

  • I'm getting this as well! I'd be interested!
  • Everybody's body is different- so we will all lose in different ways, you just have to figure out what is going to work for your body and have patience! It will happen if you stick to it!
  • I recently started the 30 day shred, I'm on D11 (I decided to do level one for 2 weeks, the difference in the 2nd week is a heavier wt (5lbs) and I've been able to get away from the modifed moves. I will go to L2 after the two weeks, I have already noticed a change in how my pants fit- I did take my measurments prior to.…
  • From my readings here on MFP it seems some people "cycle" their calories, so they will eat more calories one day and less another. It also seems that some people will save their extra work out calories for another day where they may not work out. It's kind of like weight watchers, you get so many "extra points" every week…
  • After reading everyone's posting's I've decided that b/c I only have 14 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight I'm going to change my goal to .5 pounds/week wt loss instead of 1 pound/week and it upped my calories. So I'm going to give it a whirl and see what happens!!
    in Short Ladies Comment by 5grn9 March 2011
  • Such great advice on here! I am going to log in everything, usually on my "cheat days" I don't bother to log, I also don't finish my log at night (clicking on it) I think I will start doing that and making my diary public to get more good advice!! I'm going to buy a scale this weekend. Hopefully will continue to get good…
  • How much do you recommend upping calories? I'm at 1200/day, I have 14 more pounds to lose. I have been stuck at the same week for 3 weeks, I've only lost five pounds total (so not a whole lot to begin with). I work out just about every day- burn I would say lately an average of about 300 calories and I do try and eat back…
  • I know how your feeling. I have struggled with weight all my life, never got so overweight but usually 15-20 pounds over what I would like to be. I'm short so a little extra weight is very noticable (and most of my extra wt is in my midsection- I should say ALL of it!!! ). I am getting frustrated here as well, I lost 5…
  • Love the Short Ladies topic! I'm 5'1 and would like to loose 15 pounds which would put me at 115. I've lost 5 so far on MFP and I've been on here for about a month. My limit is 1200 caloriebut most days I'm hungry and seem to go over the 1200 which is why I work out up to 6-7 days a week ( I do love to work out though =)…
    in Short Ladies Comment by 5grn9 March 2011
  • I started Monday, I wasn't sure how to do it either but from posts I read on here it sounds like you do it 30 days in a row, level one the first 10, level 2 the second 10 and level three the next 10. I am SO sore! although today not as much, my goal is to do it every day for 30 but I also do the treadmill as well because I…
  • Quick question, is that how you move up levels? stay 10 days on each level?? I just started it last night and OH MY GOD!!! are my legs sore today! But I made myself do it again tonight and hope I can keep up with it! Good luck everyone!
  • What exactly are steel cut oats?? and where can I find them???
  • thanks for the info for the calorie cycling, I don't think that would work for me- I can only have 1200 calories a day- so would you include your excercise calories?
  • Hi, May I ask what calorie cycling is??? Thanks!
  • I just finished logging in a banana for my snack and was thinking the same thing! I had a small banana cut up in my yogurt, I consider that a very healthy snack. I added 90 calories for my banana, guess you have to count it in but it is a "free" food now in weight watchers which I would have loved but decided to give this…
  • If it works for you thats all that matters, I just wanted to add that the Atkins Diet was THE ONLY diet that made my mother's cholesterol levels go down to NORMAL!! No one believed her "There's no way you could be on the Atkin's diet and lower your cholesterol" well hers did go down!! She went off the diet, gained most of…
  • Wow!!! You look fantastic!!! It is very encouraging to see these progress pictures when your new here!!
  • 3 glasses of red wine and dinner at Bertucci's equals 845 calories over my daily allowance!!!! Ouch!!! But it was all SO good!
  • Hi! I'm a faithful watcher of the Bachelor! Although I ruined it for myself this season and logged onto Reality Steve's website- somehow this guy has all the "inside" info. So if he's right I know who Brad ends up with. I won't spoil it!!! I kind of like knowing though- gives me a different perspective when I'm watching…
  • Hey you were packing right1 =) Have you ever been to Punta Cana? Beautiful place, I've been twice, would love to go back!! Enjoy your trip!
  • For me right now I would say the special K 90 calorie bars- chocolate pretzel, and sunflower seeds!
  • Well I didn't have any drinks Mon or Tue but had 1 1/2 oz of captain morgan with diet pepsi, couldn't resist tonight, went a tad over my daily calories but had 350 excercise calories. Feel a bit guilty but heck- whatever!!!!
  • What is it with the diet soda?? I actually tried giving it up for a week and noticed nothing different. I have 1-2 diet soda's a day. I've heard that really the only harm is that they are so sweet it makes your body crave other sugars/sweets. That doesn't seem to be a problem for me, just wondering what other people…
  • Hah!! so true! I can fit into a pair of skinny jeans but who wants to look at my belly hanging over the top! I sure as heck know I don't want to so why would anyone else!!! =) Thats my biggest problem, its so hard for me to buy shirts due to this, and lately I feel like every store I go into the shirts are all small and…
  • Hi Claire! Welcome! I'm new here as well, just about a week now and my goal is to loose 15 lbs as well!! Usually the hardest to loose is the last 10 or so right! So I'm hoping this site will help me do just that!! It has bit a bit of a struggle some days to only eat 1200 calories b/c I'm hungry!!! Usually having a single…
  • Hi! I'm 37, married with two kids, I guess I fit in this group! Feel free to add me in as a friend!
  • So happy I just found this message board! Just joined mfp last week and one thing I will not give up is my alcohol!! I enjoy my red wine/beer and incorporate them into my calories. I am going to try and cut down though!!!
  • That is my problem as well, my body seems so "different" My legs, arms, face-all little but then I have this large mid-section. I have no waist at all (never really have) I guess that is just my body shape, but much worse since having kids!!!! I just can't seem to loose weight in the midsection. I work out at least 5-6days…
  • Hi, I actually work with someone who did the flat belly diet and she lost about 60 pounds- she did have a lot of weight to loose prior to starting it. She actually has brought the book into work and I have looked at it. Basically you should include MUFAS in your diet, which are monosaturated fats (the good fats per say),…