I need support like woah!



  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    I guess within every online community someone has to make snarky remarks behind the safety of their keyboard.

    They wouldn't last long doing it in real life. :bigsmile:
  • Shannon872
    Shannon872 Posts: 11
    You're welcome to add me. I'm really more about persistence rather than motivation. When the motivation fades, persistence drives me on.
    I envy your mindset! I am so stubborn and persistent when it comes to everything else, but for some reason, I don't know how to apply that to my weight loss. I look forward to hearing from you!
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    Im always up for new friends. Feel free to add me
  • rinafil
    rinafil Posts: 23
    Me too! I'll send a friend request!
  • saraedens
    saraedens Posts: 54
    Don't listen to the HATERS!!! My hubby doesn't always workout with me either, no big deal! 12+ hrs a day supporting your family sounds like an amazing man! Anyone feel free to add me!! :)
  • rozettad
    rozettad Posts: 2 Member
    You're welcome to add me!! I am just getting restarted today and boy do I need support too!
  • Shannon872
    Shannon872 Posts: 11
    Darn straight! TY for your reply!
  • Shannon872
    Shannon872 Posts: 11
    PERFECT TIMING! I just restarted yesterday! looking forward to hearing from u!
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: don't fear we all are here & willing to help! i am on here everyday & i give encouragement & support to all of my friends! i am sending you a friend request! together we will succeed!
  • theredwonder
    theredwonder Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Adding you now!
  • Well, today is July 23, 2013. Someone told me about this site so I tried it out and here I am. My first day. I hope to have many many more days on this site with increasing successes. Today I added all of what I ate and it said I am 660 calories over my goal for the day. This is at 2pm. Depressing. I see this is going to be like climbing up a steep wall to get out of the hole I've dug for myself... but I'm here to try.
  • lov3hat3
    lov3hat3 Posts: 2
    I am 24 years old I have a 4 year old daughter. I am looking for someone to help me be a better person through this journey. This is only my second day o here but I have been at this for about 2 weeks now and I am felling great it would be nice to have people to talk to whoa re going through the same things and have the same goals in mind.
  • leeka1902
    leeka1902 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi you can add me. Im quite new to this and havnt left any comments before.
  • Shannon872
    Shannon872 Posts: 11
    Well, today is July 23, 2013. Someone told me about this site so I tried it out and here I am. My first day. I hope to have many many more days on this site with increasing successes. Today I added all of what I ate and it said I am 660 calories over my goal for the day. This is at 2pm. Depressing. I see this is going to be like climbing up a steep wall to get out of the hole I've dug for myself... but I'm here to try.
    It gets easier to stay within the goal, One thing I have learned is to eat your filling foods first, veggies, and fruit will have lower calorie counts so you can eat a bit more of them and feel full. Also drink lots of water! I always try to drink my body divided by half in fluid oz of water...Im 150 lbs so I drink 75 fl oz a day. I hope that helps!
  • Shannon872
    Shannon872 Posts: 11
    cant wait! I think everything is easier when you have the support u need!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Feel free to add me I can be supportive.... my husband also works a demanding schedule and has a physical job so I dont ask him to work out with me.... I have found a ton of support here on MFP.
  • ProdigiousPanda
    ProdigiousPanda Posts: 2 Member
    I just started eating cleaner and exercising more diligently after falling off the wagon. Add me I could use the support!:smile:
  • Feel free to add me :smile: We all need help and support sometimes and as you can see by the replies the positve and supportive people far outweigh the negative and unsupportive....
  • My mom and dad are the same way. My Dad stands on his feet 8 hours a day. He doesn't workout with us. So I supported my mom and she is in the 440's( used to be 527) . She did it for her kids.
  • Shannon872
    Shannon872 Posts: 11
    My mom and dad are the same way. My Dad stands on his feet 8 hours a day. He doesn't workout with us. So I supported my mom and she is in the 440's( used to be 527) . She did it for her kids.
    I think what you and your mom are doing is amazing and congrats to her for her amazing progress thus far!!! Keep it up!