KRoth416 Member


  • 11/04/2013 - 145 11/11/2013 - 140 (+/-2 lbs - water) 11/18/2013 - Week 2 WI 11/25/2013 - Week 3 WI 12/02/2013 - Week 4 WI 12/09/2013 - Week 5 WI 12/16/2013 - Week 6 WI 12/23/2013 - Week 7 WI 12/30/2013 - Week 8 WI
  • I'm still doing well! I have noticed I get lightheaded easier now when I don't eat frequently. And WOW I had my daughter's birthday party on Saturday, there was pizza and cake, but I also brought a salad! I of course ate a slice of pizza and a small slice of cake, but i drank unsweetened ice tea and ate the salad...BUT boy…
  • i LOVE perms!!! Just not the time and money it costs to get one! I have STRAIGHT hair with a lot of body so it looks gooft if I don't do anything to it (straighten it for smoothness or blowdry it) so I have had permed hair for 10 years...these last three years being the exception, I am TOO poor! but I want to change that…
  • Well I hope that is the case! Because it is driving me crazy at work! I have to find the dumbest reasons to get up and away from my desk!
  • I feel fat and bloated as well leading up to and during that time of the month. I guess you just have to accept it and know its coming and hear. Ignore the scale those weeks and honestly, if the people at the gym are that much of a downer try to stay home and use workout dvds maybe? Also, as always, drink your water! :)
  • I am 5'1" and when I was happy and healthy with my weight I was 120#s. I was not "fit" but I wasn't flabby, probably 20% body fat. NOW, at 140-145#s at 30% body fat I am "fat". I lost a ton of weight when I got pregnant with my son and looked like death at 110-115#s. 120 is my goal weight, but maybe I will increase it to…
  • Sims (for 16 years now -___-), Fable, Sim City, Elder Scrolls (series Oblivion/Skyrim <3), I miss WoW but alas ZERO time for that...would love to get into GTA V but I have small kids and zero alone time SOOOO no GTA for meee! Assasin's Creed - Santa's bringing Black Flag :) and Far Cry! Starcraft 2 and HON as far as…
  • I LOVE that site Kayln's Kitchen!! And I had a very satisfying and successful DAY one and cannot wait to continue going forward! I'm so excited to step on the scale at 1 week mark! When I was just counting calories a few months ago I lost about 1lb/week, for 6 weeks then stalled and haven't lost since, I'm hoping this…
  • I just had cauli-rice with dinner the past two nights... Very good!!
  • This site is for support. You are not being supportive, at all. So why bother? Tomato/tomatoe sugar/glucose. I am choosing to eat healthy complex carbs, increase my lean meat intake, and ditch the processed garbage I have been eating. What is the big deal. Choosing healthy alternatives to food I enjoy is not something I…
  • Becuase your body NEEEDS carbs and SUGARS! JUST not an excessive amount and since I have no self control and can't limit my carbs I have to take baby steps and go from LOW carb intake to a mid HEALTHY range slowly over time, if that's okay with you?
  • Those rats wouldnt be here for weight loss if they chose the cocaine, thats for sure!
  • In ALL seriousness. EVERYONE is different. And scientific study or NOT. I can PERSONALLY attest to having an addiction to sugar. Whether it is PHSYICAL OR MENTAL is up for debates. BUT I have eaten candy or sweets in a bathroom or my car so no one else would see because I HAD to have it! AND if the only way for ME to cut…
  • RIGHT! Because science doesn't just use rodents for studies in medicine or anything like that for use in HUMANS so we ARE OBVIOUSLY not comparable AT ALL! Genius! GENIUS!!!
  • Enjoy. This topic has gotten OUT of HAND! If you're not participating why are you even commenting? If you don't agree, stay out. Common sense and courtesy!
  • I completely agree! I saw a study done using rats/mice and oreos and cocaine. The oreos (fat & sugars) triggered the same neurological reactions in the mice as cocaine would. Also, the mice chose the oreos in the maze over the rice cakes used. Who wouldn't though...AND that is why I am here! Sugar/breads are my coke...
  • I'm using ratios: 10% carbs, 60% fats, and 30% proteins of my 1650 daily cals....leaves me with about 42 g carbs a day. So far I am doing well and staying under, I am at day one of course though!
  • @40misti: why dont you make your own chips? buy a low carb tortilla/wrap and cut them up into triangles and bake/broil could add some salt prior to baking if you wanted to. just a thought?
  • I LOVE this chick's blog/site:! Check it out! I was drooling yesterday looking at recipes! She's ALL low-carb meals AND has links to other websites with other tasty low-carb ideas!!
  • I avoided leftover cupcakes/cake from my daughters birthday! Her party is Saturday.....I have NO idea what I am going to do!
  • Im' in! I forgot my lunch yesterday so got home and ravenously raided the kitchen...SO I'm starting today for real! I sent FR and joined group! I'm low carb based on ratios...I have my set calories and I'm eating 10% carbs 60% fats 30% proteins...that allows me to have 42 g carbs/day...for some low-carb diets that is…
  • I would try for fresh veggies, you can eat until you're full and they have very little impact on your cal/carb intake...becareful with the corn like previous posted said, LOADED with sugars/starches!
  • awesome results! and its comforting to know you are human and HAVE "splurged" for special events! makes it seem a lot more doable! I LOVE carbs and this is a little depressing for me, but I've hit a plateau for 4+ months after losing initial weight loss SO drastic measures have to be done!
  • natural peanut butter, celery, carrots, bell peppers and low/no fat sour cream or plain yogurt (dip), hummus, guac, brussel sprouts (steam em and pop em), broc, cucumbers...just keep them prepared in quick grab n go containers in your fridge to make snacking fast and easy!
  • Ive lost a chihuahua...working on a microwave!
  • wow! great job!!
  • Honestly I feel that you can eat what you want...within reason. Obviously count your calories!!!! I have been doing that and some days I am like OH MY GOODNESS I ate like garbage, other days I'm like oh, wow, its bedtime, I ate great and I'm not hungry!! It all depends......I also have been giving myself one unmonitored…
  • Finished a day late, but feel great today!!
    in Day 2 Comment by KRoth416 July 2013
  • Starting image ... Eww Sorry if it doesn't link
  • LOVED seeing this!! Replacing fat with muscle is my goal!! Weight loss is not at the top of my priority list, inches loss and muscle tone on the other hand is TOP of the charts!! Keep it up! You look fantastic!!