barbmpac Member


  • The wonderful thing is, you have a choice today. You can eat them and experience the consequences associated or you can decide to be healthy and treat your body in a loving way. You can set an example for your coworkers by making healthy choices. Ask your co-worker to get them the hell out of your sight. Ask for her…
  • I feel ya. I lived in Seattle and Everett for 16 years but you know what? There is a desert in Washington and though it is little chilly for this time of year, we have SUN. And a few days a year over 100. And the traffic is not so bad! Pitching for the Tri-Cities. Those of us who have had to put up with the wind and dust…
  • Yeno-Thanks for telling my story. Putting it right out there. One thing I know about secrets is they fester until they die in the light of exposure. You do have a gift for writing. It is imperative to stay in today. Not only to have success with eating well but so your spirit fluorishes. When you regret your past or live…
  • So, I am a PA, can I play too? I have been a CNA, cardiac monitor tech, diener and forensic death investigator so I have always worked in the medical field. Currently work in occupational medicine but I'm not that busy yet. I sit at my desk in my office ALOT. The best thing going for me so far is I haven't eaten sugar for…
  • Erin-Run, baby run. He is killing you. I agree with most everything that was said. You are the woman he married. The marriage was NEVER the perfect thing you thought you had. You have accomplished a lot in your life and even IF it were true that he got everything and left you with nothing, you would get YOU back. And…
  • I am from the other side of the mountains in Tri-Cities. barb
  • Hi Kim, I have lost a lot of weight a long time ago. I had a microdiscectomy one year ago today. I gained about 25 or so pounds in the sedentary months after surgery. I started out really big anyway. I am about 348 now. I feared reinjury and acted as fragilely as possible so as not to hurt myself again. But that isn't me.…
  • Mama you can stop right this minute and choose to eat healthy right now. You have that power. No matter what cravings you have you still have power over the situation. One is too many, a thousand never enough?! Best of luck. Barb
  • Have you asked him for support? I agree with many of these posts, try to include him in your healthy choices and activities. This is about YOUR life. You are not a party pooper, just starting to take care of yourself. Believe in yourself and you are worth doing this ALL WEEKEND LONG! Good luck. Barb
  • I herniated a disc (L5-S1) a year ago and had a microdiscectomy 11 months ago. I gained about forty pounds after surgery because I was afraid to do anything and reinjure my back. Damn, that hurt. What I found was my pain was due to inactivity and stiffness. I went to the physical therapist who recommend core strengthening.…
  • Ok. Not a bad start! Hi Joy and Wilmelenne. I haven't set any goals yet. Just taking this thing one day at a time. i don't tend to get online during the weekend much and I could really tell. I only exceeded my calorie limit one day but the choices I made! Good learning experience. I have been off sugar for 23 days now and…
  • Rather than a low carb diet that in not permanently sustainable unless you are Wonder Woman, how about something simple like giving up simple carbohydrates. SUGAR!!! Anything processed with sugar. Includes high fructose corn syrup, by the way. Eat complex carbs-vegetables, fruits and grains. If it is less than the third or…
  • OK, here's my opinion. It is not only based on my having PCOS or experiences with treatment/weight loss, I work in the medical field and know a little about this. This is not medical advice, for that you need to go to your doctor. PCOS is a complex syndrome that affects many of the body's systems. The cause is not known…