Frustrated and want to give up



  • some of us lose weight different. I tend to hang on to a weight (I drink lots of water) for like a month then the scale just drops 5 to 10 pounds that stay gone, and I start the same cycle again. If you stay consistant it will keep coming off. I lost 80 pounds before joining and MFP really helps me keep my eating in line (if I don't track I eat way too much) and makes me exercise more because I like to see high numbers. If your not weight training add it, it burns less while you do it, but keeps burning as the muscle repairs and that helps tons for body shape and toning. The mirror and clothes tell so much more than the scale. The scale says 1 pound last week, but I can get in my size 8 jeans no problem now and before I could barely button them.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Like others, I'm interested in how you manage to burn so may exercise calories each day?
  • I weigh 269 and I'm 5'7" tall. I use the correct calculations. I'm extremely active. I'm sure I burn more than that. I LOVE to move for real. At the gym i use the cybex arc trainer a lot and add resistance and incline to it. Then on the treadmill i go 2.5mph to 3.3 mph on an incline. I try and eat, but i feel like I'm stuffing myself to the gills if i eat the recommended 1845 or whatever it tells me. I told myself today to try and just eat the calories and see what happens.

    The funny part is, I don't look like the "typical 270 lb person". I built up a lot of muscle working as a CNA years ago. I can see my body reshaping itself and i did see some inches lost in the first 6 weeks, but the scale....

    It probably is the calorie deficit. I'm not tired, i have tons of energy. I mean, i just don't know...I'll try the calories recommended and not my own set level of 1500. I can't see myself just going to the gym and burning 500-800 calories. I'd feel like i cheated myself. I'll increase the food and see what happens.

    And here i thought i knew what i was doing. LOL! so much for listening to myself!!!

    Thanks for the feedback, y'all!!! :flowerforyou:
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