

  • Hiya, Ashvegas here, feel free to add me too - there's a few of us Southern chicks here....
  • Yup, I'm in Ashburton, and guess what, we know eachother from TradeMe LOL :o) We've done a few trades a while back (I'm pungagrove) Great to catch up again! Monica
  • Hi Cheri, thanks for being so candid and honest about what has created the You of today. I think you are spot on about chips and fast foods being addictive, I've been there myself and have now gotten myself to a stage where I can resist them on an everyday basis, and just allow myself to indulge on the odd social occasion.…
  • Pretty addictive that stuff, I know how you are feeling because I've been there too. It does pass, the longer you go without the easier it gets. Take it one day at a time, find a safe substitute and most of all, congratulate yourself everyday for not caving in. Good luck xx
  • Did you get the photo log idea from The 4 Hour Body? Tim Ferriss recommends that strategy.....will you keep the log going?
  • If the diary isn't public, then I don't comment on the "under calorie goal" bit. Even if the diary is visible, but I think the person has made poor choices, I don't endorse that or comment either.
  • You're hungry because whatever u are eating, it's not enough. My suggestion (I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist BTW) is to increase your protein intake to at least 30g per meal. This will help you build more muscle, which in turn will burn more fat. It will change the ratio, which is what you are trying to achieve and you…
  • OMG. What the heck do you say to that??? I would have been mortified. Good on you for holding it together, that's a once in a lifetime experience. LMAO thanks for sharing xx
  • I use the Sport Food Company protein shake powder - It's inexpensive, has all the necessary ingredients, low in sugar compared to others. I buy only the plain vanilla flavour, mix it with lite soy milk and some extra water, throw in some psyllium husk powder (for my cholesterol) and add a teaspoon of flavouring essence,…
  • Welcome :flowerforyou: loving your commitment - you SO can do this!
  • just to add to this, carbs are addictive, so you are probably going to feel the effects of withdrawal for the first couple of days. I had to wean myself off them too, and found that by increasing my protein intake I was able to stave off hunger and keep my willpower strong. Don't try and look to far ahead, focus on getting…
  • Simplest changes you can make straight away is to start incorporating more fruit and veges into your family's menu, substituting refined carbs for complex ones and gradually reduce the overall total carbs over time. DON"T try and make huge changes from Day 1, especially not for your family or you will get much less of a…
  • welcome! :flowerforyou: You're never alone at MFP - this community is full of caring kind funny people supporting and being supported. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can do this together!
  • Hiya, sent you a friend request - we're on the same path I have a similar problem, my menfolk are big carb eaters so I have to make sure I plan carefully in preparing meals. One trick I found is to prepare and eat my own low-carb meal before I start on preparing theirs...... means I'm not picking as I go because I'm not…
  • Same thing happens to me if I eat it on an empty stomach - power gutcramps for ages afterwards and indigestion like crazy. Try to avoid having it for that reason alone. I've not been diagnosed with coeliacs or gluten/wheat intolerance, but I know from a coeliac friend that you either are or arent, there are no half…
  • Hi Keddabee, welcome to MFP :happy: great to have you on board. Feel free to add me as a friend too :flowerforyou:
  • Wow! Tha't some transformation - I'm truly inspired! You've given me an extra dose of hope that I too can get to the end of my journey and discover the real lean me under the fat disguise. Can't wait till I get there, because I have never met my lean self. That will be something to celebrate..... Well done to you, I'm…
  • You SO can do this! I agree with smoore85 - play around with your calories and nutrients a bit and see how you can fit the temporary soft stuff in - maybe just a smaller portion will do the trick? The main thing is to keep your resolve strong - to get to where you have has taken guts (no pun intended) and willpower. Don't…
  • From what I've read over the last few years, my understanding is that artificial sweeteners can cause damage to brain cells and the neuro-transmitters within and also affect the healthy function of the Pancreas. If my mother's example of lifelong obesity causing diabetes and the subsequent 30 years of artificial sweetener…
  • Totally agree, I try and get 85 - 100g in every single day. Protein is essential for strength and building lean muscle tissue, and the more you have of that the faster you burn fat. It also keeps you feeling satisfied for longer than a meal heavy on carbs, cos it takes a lot longer to digest.
  • Read my lips: IT. DOESN'T. MATTER. The only thing that matters is how you feel about him and he about you - if everything is sweet there, size and shape are TOTALLY irrelevant. Please don't let superficial things like weight and height influence what's going on in the heart. You are a beautiful caring human being with some…
  • nawwwww, that's just so SWeeet - how many brownie points did hubby earn? Sounds like you've had an awesome day :o)
  • macadamia nuts ***sighs longingly****
  • Hey Jesse :o) Welcome to MFP - this is an awesome community, I know you're going to find the support and encouragement you're looking for here. Feel free to add me as an accountability partner/friend. Monica in New Zealand
  • yup, you can lie to your mind but you can't lie to your knows.......
  • Personally I prefer to get my antioxidants etc fresh, which is why i grow my own fruit and veg as much as possible. I'd much rather go cut a fresh lettuce and some tomatoes and pick some cherries or strawberries in my own back yard than go down to the supermarket or healthstore and buy 3 day old produce or a bottle of…
  • Only one word for it - Rockstar. Congrats!
  • That's the Spirit!!! Feck the scales indeed! I'm guilty of jumping on them too often, but I'm still early on in my journey and every little win is a big thrill for me :o) As time goes on I'll be timing my weigh-ins further apart, until I've got it out of my system. Congrats on your NSV, you're doing great!
  • Gosh! that's some transformation! you have every right to be proud of what you've achieved.... Heck, I don't even know you personally and I'm proud for you LOL.Congrats on the new improved You!
  • I use soymilk in my protein shakes at breakfast, gives me a good boost to start my day. Peas I've found to have the highest protein content in vegetables, but there are probably lots of others. I pretty much add frozen peas to everything, for colour, flavour and protein they're had to beat. Eggs are great but go easy on…