Like minded lushes -Februay 2011



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so this morning is our valentines day celebration starting with a nice bottle of Tattinger and bagels with king crab and cream cheese. tonight DH is making me his infamous stuffed flank steak with and artichoke on the side. I love to celebrate anything. He got me my favorite white roses yesterday too. He's a keeper.
  • 4crazykids
    Started with a couple of glasses of wine while grading papers and ended up finishing the whole bottle. Instead of eating one slice of pizza, ate 2. So, I was up 2 pounds this morning. I'm not going to beat myself up about it but I have to be real about the fact that too much of anything is going to keep me from reaching my goal weight. "Moderation is the key" is my new mantra!

    Hope everyone had a fun weekend!:happy:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Friday night I had one big glass of red wine with my steak dinner at The Keg. I saw the movie The Fighter, it was great. Last night we saw Devotchka at the Fillmore and I had three 24 oz miller lites and one 12 oz. I don't feel as bad as I thought I might today!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 3 flirtinis (2 shakers, I think, makes 3 drinks)
    Thursday, 3 Sam Adams
    Friday, 0 drinks
    Saturday, super toasted by the end of the evening
    1 bottle of wine (5 glasses),
    Jello shots, 4, I lost count (8 with about 1/2 shot of vodka each)
    Vodka, 2 lemon drop shots

    Total: 17
    Goal: <12

    Need to keep pushing toward that 12 mark:grumble:

    Robin, your VD sounds wonderful
    Amy, I bet the nap was awesome
    4crazykids, I did that with my Christmas cards...hoped at the end they were legible and coherent
    Blondie, 5 glasses of wine....see'll feel better about it
  • 4crazykids
    Kim- Everybody got an A (Just kidding!).:wink:
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    Taittinger is my DHs all time fave :), yup, you sure got a keeper there !! I cant wait to find out what I am getting for my husbands birthday tomorrow:heart:
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 3 flirtinis (2 shakers, I think, makes 3 drinks)
    Thursday, 3 Sam Adams
    Friday, 0 drinks
    Saturday, super toasted by the end of the evening
    1 bottle of wine (5 glasses),
    Jello shots, 4, I lost count (8 with about 1/2 shot of vodka each)
    Vodka, 2 lemon drop shots

    Total: 17
    Goal: <12

    Need to keep pushing toward that 12 mark:grumble:

    Robin, your VD sounds wonderful
    Amy, I bet the nap was awesome
    4crazykids, I did that with my Christmas cards...hoped at the end they were legible and coherent
    Blondie, 5 glasses of wine....see'll feel better about it

    Yum wats a jello shot??? Sounds good!! I make a dessert tia maria vodka jelly, is that the kind of thing? But whats a shot???
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi everyone, I know I've been really quiet lately, have been logging my food everyday but staying away from the forums. I haven't read back through the posts but I hope everyone is well. Gone a bit astray with the alcohol and fallen out of my gym routine due to a knee injury. Going to get back on track this week so no alcohol mon-fri for me this week.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    first is me and my baby
    second is some of the flowers I did
    thired is all the parents. the guy next to me that obviously isn't my husbund is my second husband and the big guy at the bottom of the stairs was my first.
  • heathercd
    heathercd Posts: 20 Member
    So I'm new to MFP and have been just looking through the message boards - I LOVE this thread!!

    Hubby and I are big beer snobs. We LOVE our microbrews. I also just adore some good tasty wine every now and again.

    This past weekend was just about a three day bender for me. Not really, but I was definitely at least heavily buzzed three nights in a row (Wed-Fri nights - I took days off this week for a much needed break!) Visited friends in Connecticut and they took us out for a few nights on the town. So much fun, and so much to drink. My goodness. My body is reminding me that I'm almost 30 and can't handle that much anymore by what is probably turning out to be a chest cold courtesy of my husband.

    SO in the spirit of healing, I'm vowing not to drink for the next two weeks!! Just feel like after this weekend I need to chill out a little bit.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    I'm so glad I found you all!!!

    Feel free to add me.

    This past year '10 - I drank pretty much every night of the week. Not to really get drunk, but just more out of habit. Drink on monday cause I don't feel that great after the weekend, Tuesday because, well - it's Tuesday, Wednesday 1/2 way there.....Thursday, almost Friday! Friday, Saturday and Sunday - drink, drink, drink.

    Yep, and I gained about 30#. Started at 180 (lean but still heavy for my frame) went to 209 Jan 1st......

    Ok, so all of Jan. and up till now - no drinks M-Thurs and usually don't drink on Sunday (superbowl was an exception) I have lost 9 lbs - feel less bloated, less tired, less grumpy.

    I think I broke the cycle - but could sure use some friends/support that feel the same way as I do!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    So...I had one drink today and then about an hour later, I was slicing some carrots with my new mandolin slicer and sliced off the side of my thumb. (About 5 cm long, about 2-3 deep...into the fatty layer.) It was lovely, and because of the alcohol in my system, it took for-frelling-ever to stop bleeding. Ugh.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    So...I had one drink today and then about an hour later, I was slicing some carrots with my new mandolin slicer and sliced off the side of my thumb. (About 5 cm long, about 2-3 deep...into the fatty layer.) It was lovely, and because of the alcohol in my system, it took for-frelling-ever to stop bleeding. Ugh.

    Ouch!!!! Funny that you didn't complain about pain tho...just bleeding

    Blondie, jello shots are jello and liquor mixed in little cups:
    Mandarin orange vodka with orange jello (topped with whip cream)
    Citron Absolute mixed with lime and lemon jello (topped with whip cream)
    Tequila mixed with lime jello

    Robin, beautiful pictures...the flowers are beautiful...looked like a lovely wedding

    cat77, good job on breaking the cycle...that's half the battle

    Yvonne, welcome back....if I remember right, your back in school, right?...hope the knee heals better
  • 4crazykids
    We are starting a "9 Weeks 'Til Spring Break Challenge" at my school, sponsored by the YMCA. So, I'm going to have a glass of red wine while making dinner in the evenings and not go overboard as I really want to lose 10 pounds by summer (its true that the last 10 is always the hardest!). The Y has also asked me to consider going to Zumba training next month so we can have a class at my school for the teachers. Its a cool challenge for me so I need to cut down on indulging in the evenings.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Well I had 3 bottles of sparkling over 3 days and a couple of vodkas. I had pizza last night as I felt so down and grumpy. I am challenging myself to no drinking until Sat night and keeping my cals on the down low till then. After 5 weeks and only losing 2.5 kgs I keep hitting a slump once a week (in the last 2 weeks) and feeling like giving up. What's the point etc etc if I work my *kitten* off and see no real loss. I got back on the bandwagon today, under my cals and 1/2 hr on the treadmill. Around we go again lol.

    Nice to meet you all and thanks for those who have added me :)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Well today it hurts like a mo fo!!

    Probably no drinking for me today...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ouch, Amy, that gave me the heeby-jeebies to think about slicing into the meat of your thumb on a mandolin. Although, I want a mandolin for making sweet potato chips!
    I did not drink yesterday. tonight there will be wine. Not sure about the rest of the week!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    4crazykids....the Y challenge sounds like a good goal...ummm, zumba training will kick your *kitten* into shape

    Faithikins...if you want, I will go alcohol free with you on this Friday...we can be miserable together and celebrate with a good weight loss

    Soccerdot, that's what I was thinkin' would be mo' fo' day, sounded deep...hope it gets better soon

    Asjerven, enjoy your wine tonight

    Yesterday I was drink free; so, that's bought my total to 17 for the week...still seems like a lot even though I felt like I was being good.

    Question is, can I be good for V-day? Hate to start the week at a deficit...

    Monday, ????
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Husband informed me there will be wine with dinner tonight! Ok, I can do this and not totally over obsess right? It *is* a special occasion, and since the first of the year I've only drank on Friday and Sat, the occasional Sunday and one Tuesday night. I'll cut back on my afternoon snack to compensate! Yay, that means I'll get drunk faster too! Woo hoo! Happy valentines day!
  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    So happy I just found this message board! Just joined mfp last week and one thing I will not give up is my alcohol!! I enjoy my red wine/beer and incorporate them into my calories. I am going to try and cut down though!!!