gemlynch Member


  • I don't like to concider myself a friend collector (I don't have many) but I don't comment on much. Some people are shy or self conscious... yes, even on the internet.
  • hahaha, awesome!
  • well let's just start with the most recent..... anniversary present.... a laundry basket and measuring spoons, sure, there was also chocolate and flowers but come on.... when i said "how did you think of these presents, they are so random" he got defensive and said he had thought hard about what he should get. that's not…
  • i like white sunglasses.....
  • oh god. crocks. men in skinny jeans. pants that drag on the floor and have pieces hanging from them. girls that wear halter dresses with bra straps, we know they don't belong to the dress. anytime your bra straps or backing do not line up with your shirt you need to find another bra. my old boss wore black pants with black…
  • I make a scramble/omlette thing (almost an omlette :)) I melt one slice of pepper jack and serve over fresh spinach and cover with a diced tomato. salt and pepper. awesome.
  • All good suggestions thanks!!! Didn't even thing of a hrm, good idea!
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)…
  • So glad you asked!!!..... Medium rare London Broil :) Spinach Red Onion Avocado Strawberries Creamy Balsalmic So bomb!!!
  • you are not supposed to job on the Treadclimber. It isn't designed for it and you could really hurt yourself if you stepped on the middle (the part that doesn't move). Also, it may not be good for your machine. It's designed for low impact.
  • I use a Treadclimber also. I do love it but one of my treadies feels like it drops lower than the other, which really irritates me. I should call the company again but their wait time is absured and I don't really expect them to tell me anything useful. Does yours do this?? It could just be me (making it up)..... don't…
  • I'm sick too, been sick for like 4 days now. When I first didn't feel good I looked around MFP and what I found was that if your illness is above the neck it's okay to workout. This is mostly what I found, others felt differently but...... anyway, I worked out and it made me feel sooooooo much better. It was easier to take…
  • I'm also a SAHM of a 6 month old girl. I just turned 30 in December and I'm ready to be thin again!!! I love this site and hope you do too!
  • Thanks everyone! Once I went back and recalculated my goals it made perfect sense. I hadn't realized everyone was given a 1200 calorie goal. Makes perfect sense. Thanks!
  • I put mine in a aluminum foil pouch with kalamata olives, red onion, and cherry tomatoes. Then I bake for 20 min (I think) at 350, salmon will flake apart when done. I'm actually on my way out to grab this exact meal at the grocery store :)