

  • yes, I've been on Metformin for years. Hoping to lose enough weight to sdtart IVF again this year. Have to get BMI to 32.
  • I stop eating 5 - 6pm but I don't now that it matters. I can get uncomfortable if I go to bed full.
  • I was just thinking about this earlier. I get worried that I won't fit into things when I try new activities. Like Rock Climbing - I was fearful that they wouldn't have a harness big enough. Or skiing with friends, I was concerned that they wouldn't have a life jacket big enough. Or getting on a plane,I'm worried that I'll…
  • I looked at buying LSA the other day and it was really expensive so I didn't. I bought Quinoa even though that was pricey too. I like tempeh but not a fan of tofu although I may give the marinated version a go as you suggest. So I lost a kilo from yesterday which is a break through although hard to keep off now. What did I…
  • I've added eggs, now my protein has gone from under to over!
  • My specialist told me my body is always in starvation mode because the insulin resistance means sugars aren't processed and are turned to fat quickly. He also told me to stay hungry; he said if I didn't feel hungry I am not losing weight. He recommened 1000 calories but that is hard. I don't actually eat many processed…
  • Thanks, I realised yesterday that I should probably have protein with my food. I was trying to include grains as my carbs were low so you think I shouldn't eat too many. I only have brown rice 1/3 cup size when cooked. Last night I just had a large spoonful. I eat tons of veges but don't like meat. last night I ate lamb,…
  • Actually I don't lack vegetables at all. In fact I eat probably too much fruit and vege, it's meat that I don't eat. This last week I've been trying to add protein from eggs and meat. I have salad with everything (it is summer here) and I'm on holidays so catching up with friends and subway is a better choice with my beer…
  • Someone just gave me this interesting link.
  • Thanks for that. It was very infomative and described me perfectly. I must laugh though, I calculated my calories using weight in kilograms and thought I should be eating 600! They actually calculated it in pounds and I should be eating just a little over what I eat now. I have an easy GI diet book so I will give that a go…
  • So Charli, are you managing to lose weight even though you go over the fruit limit? I'm just not shiftng the weight!
  • My specialist told me that in order to lose weight I should always feel hungry. On higher calorie eating plans I gain weight easily. on 1200 I am at a plateau. i just think that what I eat is incorrect.
  • I have PCOS so what is commenly referred to as "starvation mode" does not apply to me as my body is always in starvation mode no matter what I eat. it is part of the symptons of PCOS and is why it makes losing weight difficult.
  • Wow. OK. I'm just as confused as I was when I posted this. However, my friend just dropped her daughter off and she is diabetic and says she cannot eat watermelon or oranges as it sends her blood sugar through the roof and sugar is sugar and in any form it affects her diabeties. I'm wondering, if it is possible that I eat…
  • I disagree. they suggested I ate 1370 and that is way too much for me to lose weight. I had to adjust to 1200 which is more practical.
  • Didn't read all the replies so sorry if this has been suggested but do you listen to Hillsong?
  • {Peanut butter is extremely calorie dense. No one who is watch their weight should eat that rubbish. It may taste great but fat fat fat.
  • I'm in Australia. What is Romaine lettuce?? I don't think we have it here but maybe something similar..
  • This is really fast to make and only 173 calories per serve Super Speedy Spicey Pea Soup Ingredients: 500g frozen peas small red onion finely diced 1 clove garlic crushed 1 chili hot as you like finely sliced 1 tomato diced Spray oil for pot Cayenne Pepper for garnish Directions: Boil the kettle Spray a little oil in pot…
  • Congrats Ammp. Wow how exciting is that? I hope when I drop off a few more kilo's I'll get pregnant yoo but like you I am prone to miscarriage. I'll pray for you! BTW: Nevermind the bloodtests, they can tell you have PCOS when they look at your ovaries with the ultrasound.
  • Don't you worry about them. Keep up the good work! x They probably don't realise they are eating insects with every red food dye consumed because red dyes are usually not plant but insect for colouring. Vegan beware: never eat a smartie again!
  • I'm in Forest Lakes if there are any morning walkers among you!
  • You are so right Savanna about the drinking calories. I am always amazed to watch people drink coke and stuff. That's the calories equivalent to a meal in a can. My tip, is that I like tea and make myself a ginger and lemongrass tea in a 2L jug and put in fridge. Sometimes I add chilli too. So refreshing iced tea all day.…
  • I have it too. The worst thing is the acne for me and the weight. Struggled to lose 18kg but now have a period again. I'm 34 next month, have been trying to have a baby for years, IVF has given me the most awful pigmentation on my skin which you can see in the photo. Incidentally, I didn't know there was anything wrong…
  • I think you are confusing PCOS with ovarian cysts. PCOS is the production of immature follicules which don't develop into eggs so when you ovulate you actually don't ovulate, making periods irregular or like me, non existant. Ovarian cysts however, can grow really big and often need removal. Not the same thing however.
  • There is a new generation metformin available. Slow release, not the same side effects, maybe you could give that a go.
  • I didn't eat meat from the age of twelve until recently (I'm 33) and I'm not a big fan now. Can't see the point to replacement products myself as I don't like the taste of meat so wouldn't eat them. Oh, and I'm leather bag and shoes all the way kind of girl. So if you aren't a fanatic and just want to cut out meat for the…
  • I just can't get my tempeh to taste right. Can you share your recipe with me please? Faye
  • I have a POLAR FT and FT4. Lots of my exercise buddies have one too. They just all look like a sports watch. Boring but functional.