
So I signed up about 2 weeks ago because I needed an easier way to keep track of my calories and exercise (who uses pen and paper anymore? :-p)...but the support, motivation, and tips seem great here, so I figured I'd say hello! =) I've been trying to lose weight for as long as I can remember, but I'm determined to get to my ideal weight by the time I'm 25 (aka two years)!!

oh yes, please feel free to add me if you want! =)


  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome, and good luck, this place is great, lots of people here to help, you can always add me if you like.
  • Dahsman
    welcome to myfitnesspal, I am also new to this, but I am close to double your age and have the same problem. I am working out 5 days a week, have a trainer once a week, who suggested this site as well as do the biggest loser workout 3 days a week. I just started about a week or so ago. Just wanted to say welcome aboard and good luck with your journy to a new you.

    This is my first post as a new member as well

  • CKMama81
  • kkhawa
    Hello! I downloaded this app only 2 days ago and finding it quite difficult to stay within the calorie limit. Ive been over for the past 2 days, but I'm getting better. This is quite challenging, but hopefully I can pull through! We can do it !! :D
  • Dahsman
    Yes you can do it!!! Mind over matter and with a bit of time you will reach any goal you have set for yourself. Keep up the good work:smile:
  • Jaccilatt5
    Jaccilatt5 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome! Im trying to hit my goal weight by 28 ( about 18 months) So I know what you are going through. This site is a huge help! I love being able to see my calories at the end of the day and seeing what it says I will weigh in 5 weeks if I keep it up. Also the message boards give a ton of support!
  • BrittBritt117
    Thanks everyone! Expect friend requests from me because I'm not really sure how this all works, and I think I could use some friends on here...lol. Yeah, I especially love how quickly everything is calculated! Makes life/dieting soo much easier! I'm obsessed with entering everything in. I have my daily goal set at 1200, and I've been going to the gym 4-5x/week, soo hopefully this year is the year. I need to whip my *kitten* into gear before my metabolism slows down! haha