

  • huge difference in your abs. Good job
  • don't get discouraged. It was much quicker when I was heavier to drop pounds and everyone's body does it at its own pace. No matter what your making healthier choices. And that is the most important thing
    in Help! Comment by tslocum2001 March 2011
  • thanks. Yea I was doing better than I thought then
    in HRM Comment by tslocum2001 March 2011
  • Doesn't it depend on your fitness level too? I know when I am starting a new workout i burn more than once my body gets use to it. I would get a HRM. I am 5'4'' and 162 and I burn about 600 at plyo
  • I can understand your desire to lose it and lose it fast. I would love to see the scale say my goal of 122 in 2 months, but at the same time, I want to have the shape I want and a schedule I can stick with long term. I think that you have to be so careful about burning out because you do have a little one who takes tons of…
  • Everyday is an opportunity for change
  • Can I still join? I am in need of motivation and winning may just do that for me
  • I am in the same boat. I had a ton of stress and my exercise and eating were off. I "gained" 2 pounds but really I feel full, so that tells me I am holding water or something. I just am refocusing this week and gonna work hard on "controlling" my fat and sodium, which I really struggle with daily
  • yep it was a recipe cuz when I went from the one with a * which had 906 sodium to just the roast without star, it went to 86
  • thanks the input helps. I need to keep a better eye on my sodium and not assume since I don't add salt or cook with it my limits should be okay.
  • my scale did the same to me this week. A 2 pound gain. Ugh..Let's just say the planetary alignment was off and move on???
  • I was worried about loose skin too and noticed when I hit about 80 pounds that it seemed it might be a problem; but it seems like it is possible not to have that. I am at my last about 40 pounds, any advice to avoid it?
  • I dont' schedule a cheat day, but sometimes I eat something less than healthy and don't beat myself up over it. I figure once I am at my goal I will do that and I might as well treat the journey the same way. It has become something I do a couple times a month not daily and I am usually still within my food goals once I…
  • I weigh on carpet, but their are adapters for the board to put on when weighing on carpet. It always weighs me a little more than the Dr. scale, but the weight loss seems pretty accurate
  • It is definitely true. Not sure if it is water or not, but I go up at least 5 about 2 days prior then by the time its done, I lose like magic. Tend to not let it bug me anymore. Just keep your exercise and diet where it is any other time of the month, but honestly I am not even as hungry then. My stomach just feels full.
  • I always have to have my Chapstick. If I don't I stop at a conveniece store and get some. I don't do lipstick or lip gloss. I had very chapped lips once and have not had a problem since. I think it is just good maintence.
  • some of us lose weight different. I tend to hang on to a weight (I drink lots of water) for like a month then the scale just drops 5 to 10 pounds that stay gone, and I start the same cycle again. If you stay consistant it will keep coming off. I lost 80 pounds before joining and MFP really helps me keep my eating in line…
  • It really has helped me in the past to realign my goals so i am always working toward something. Little goals like fitting into my size 8 jeans then hang them up so I see them and then once they fit my size 6 etc. Seeing them helps keep me motivated