Cindy68164 Member


  • Try "Blue Moon" fitness centers. They are contract.
  • Hair dosen't matter in the long run, but if your going bald, shave it. Leave some stubble. If you have hair, keep it short. Don't try to hide what isn't there. That's like women padding thier bra's ....eventually your gonna find out. The only perference to hair I like is facial mustache or beard, but LOVE the…
  • :cry: :sad: Ditto....:sad:
  • I would love to snuggle up with someone, but also love having the whole bed to myself. I would love to cook and have someone eles clean, or vice versa, but also love having what ever I want, when I want it. I would love to share the couch with someone, but I also LOVE having complete control of the reomote. I would love to…
  • Omaha, Ne
  • Guys are *kitten* in general. They say they don't like "games", yet are attracted to the girls that play them. You responded with interest, so you are no longer interesting to him. Ignore him and he will be a puppy by your side.
  • I sucks. Have you increased your water intake with the addition to your exercise? Instead of a "bad" meal....try something that seems bad but isn' fat free frozen yougurt with naughty toppings. That way you feel rewarded without undoing all your hard work.
  • She shouldn't be so naive...naturally skinny people aren't excluded from things like high cholestrol, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, high blood pressure, diebetes....etc... Diet by defination is a lifestyle choice. Her diet is just different from ours, that's all.
  • Some dummies just are natural sabotours without realizing it. Freinds, family, co-workers, complete and utter STRANGERS! Being on a "diet" is like being pregnant....everyone thinks they can put thier two cents in and rub your tummy! Ignore them....offer her your old clothes when they get too big for you....that'll shut her…
  • I stay off my scale. I don't think it's truthfull anyways....I can take 3 readings and they are all different (sometimes). I wait for my official weigh in at the clinic. Anything else is just stressfull. I've seen big improvements in my clothes fitting and how my body responds to everyday activities ie: bending over to…
  • I hear that! I just posted a topic and blog titled: Different meals for me and my daughter. Healthy alternatives can also be expensive. Check out your grocer's "organic" section. HyVee is great about that.
  • Make sure at the office you are drinking a lot of water. That's the most often overlooked or avoided thing. I know it sucks to have to go to the restroom all the time, but it will keep your cravings down and the little exercise to the restroom will get you up and moving. Snack on high density potein packed items like nuts…
  • Mine changed a little too. I need to drink more water, definately. I was thinking mine came from the vitamins the weight loss center has me taking. Could be the higher protein intake too. I don't really know... but your not alone!
  • I know exactly what your talking about. I don't recognize the sign for hunger or thirst until it's too late and then go overboard....usually with the wrong kinds of foods because, well, theyre faster and you get instant gradification. Using a child's size plate won't work for me. I don't have that brain-type. I have to…
  • I'm Cindy. I have lived in Omaha my entire life, except for a year that I lived in Blair for work. But I'm back where I belong! I had mainly been in the industrial field of work, which has those long weird work hours, but after becoming a single mother, I needed more "banker" hours. So, I quit my great job, moved us back…
  • I am working with Physician's Weight Loss Center and I am on the FAST 800. That's 800 calories a day. 80grams of protein. Try and get your protein up and it will keep you fuller and burn fat and then you won't even miss the carbs! Feel the need to eat something crunchy? Try the Quaker Oats rice cake the fat,…