LADIES ONLY! - Not really a 'guy' kinda post :P

Weight loss is going great, but I'm just wanting to know if any other ladies experience any problems around 'that time of the month' to keep already lost weight from coming back? Even if only temporarily. Bloating gets sooooo annoying around this time, and can sometimes undo some of the renewed confidence gained from the weight loss.

Have tried every adjustment you can think of to my diet to deal with it, and I've now run out of ideas!
Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you ladies! xxxx


  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    I think it’s a losing battle! It’s natural for your body to hang onto some extra water around the time of your period, so anything you could do to try to keep that from happening would probably not be super healthy. One small thing you can do is to avoid super salty foods around that time, but it might not make a huge difference. In my experience, even if the weight comes back at that time due to bloating, it drops back off when my period is over. It’s just part of the fun! :)
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Just accept that your weigh ins before and during your period are not an accurate reflection of your weight loss. Drink lots of water, avoid overeating and carry on.
  • embaudin
    embaudin Posts: 45 Member
    In my experience, even if the weight comes back at that time due to bloating, it drops back off when my period is over. It’s just part of the fun! :)

    Very very true! I'm just not enjoying the feeling of becoming 'Mrs.Blobby' on the treadmill. Does not do much for one's self esteem. Especially when there's a clique of body builders at your gym who don't think you can hear them smirking at you whilst you work out. - In defence for the people at my gym, its only a group of 5 people who do that, everyone else is pretty supportive or busy with their own gym regimes; but honestly, they can be a bit off putting sometimes. So having the 'period pounds' appear doesn't exactly help the situation.

    Anyway, back to topic, I have cut a large part of salty foods out of my diet. No chips (crisps for the brit folks), I don't add salt when I'm cooking. I guess I may just be ranting after having been able to keep a steady drop in my weight for the last 3.5 weeks; so its a little annoying to be thrown back due to the 'woman's monthly curse'.
  • mssierra2u
    mssierra2u Posts: 86 Member
    The week before, I'm usually ravenous, so I make sure to add extra fiber. This week, I've averaged 3 apples a day. It just helps.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I am kind of the opposite I guess!? I'm not sure how or why but I drop weight much more steadily in the week leading up to my period. Then during my actual period it slows down again.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I have gained one pound since last week and now i am confused if its actual weight gain with all the festive eating or water weight. Only time will tell, but yeah, it is annoying no matter how much facts you know!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It isn't just happening now, it's just that now you are conscious of it. Just one of those life things that happens. It's just retained fluid and will right itself when the hormones fluctuate the other way.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Not really anything you can do about it. It'll happen and it'll go away again! Learn to live with it!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    yup....its normal. get used to it.
  • elliekay90
    elliekay90 Posts: 6 Member
    I have the same issue; I bloat right before my period, even though I'm on birth control pills. I too, am a ravenous period-time eater. Knowing I have a calorie journal to go back to helps me keep it in check. I'd say just go with it... just accept that you'll feel a little bloaty and bigger during this time and when it's over then you'll feel better again. :)
  • cweaver1981
    cweaver1981 Posts: 76 Member
    I know that I weigh more when I have my period. I have learned to accept that so I just don't weight myself that week. It's easier than getting upset.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Hormones are a b****, eh?

    What are your macros? I went from an average gain of 5-8 (sludgey/yucky-feeling) pounds every month to only 1-2 of actual water weight without the crazy bloating, but only after I increased my protein and fat ratios. (I'm at 40C/30P/30F.) I think it may be the increase in fat - too little can really mess with your hormone levels. My PMS symptoms are considerably less now, as well.
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    Unfortunately, no. Just learn to accept it's part of life. And who cares what the asshats at the gym smirk at. At least you're not at home sitting on the couch, you're taking steps to improve your health! (also idk what kind of gym you attend, but it might be worth it to make a complaint against the group making asinine comments about people)
  • hannizzle
    hannizzle Posts: 3 Member
    Usually bloating causes me to gain a little or stay the same even if I'm making the effort to keep up my healthy habits, but just remember that what matters isn't the number on the scale during that time, it's that your body is getting healthier and feeling better and keeping in shape! The number itself is just from water retention, which doesn't always accurately reflect diet and exercise. :smile:
  • jot42
    jot42 Posts: 6 Member
    I think you need to live with it, that said I have noticed diet plays a huge factor in how much I gain each month. If I stay away from salty foods it makes a big difference for me. As does dairy.
  • I am having that problem right now!! I want to eat everything i can get my hands on! I keep trying to remind myself this is only temporary!! Joys of being a woman i guess.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    Its awful but normal - the sooner you learn to embrace it or just not weigh that week, the better (plus you will likely have an awesome weigh in afterwards if you stay on track no matter how gross you feel or unmotivated ;). My problem is that a week before until the day after it starts, I want to eat EVERYTHING ALL THA THINGS THAT EVER THERE WAS. It happens every single damn time. I wish my husband could just lock me in a bomb shelter with exactly how many calories I need to subsist on that week so I'm FORCED to ration them...its quite ridiculous.
  • molonlabe762
    molonlabe762 Posts: 411 Member
    peak 0v0
  • I take water pills to combat the bloat! drink loads of water and stay away from salt... keep it up and stay positive!! and maybe stick that darn scale somewhere you wont be tempted to hop on it everyday.
  • KRoth416
    KRoth416 Posts: 37 Member
    I feel fat and bloated as well leading up to and during that time of the month. I guess you just have to accept it and know its coming and hear. Ignore the scale those weeks and honestly, if the people at the gym are that much of a downer try to stay home and use workout dvds maybe? Also, as always, drink your water! :)