jdhcm2006 Member


  • What’s wrong with yogurt and sweet potatoes that they’re only allowed 3 times a week?
  • Do you have the bike or tread? If so, why not try a bootcamp? Or look outside of Peloton and do something else. I use the app to do some cycling, yoga, and stretching. I combine that with weight training (not Peloton's but a progressive overload program), rowing, and pole dance. There are so many exercises in the world…
  • I decided I am going to get this rack, https://www.titan.fitness/racks/power-racks/t-2-series/t-2-series-power-rack/401079.html, bc it will fit in my basement. The 84-inches would fit but it would be incredibly tight. At 5’1, I don’t need that extra height.
  • Thank you everyone! I will look into everyone’s suggestions. I truly appreciate the help.
  • I started using the Silk Ultra chocolate protein milk. It’s vegan and has 20g of protein and 190 calories per serving. It’s been helping me meet my protein goal.
  • Whenever I weigh in at the doctor, the nurse normally subtracts like 2 pounds for me bc typically I’m wearing combat boots lol. Add the boots, clothes, and the fact that I’ve had food and water, I’m bound to weigh more there than at home. I’ve always thought of the scales at doctor’s offices as just another scale.
  • I also took it as a Mandalorian reference.
  • As long as you made sure to pay all of your bills as well, idk why one would need to feel guilty about investing in their health. I purchased a spin bike last month and I have no regrets. Once my free trial for classes runs out, I’ll pay the monthly fee and I have no regrets. I purchase hundred of dollars worth of zoom…
  • I have a spin bike and for me to burn 300-350 calories, I have to ride for about 40+ minutes. It depends on the difficulty of the class I take. This is why I can’t depend on exercise to lose weight lol. It’s a nice topper for me, but it definitely isn’t an end all be all for me. I am short and not that far from being at a…
  • This morning, 20 min. spin class, followed by 10 minutes of stretching. Will do another 20 min. ride and stretch class tonight. The morning workout was not planned, but I woke up at 3am and couldn’t fall back asleep, so I took a live class at 7am 🤦🏽‍♀️😴.
  • Peloton’s app has scenic rides. It’s free for 2 months right now as long as you sign up by the end of the month, after that it’s $12.99. I like their scenic rides, but I don’t like the music that goes with it. So I mute it and listen to my music. I purchased a different spin bike and I just use the app for classes and use…
  • I take pole dance classes via Zoom 2-5 times a week. However, I’m sure you don’t have a pole installed in your home since it’s probably not a form of exercise you’ve done before. But I would look up dance classes on YouTube and rock out with the kids. That way you’re getting your workout in and it’s wearing them out so…
  • I've done two spin classes, 2 of the post ride stretches, and a meditation class and I feel that it's definitely worth the money, even though I'm still in the free trial phase. Luckily, when I signed up they were doing 2 months free, so I'll start paying for it at the end of February. And I will gladly give them my money.
  • Yeah, the boil ones hurt too much to bite through bc my mouth is already super sore from all of the clenching, so I made an appointment with my dentist and they custom fit me for one since the over the counter one wasn’t working. I honestly hope it works bc the goop they make you bite into is so disgusting that I need it…
  • Thank you for this tip. Did you just cut it with scissors or a knife? Or ask the dentist office to trim it for you?
  • Thank you for the recommendation. I am supposed to be picking up the one my dentist fitted me for on Wednesday. Fingers crossed that it fits properly.
  • I try to do both and this has been my experience as well. I want the calorie counting to make sure that I don’t go overboard but IE helps me to not feel the need to eat everything I measured out and put on my plate. I didn’t experience the food waste bc I would just save it for later. I like IE bc it helps me really pay…
  • I feel you. I did really well for the most part, still lost but these last 2 months I needed a break from counting and logging. That break put me up about 5-6 pounds and I want to get a hold of this before it puts me right back where I started in Dec. 2019. I also need to get my veggie game back up, I need to stop eating…
  • Tell him no. He either meets at the time agreed to or he refunds you for that session.
  • Rely less on BMI. It’s a flawed system that has a place but shouldn’t be the end all be all of determining ones health. Look into waist to height ratio. Personally, I use them both as a guideline. By BMI standards I’m overweight, but by waist to height I’m at a healthy weight. I still want to lose between 4-6 pounds but if…
  • If you’re into true crime then True Crime Obsessed and Crime Junkie. Short stories: Levar Burton Reads Reply All. Described as a podcast about the internet. Love Stories. Different stories about all kinds of romantic relationships. Much more interesting than it sounds.
  • Agreed, but there are some people who are just bold. I know a few of them 😂.
  • Personally, when I go on vacation (or eat food prepared by someone other than me), I try to eat mindfully. Eat when hungry and stop eating when I feel satiated. That generally works for me but I have been really focused on knowing when my body is hungry and when it has had enough. It’s honestly a skill that took me some…
  • What do you mean by “skeptical” goal weight? Was that a typo? Just wondering bc your goal weight isn’t out of the question. I’m 32 and I started at 160 and I’m at 137 right now, so it is definitely doable. But I agree that looking up a TDEE calculator will be helpful. I personally have a calorie goal range. Some weeks I…
  • Hey, there is a group but it's no longer active. But I would love that link to the front splits youtube video. If you can share it here that would be awesome. I do have a pole in my home and I've been using it regularly. I use an app called Splits Training. It's free. I've been taking classes with Phoenix Kazree, Carmine…
  • Centr.com is offering 6 weeks free. You have to sign up by 3/31 to get the deal. Here are some YT videos I've been using: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXn_jClJ8-I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4nmM7n3qqg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SstzpZVfjB0&t=523s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElYKiEprjnU&t=43s…
  • I belong to Club Fitness and they have frozen payments, which I am very happy about. As of now, my paycheck is still coming but I work at a non-profit and we've been told to prepare for the worst JIC. I also attend two pole dance studios which are privately owned and they are both doing online classes through Zoom and…
  • Monday: legs/glutes Tuesday: pole/dance, so arms/back Wednesday: full body (lots of TRX pull-ups - the one leaning back on feet, not seated) Thursday: pole/dance, so arms/back Friday: legs/glutes Saturday: back flexibility training or a straight up, full on extreme lazy rest day. Sunday: flexibility training
  • Centr.com, Chris Hemsworth’s site, is giving new signees 6-weeks free. Just make sure you cancel before the trial is up. I haven’t used it yet, but I am planning to sign up. If you have a TRX, I believe they’re giving away 2 months for free on their app. You have to sign up online and then download the app.
  • I did this one today and it was nice and challenging. https://youtu.be/SXn_jClJ8-I