saintpaulJess Member


  • Congratulations! I'm due next month and have a 14 month old, so they'll be 15 months apart. And after a 12 week maternity leave, I will be returning to work as well. I'm sure it will be a challenge at first, but it will also be fun to have two so close together! As far as being pregnant with a little one, it wasn't bad…
  • Everyone is doing great! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm getting eager to meet my little one and being done with pregnancy.
  • Great job! Your little one is adorable.
  • I run 3-4 days a week and that seems to help me the most - as far as mood, how I feel physically, and keeping weight gain in check. I also throw in some weight lifting, prenatal yoga, swimming, walking, hiking, and a few spin classes.
  • In addition to the baby on the way, I have a 10 year old son and a 13 month old daughter.
  • I'm 32 weeks today, due on July 14th. I also have a ten year old son and a 13 month old daughter.
  • My doctor basically said three things: 1) If I was doing it previously, I can keep doing it. 2) To listen to my body, and slow down if I need to. and 3) Exercise is good for both me and baby. Given that, I've kept working out, slowing down when I need to. I ran a 5k at 31 weeks, and am still running about 3 days a week. I…
  • As I'm sure you know, you have to listen to your body and each person and pregnancy is different. But this was my experience last time around. 12 days after birth - incline walking on a treadmill 4 weeks after birth - running 6 weeks after birth - weightlifting (I waited for the "all clear" from my doctor before getting…
  • I have been really sick with a cold/virus thing the last week or so. It's affected my sleep as well, so the past few days have been rough. I've still been running about three days a week, which has really helped me. I have less than ten weeks left now!
  • Congratulations! I just hit the third trimester as well and am so excited to be getting so close to the end!
  • Are you getting enough potassium and protein? I would try a snack like a banana with some type of protein. And a walk at lunch is a good idea as well.
  • I have mine set below maintenance and my doctor has been just fine with my calorie intake and weight gain thus far.
  • I really like the Jane Austin Pregnancy Yoga DVD for that type of workout. It really helps with hip and back discomfort toward the end of pregnancy, as well.
  • As others have said, it will depend on your birth experience and you should always listen to your body. With my second, I started doing incline walking on the treadmill at 12 days postpartum and jogging at 4 weeks postpartum. I waited until six weeks and my check-up to start any heavy strength training.
  • Nice job making it to 34 weeks! I'm at 26 weeks and still running 3-4 times a week. I say "still", but really I started back up again at about 20 weeks. I hope to make it close to the end, but will take it a week at a time.
  • New here and due July 14th! This will be #3 for me.
  • Hey Kelli, I'm in almost the exact same place you are - 21 weeks pregnant, history of running races here and there, but lately have barely managed a couple runs a month. My husband and I are running a 5k in two weeks and my goal is just to finish. I signed up for it because I knew it would keep me running, at least now and…