Sugar in fruit



  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    hehehe well said!!!! I dont worry about the suga rmuch either, since mine is almost always fruit...I watch where my sigar comes from.....hahah love the apples making you fat comment!

  • RamNemesis
    RamNemesis Posts: 5 Member
    One word to end the topic.
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    Whatever..I'm NOT going to stop eating a few pieces of fruit a day...
    Give me a break, they are the most natural things we eat!
    Get them organic and enjoy them.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    OMG!!! I ate one too many cherries today. :laugh:
  • Wow. OK. I'm just as confused as I was when I posted this.

    However, my friend just dropped her daughter off and she is diabetic and says she cannot eat watermelon or oranges as it sends her blood sugar through the roof and sugar is sugar and in any form it affects her diabeties.

    I'm wondering, if it is possible that I eat too many fruits and veges and not enough other stuff?? Veges also seem to have lots of sugar, at least the ones I eat do!

    A dietician told me not to eat anything with more than 10g of fat per 100g and I concentrate on this. I have not taken sugar into account before. Does anyone know what sugar content I should look out for. I'm thinking 3g of sugar per 100g.

    I'm trying really hard and I thought I had a grip on nutrition but apparently I really don't. I'm getting mixed information and every book and every person gives a different story. I have heard that foods work differently on different people so no one eating plan will fix all.

    Incidentally, last year I went on strict eating plan (1200 cal) and exercised daily for 12 weeks. I became fit enough to complete a triathlon (albeit really slowly) but I only lost 3kg. I just can't understand why?
  • Ok first off..... fruits should be eaten for their nutritional benefits of vitamins IF THEY ARE EATEN AT ALL. Honestly, they aren't that great of a food group. Welcome to America where we have been using the wrong food pyramid for the last 50 years. Second off there's a lot of chemical misinformation here but I'm not even going to delve into that. (I am a chemist)

    Fructose is a simple sugar that goes through a few enzymes before being use. It's still a carb, just like any other. I'd say the rate of absorption is somewhere in the 30 minutes - 1 hour range for juices. Sucrose is a disaccharide of fructose and glucose... but the stomach can hydrolyze the alpha linkage which ends up yielding glucose and fructose very early in the cycle. And obviously yielding both a quick glucose spike and a little longer one due to the fructose once it hits the liver.

    The caveat - too much fructose impeeds liver processing.

    Moral of the story- Are fruits bad? Nah, probably not. Don't eat too many and only do it if you really like the vitamins. Are they 'special' or 'exempt'? Hell no. I don't touch the things. I'd rather spend my calories making sure I get enough proteins and fat to keep anabolic repair of muscle going and proper hormone balances - carbs are the last thing on my mind ANYTIME except right before a workout.
  • This is the way i see it,

    Fruit is good for you because of the minerals and vitamins it provides, yes it is high in sugar, but we still should get our 5 a day,

    i try and eat 3 veg, 2 fruit a day, and my sugar target is always over what MFP says it should be, but if you check GDA its more like 90g daily.

    I figure if i stick below 60g sugar a day, i'm getting my fruit intake i need, and still winning!

    good luck x
  • This is the way i see it,

    Fruit is good for you because of the minerals and vitamins it provides, yes it is high in sugar, but we still should get our 5 a day,

    i try and eat 3 veg, 2 fruit a day, and my sugar target is always over what MFP says it should be, but if you check GDA its more like 90g daily.

    I figure if i stick below 60g sugar a day, i'm getting my fruit intake i need, and still winning!

    good luck x

    So Charli, are you managing to lose weight even though you go over the fruit limit? I'm just not shiftng the weight!
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