Just feeling disgusting!!!



  • Rawjra...hope I didn't mess that up too bad. Yes I work out a lot, thats whats getting me soooo upset lol Where are my darn results. And yes I eat the calories back when I'm hungry.

    I'm not a late night snacker, but I do enjoy a few glasses of wine here and there and I do log them.

    I don't eat candy, but I do indulge in the occassional Burger King trip :) But how can a meal here or there negate all the other changes I have made......hence my disappointment.
  • 5grn9 THATS exactly where I'm coming from, why aren't we seeing it? I lost a lot of weight several years ago, but I truely starved myself.......I have kids now and I want to do things in a healthy way!!! :)

    I don't weigh my food but I am definately going to get a scale, I do however measure portions, not sure that makes a difference or not. I guess I just don't know how I can be going so wrong.

    Today I did measurements, hadn't done them in a while since the 17th of December and I've lost 4 inches......blah
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Fiber and sodium......I think I'm high on the sodium side. But I thought mainly it all boiled down to calories? :( I'm feeling very overwhelmed.....I'm pmsing lol

    I thought that too at first. Then I started monitoring my sodium and sugar intake. Boy was I surprised how much of that stuff I was consuming!!! I was under my calorie goal, but way, way over on sodium and sugar. Seems like after I started controlling that, the weight really started to drop and I could SEE the results in the mirror as well. Try keeping tabs on those 2 things for a week or two and see what happens. I bet you see a change!

    Good luck to you!
  • Rodneyderrick, I log it all the good the bad and the ugly, notice my nights of several glasses of wine ALL logged, my Burger King trips ALL logged. But I just can't believe its wrecking everything else I do. I just don't get it. :( I'm h aving a hard day, whining and feeling like a failure at this. I hope to get back on track. I need to mix up my work out, it appears its stagnet. The warmer weather is coming and I'll start swimming, biking and being outdoors again THATS got to be worth 10 pounds right? :O)
  • thanks tamiller93 will do!
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Assuming that you:
    1. Drink enough water
    2. Accurately account for your calories by measuring EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth
    3. Don't have a medical condition like a thyroid problem

    I have the following suggestions for you:
    1. For two days, eat your "maintainance" calories. That is -- the amount of calories that it would take to maintain your weight with no deficit.
    2. Shoot for a weekly average RIGHT AT your goal, sometimes going 200 over, sometimes going 200 over. But you shouldn't just always be under and sometimes way under because then your average is too low.
    3. If you still don't have success, change your goals. If you are trying to lose 2 pounds per week, go to 1.5. If you are trying for 1.5, go to 1.0. And so on. Your body can only handle so much stress and maybe the fact that you're not losing weight despite the fact that you're doing everything "right" means that your body is giving you feedback that you're stressing it too much. It's not uncommon for people who are within 10-15 pounds of their goal weight to only have 0.5 pounds per week to lose.

    I think this thread here by Steve is a GREAT resource for someone in your position:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    From reviewing your diary I can see 2 things you are severely lacking;
    1) good fats, there are hardly if any omega 3s or good fats from nuts or evoo
    Buy yourself a good omega 3 supplements Natures bounty omega 3 is great for that take it with meals
    2) there is a huge lack of early morning protein in you diet. 30% of it should be protein and if you work out a lot then go as high as 1g protein for every pound of body weight daily to maximize muscle recovery which will boost metabolic rate, (the added muscle, not the protein)

    With this said I do see that you are making attempts at a good diet but there is much room for improvement, you need more fiber in there as well and cut down the sodium and the sugar, it does not matter if you are bang on with the sugar stuff at first I am personally working on that one myself as well as the sodium. Make sure your not allowing any greater than a 500-600 cal/day deficiency if you have only 15 lbs left to lose then eat back all the exercise cals as mfp already has yours built into the daily allotment of cals. Any greater and the body will fight back on you and slow your metabolic rate down. Also ignore the scale, get measurements these are your true bodyfat loss calculators. True and smart fat loss preserves or builds muscle and shed fat, you do not want to be shedding muscle.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    HI Christine - try not to feel disgusted - plateaus happen to all of us. I peeked at your diary and I do think that maybe your sodium intake is probably what's holding you back. Sodium is found in almost everything - and in ALOT of foods that you wouldn't expect - the amounts are frightening.

    I'm on a low-sodium diet to help control my blood pressure and I'm only 43yrs old. Starting Nov 18, 2010 until now, I've lost 33lbs by using MFP and by tracking my sodium. (Of course I have way more weight to lose than you do - at least another 90-100lbs)
    But I religiously read all labels on every food I buy or consume. And I only have 30-45 min a day to exercise and that's usually a walk over lunch hour.

    To see if sodium is the problem - try really focusing on limiting the sodium for a week or two - see if that makes a difference??

    It's hard, but nothing in life that comes easy is ever worthwhile - and you are worth the effort!!
    If you have questions or need help choosing a low - sodium menu plan - send me a message - I'd be glad to help!!

    ~~Prairie Rose
  • PrairieRose yes I would love insight into sodium free diet and meal ideas, I was shocked myself to see my sodium levels :) thanks!
  • newfiedan, I do take a omega3 supplement everyday so I was assuming that would help me out with the little amount I get through my actual diet. Is there a place on our info to put our supplements? I take a protein, calcium powder form in water in the morning and omega 3 tablets. I appreciate your input and lately my protein has been very light I agree, money had been tight so I hadn't been to the store in awhile, I went today though!!:blushing:
  • shaunshakin, thanks for your input! I am going to try and eat my maintenance level for 2 weeks, I think I am putting a lot of stress on my body with all of my workouts, lately I've been more and more obsessed with working out since I"m not seeing results and maybe thats my problem. I am probably guilty of not logging all of the workouts I do if anything. Tonight I ate tuna fish, asparagus, and whole wheat bread ....... felt great lol Normally at night I wouldn't allow bread like but tonight I did and I felt better lol
  • I know you will hear it time and time again but I'm still going to say it...DO NOT GIVE UP! DO NOT QUIT! I completely understand how you feel because there are days when I feel the same way. Just try and switch things up, find some new way of staying active and focus on the fact that you are living a healthy lifestyle.
  • How did you find this out? I got the Mirena IUD last June, and I have gained 30 pounds since. Not to say it's all the IUD's fault- I had a pretty stressful year, and from Sept - Dec I totally stopped dieting, exercising etc. Now I am enormous!!!!!!! Anyway, I have a doctor's appointment because I think I might want it removed......
  • greer08
    greer08 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm sooooo disappointed, I try to stay positive but dang! I'm always at or under my caolorie count, I drink plenty of water and then some and I eat pretty dang well as far as choices! The scale is NOT moving. I work out 5 days a week, weights, cardio and Zumba.......what the hell? The first time I weighed in I had lost 5 lbs, but I'm assuming a lot of that was kicking up my water intake, but I've been working out since October of last year and I see no weight loss? I'm sure I've added some muscles but not enought to off set, lets see 1 lb a week at 5 months I should've been at my goal weight by now but I'm at the SAME weight. Ready to quit, I feel fat, ugly and am just disgusted with no results for all my effort. :*(

    Feeling your pain! Sounds like me speaking to my friend this morning! Who would have thought it would be so complicated!:noway:
  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    Such great advice on here! I am going to log in everything, usually on my "cheat days" I don't bother to log, I also don't finish my log at night (clicking on it) I think I will start doing that and making my diary public to get more good advice!! I'm going to buy a scale this weekend. Hopefully will continue to get good advice from everyone and do this!!!
  • 5grn9, its painful logging my Burger King runs, but I do it lol
  • I had no idea doing it the healthy way was going to be sooooo hard, before kids I just starved myself. True. And I dropped weight, but now I need energy and to be healthy for them!
  • thanks so much for the encouragement, I really need it today!!! ;):flowerforyou:
  • Gaining weight and BC go hand in hand most of the time :( Hope you can get it figure out :(
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    the greatest gift we can give our kids and our spouses is a healthy us.
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