow metabolism, but how do they know that? Is there a standard for how many calories you should be burning within a certain amount of time? I understand that there are a lot of variables out there, like exercise, etc.

    Just curious. :huh:
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    This is what I know and I am not a dr. I was just told I have hyopthyroidism. Basically my thyroid doesn't work well. My metabolism is VERY slow! I have been taking B12 because the dr I use to have said I was fine. I started seeing this new Dr and right away she tested me and said something was wrong! The dr didn't tell me a number but there is a blood test they can give you to tell you this. Now I have to go to the hospital on Tuesday for a thyroid ultrasound and an uptake scan. The next day I have to go back again for another scan. Maybe there will be a lucky pill they can give me to lose the weight!

    Hope this helps!

    Have a great day!
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    I wish it were that easy. No, metabolism can not be measured by numbers, per se. Being that it is the rate at which your body burns calories, it varies greatly and fluctuates often. Even if it could be measured, due to its different fluctuations caused by numerous factors, it would not be reliable IMO.
  • AlbertSchwartz
    Isn't metabolism the amount the cals your body burns to just tick over?

    In which case the number would be in cals.

    I blood test could be done to detect a thyroid condition but it won't give you your metabolism.

    My thoughts anyway.


    Damn soupnazi beat me too it :tongue:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member

    Damn soupnazi beat me too it :tongue:

    :laugh: :tongue:
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    You are right thryoid cant tell you your metabolism but doesn't it control or work with your metabolism??? I eat 1000 cal a day and work out everyday for 50 mintues to an hour which gives me around 500 cals. But if my body isnt working right (metabolism is slower that everyone else) than I am not really burning that much there for not losing what I think I should be!

    My dr said that I will most likely be put on a pill that will help my thyroid which will speed up my metabolism and help me not be so fat! It is not a weight loss pill and I have to still eat right and workout but I could see the benifits and not have to work as hard as I am.

    Just my thoughts and what I am dealing with, not medical bible! LOL
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    You can have your BMR measured in a health care facility. I'm not sure how expensive it is, but it involves wearing a mask and holding still while the machine measures something to do with oxygen use. (I'm fuzzy on the details. . . songbyrdsweet? help?)

    I think it's called an "RMR" test, but I'm not sure. There are medical conditions such as thyroid conditions that affect how your body works, too.
  • AlbertSchwartz
    You can have your BMR measured in a health care facility. I'm not sure how expensive it is, but it involves wearing a mask and holding still while the machine measures something to do with oxygen use. (I'm fuzzy on the details. . . songbyrdsweet? help?)

    I think it's called an "RMR" test, but I'm not sure. There are medical conditions such as thyroid conditions that affect how your body works, too.

    WOW, thats an awesome idea, i was thinking maybe something could be derived from the bodies impedance, similar ti the body fat monitors, but yeah of course meassureing the oxygen the body uses, that good,
  • lesliemassage
    Thanks! That's what I thought, but I wanted to verify it.
  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    i too have a thyroid issue. i have hypothyroidism. when you have your blood drawn a normal count for your thyroid should be around 5-6. when i was diagnosed my count was 47. the higher the number the less your thyroid is working. your thyroid is in your neck and controls alot about your body, temperature, sweating, metabolism, being a few. if your count is high weight loss is very difficult. even with meds weight loss can be difficult. this is due to the body using synthetic homones. while they will help to control the numbers your body will still react differently than if it were natural hormone. this disease is actually an auto immune disease called hoshimotos disease. basically the name of the doctor who discovered it. what happens is your body attacks your thyroid hormone as if it were foreign and takes it out, this is why we need meds. i have had difficulty finding the right dosage. ive had this for 5 years and just recently have it under control. if your under medicated you will still feel tired and slugish, if your overmedicated you might think this could be good to help lose weight but it is not true. when i was over medicated i thought i was having a heart attack. my chest had sharp pains and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. not fun. stay very in touch with your doctor. i can say my meds have been good since dec and ive dropped 36 pounds. good luck to you.
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    You are right thryoid cant tell you your metabolism but doesn't it control or work with your metabolism??? I eat 1000 cal a day and work out everyday for 50 mintues to an hour which gives me around 500 cals. But if my body isnt working right (metabolism is slower that everyone else) than I am not really burning that much there for not losing what I think I should be!

    My dr said that I will most likely be put on a pill that will help my thyroid which will speed up my metabolism and help me not be so fat! It is not a weight loss pill and I have to still eat right and workout but I could see the benifits and not have to work as hard as I am.

    Just my thoughts and what I am dealing with, not medical bible! LOL

    Yes - thyroid is one of the things that will stop your metabolism from working and make it very slow. Other things can effect it too, but if you have hypothyroidism it will essentially come to a grinding halt. The chemicals the thyroid produces tell your body to change food to energy, without them the food basically goes straight to fat. I have it also - my tsh level 187.5. :noway: Make sure your doc listens to you and treats you - some are real a-holes about it. If your tsh levels aren't low enough you won't lose weight no matter what. But when your doc listens to you and adjusts your meds appropriately you will be fine. Its a little harder to lose weight now, but it does come off. Take care of yourself!!