Damage Control Required !

Hi All,

Anyone else find a week or so off the diet has a major effect and messes everything up ?

I Had such a bad week last week - with alcohol, meals out etc but I still logged absolutely everything no matter how bad .. put on 2.5 lbs from 15th Feb to 27th Feb .. I wonder how much damage I have done averaging between 1500 and 2000 Calories - my usual in take was averaging 1000 - 1100 and I need to get back on the waggon xxx


  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Dust yourself off...It's life.

    Take this time to refocus your game plan. It's a new week & tomorrow is a new month..Make March your turn around month :smile:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Hi All,

    Anyone else find a week or so off the diet has a major effect and messes everything up ?

    I Had such a bad week last week - with alcohol, meals out etc but I still logged absolutely everything no matter how bad .. put on 2.5 lbs from 15th Feb to 27th Feb .. I wonder how much damage I have done averaging between 1500 and 2000 Calories - my usual in take was averaging 1000 - 1100 and I need to get back on the waggon xxx

    How much damage have you done? Probably none if your maintenance level of calories is 1750 or therabouts. You haven't gone backwards or forwards if that is the case. The 2.5lbs gain is probably water and / or glycogen restoring to normal levels. There's potentially a small amount of fat gain there but I doubt it's much (unless your maintenance calorie level is around 1,200 which I highly doubt.)

    I think it's brilliant that you logged everything. That gives you some solid data to work from rather than an emotional and probably distorted recollection which will do as much to sabotage your success than over eating....
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    you have made yourself accountable for what you have done which is a great thing knowing what you have done to cause a weight gain is the key so just pick yourself up and get back to it you know you can do it x
  • tslocum2001
    I am in the same boat. I had a ton of stress and my exercise and eating were off. I "gained" 2 pounds but really I feel full, so that tells me I am holding water or something. I just am refocusing this week and gonna work hard on "controlling" my fat and sodium, which I really struggle with daily
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    If I know I may have a not so great day coming up, I decide to at least focus in getting one positive out of the day. Pick a small thing and work on that. A very good one is walking more, or maybe water intake. So if you have a high alcohol or whatever day, aim to drink tons of water that day as well. It makes you feel so much better the next day and will help in the long run. :D

    Just my $0.02. Good luck!
  • Selaen
    Selaen Posts: 31 Member
    What's stuck on my mind is on some weightloss forum somebody once said (vague, I know.. :D) that falling "off the wagon" is a bit like getting caught speeding. So, you run a camera and get caught speeding. You made a mistake. You now have three options
    a. think "scr*w this" and speed through ALL the cameras because you don't care; you've already done it once
    b. go through the next camera at a snail speed to "compensate" for your speeding earlier


    c. think "oh shoot", better be careful next time?

    Most of us would pick c, so why do we pick a/b when losing weight?

    My suggestion is; one day won't kill you. The fact that you're recognising bad habits is one step in the right direction. Just dust it off and start afresh. You're going to have bad days in the future too; it's just how you react to them that matters.
  • lou1604
    lou1604 Posts: 15
    Thank you lovely people !

    What was one week has stretched into 2 what with Family dinner, party and friends coming over on Sat night - for an Indian (The Devil). I only have 7-10 lbs to lose so im not kicking myself too badly at the moment. Come monday I will dust myself off and just put it down as a new start. ( although i will make a concious effort to be good in the meantime and not just say sod it ! ) xxxx