Skin and Eating

Does what you eat show on the skin?
I've been really stressed lately , I have binge eating disorder and I've been eating unhealthy for the past 4-5 months. (I know try keeping a 4.6 GPA!)
Friends and family members have been telling me my skin looks dull and I have darkness under my eyes and that I've lost my "peachy glow".
Anyway, what can I eat to better skin and it has to taste good so I don't grow tired of it.

BQ: Is too much fruit bad, like 5 servings a day? I kinda like fruit so I guess I'll rather binge on that than chips and cookies.


  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I think that your skin reflects your diet. Get that in order, follow it as close as you can, and then your skin will improve.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    Water? Are you getting enough?

    I started taking flax seed oil capsules 3 times daily about 3 weeks ago. My skin looks and feels wonderful! Omega 3's are a beautiful thing :heart:
  • lraymond558
    they think you look dull because you do most likely. when you force nutrients out of your body, your skin will look worse than had you not had ANY at all in the first place. it is super important to find a balance in your diet and "social" life i guess you could call it. one thing to remember is that not only is working out a great way to release stress, but it is also a great way to burn off the extra calories you may take in while binging. this is super important to your physical and emotional health. find somethign you like that is effective and go with it. think of extra food you eat each day in terms of how long you will need to exercise the next. and i know on this site the amount you work out one day allots you more calories for that day, but just use it to negate what you ate the day before. works like a charm and will actually get you totally active !
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    If your pictures are of yourself, I'd say you're already too thin. Do you binge *and* purge? If so, that is most likely what your skin is reflecting.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Does what you eat show on the skin?
    Absolutely it does, the same as smoking, drinking, stress etc.
  • BrittBritt117
    YES, definitely. Make sure you are getting enough nutrients and water! If you're not getting enough, a coworker of mine told me to take prenatal vitamins to help with hair, skin, and nails. As for the fruit, of course, anything in excess is bad, but I don't buy into the whole "too much fruit" stuff... yes, fruits contain sugars, but they are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber (all depending on the type). Not to mention they are natural and relatively low in calories relative to their volumes. You should get at least 2-4 servings each day.