The hungry beast is awake...and it's on a rampage!

Sooo...not quite sure what has happend today but I have been eating every single bad thing in sight and I show no signs of slowing down,lol!!!!!!! Every once in a while it's like my body stages a mini-revolution and refuses to eat the healthy way...yet I end up feeling like crap from eating crap. I normally eat very healthy, lots of whole foods, fruits, veggies, etc...but today it's like a switch went off in my head or something. I've had way to much sugar and sweets today, not one ounce of anything healthy, I still want to eat but feel tired, sluggish and fuzzyheaded (ahhh, the crash and burn of sweets). It is so frustrating, how everything can be on track...eating right, exercising everday..and then a bad day hits that totally saps your motivation-just so disappointing. I wish I had an eraser, just wipe today clean and start over. I'm going to exercise tonight, and I know one day doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme...but I hate the de-motivating feeling I have right now and even worse hate that I did it to myself!!! :frown:


  • barbmpac
    barbmpac Posts: 110 Member
    Mama you can stop right this minute and choose to eat healthy right now. You have that power. No matter what cravings you have you still have power over the situation. One is too many, a thousand never enough?! Best of luck.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I get that feeling and do the same thing at least once a week. When I'm going good, it's really good. I feel like nothing can stop me, and then I slip up and have one little thing, which tends to get me thinking that I can have everything I've been wanting, even though I didn't really want it before... The worst for me is if I have a lot of something bad, like a birthday cake, or the maple candies I've been eating for the past 2 days. I just want to eat it all as quickly as I can, so it's gone, and then I can get back on track. I should just throw it out, but I can't bring myself to waste like that.

    A book I'm working through right now that you might be interested in is "The Beck Diet Solution". Have you read/heard of it? It's about conquering the mental aspects of why we eat, and learning little methods to re-train our thinking to help us succeed. You might like to check it out. :flowerforyou:

    Remember, it's what you do the MAJORITY of the time that really counts. "Slipping" every now and then won't matter in the long run. We're still gonna get there! :drinker:

    One thing you could do right away that might help, is taking the time to really enjoy your food. Good or bad, really focus on the food and chewing and enjoying! That's what eating should be all about. Nourishing and enjoyment!
  • mamafoofer
    Hi Steph, I never heard of that book but I am definitly going to check it out. It is crazy to me that everyhitng will be fine and then one day I'll just snap...and it;s not like I want to snap, but it happens anyway! I feel teh same way, like I have to eat ALL of whatever it is until it is gone and then I feel like I can get back on track, rather than throw the food away. And it;s only with sweets, not "real' food. I was just watchign something last night that talked about the chemical reaction some people have to sugar...pretty much the same as if they were takign drugs, once the body has a taste it goes into overdrive trying to get more. I just wish I could figure out why, when I am eating well, i make the "slip" up by eating something sweet (usually when I don't even really want it)...I put myself in the position to fall off track-like self-sabotage or something. Now since that day last week I have done very well, not real slips ups. Hopefully I can start to manage more good days than bad until the good days become the norm! Thanks for telling me about that book, I'll check into it :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Glad I could offer something! :flowerforyou:

    I've been having an "eat everything" day...

    I find that sugary breakfasts make me was sugary things all day as well, and I've also read about stuff like what you said about sugar being like a drug too. Sugar is horrible for us!!!! :explode: Well, back to reasonable eating for me! :happy:
  • x98peterson
    x98peterson Posts: 23 Member
    I find I get that way too! Especially when I only eat a certain amount of calories per meal, anything less than 350 and the next day my body goes crazy for sweets! I also find if I don't eat every 3 hours, the next day I eat like crazy! Hang in there!