Hey I get sleeved on the 28th. I am on clear liquids for a week. Any clear liquid favorites?
Hey Raeshelle, I'll be part of your fitness fam! I log in everyday and do mobile so I'll be around a lot to offer support and motivation. I'll add you :)
I will definitely add you. I totally understand where you're coming from. I have 150 pounds to lose and I've already lost almost forty pounds, so I'm trekking on! I'd love to exchange support and motivation!
Thanks a lot! I will try those! I appreciate the help!
Sure I'll send you a request!
I am also working on my journey. I'm about thirty pounds lower than my highest weight, but I still have a long way to go. Feel free to add me and we can help each other stay motivated and accountable!
Hi there! Welcome! Feel free to add me and we can support eachother!
I would love to start running, but I have asthma and It's much more difficult to do stuff like that. Advice?
Those are good ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Lol these are foods I actually enjoy and like to eat. If you don't like it, don't eat it. I'm not recommending everyone do what I do, just sharing for those who are interested..
Yes, I do organic granola bars, mandarin oranges, ginger tea and green tea to curb cravings, things like that. Also organic fruit, apples are my favorite. Hope it helps :)
I wasn't claiming that those were peer reviewed studies, just articles. Milk may be great for men who are trying to gain muscle, but I don't believe it is beneficial otherwise. It has been linked to acne, asthma, and high birth weight. Here are the APA links, if you need them: Mai, X. M., Becker, A. B., Sellers, E. C.,…
I do love kale. Thanks for the advise!
Google it. Go to any website that allows access to SCHOLARLY PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC STUDIES that PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that mammals (humans included!) should not drink milk past our infancy! There's a reason that no other mammals drink milk past the age of infancy! It's not natural, not necessary for health,…
Nonsense? Google it. Go to any website that allows access to SCHOLARLY PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC STUDIES that PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that mammals (humans included!) should not drink milk past our infancy! There's a reason that no other mammals drink milk past the age of infancy! It's not natural, not necessary for…
Instead of using oil, I suggest going to your local health food store and getting Newman's Own Organic Unsalted microwave popcorn (there's no butter or salt). Then, just add a tablespoon or so of olive oil and some sea salt. I got the recipe from a natural mama blog and I am IN LOVE! It's way lower in calories and tastes…
Milk is not clean eating. Humans are not technically supposed to drink milk past their infancy, let alone steal the milk from another mammal and drink it. Milk gets most of its vitamin D from supplements added to it anyway, so it's better to cut out the extra calories, the huge amounts of pus, and the fat and just take the…
I'll add you! I am a mommy of one little two old girl and I would love to exchange support!
Me too! I'll send a friend request!