

  • haha, thanks for the feedback everyone!! I definitely go when it's not busy for this reason. Sometimes, though, I swear that I am THE only girl sweating her butt off in there! When I work out, I work out damn it! lol. I just try to remind myself that I know absolutely no one there (thank god for moving to a new city)…
  • oh man I don't want to sound like a Debbie Downer here, but turning 21 was THE worst thing for my body (well, I'm 23 now and still have to force myself to stop drinking so much) My friends and I just went NUTS practically that whole year with going out to bars, and we ALWAYS had to go on the 3am White Castle run.…
  • Almost 3 Big Macs?! HOLY CRAP!
  • YES, definitely. Make sure you are getting enough nutrients and water! If you're not getting enough, a coworker of mine told me to take prenatal vitamins to help with hair, skin, and nails. As for the fruit, of course, anything in excess is bad, but I don't buy into the whole "too much fruit" stuff... yes, fruits contain…
  • haha, I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that people tend to consume MORE calories at Subway than McD's because they thought it was healthier... another reason why I wish every restaurant would be required to list calories on the menu!
  • omg, I just have to say that my new OBSESSION is frozen fruit (especially bananas and green grapes) drizzled with sugar-free chocolate syrup (only 15cals/2tbsp)!!!! Perfect for the chocolate craving and soo filling! I also love Dannon light & fit yogurt (sometimes mixed with fresh fruit), FiberOne/generic fiber bars,…
  • Excess salt makes you retain water, so yeah, you might drop some water weight. More importantly, though, is the effect excess salt has on your blood pressure!
  • LMAO!! ...and is it sad that I clicked on this semi-hoping for 6 legit ways to lose weight without exercise? ;)
  • In a nutshell, I call it my 3 H's - healthy, happy, and hot! ;) lol. I'm sick of being so self-conscious all the time! I dunno, it kinda sucks because I could be a lot worse (AND a lot better!), so my motivation comes and goes...A LOT...since I was a child. haha. So now, my biggest motivators are feeling more confident in…
  • haha, I do and feel the same!! for the most part - I'll go between 2-3x/day. I always weigh myself first thing in the morning (which is when I ALWAYS weigh the most!!), then always right before a shower when I'm naked. Then on the days I work out, I'll weigh myself after that just because it makes me feel better knowing…
  • I just quit *again* about a month ago! Honestly the only way I can do it is cold turkey and support....try setting a date so you can mentally prepare yourself. The first, say, three days are the worst of all, but after that it gets a lot easier. =) Especially if you have other people cheering you on and no one else smoking…
  • Thanks everyone! Expect friend requests from me because I'm not really sure how this all works, and I think I could use some friends on Yeah, I especially love how quickly everything is calculated! Makes life/dieting soo much easier! I'm obsessed with entering everything in. I have my daily goal set at 1200,…
  • Hi!! I'm new here, too. I've been trying to run more because I hate how hard it is for me, so I know it's a good Though I'm horribly slow, but it's pretty exciting when I can do it for even 10-15 minutes straight - which is a huge deal for me since I could finally run a mile straight for the first time in…