

  • Sometimes when you think you are eating healthy, you actually are not. Noticing your food diary, I see you do not eat breakfast. Bad idea. I also see that you eat almost 700 calories for lunch, dinner, and snacks. Try spreading out your food intake and instead of eating 700 calories for lunch, have 300 calories for…
  • Not sure where you are located, but if you can get outside and walk it is much more interesting than on the treadmill. Walk the dog, walk with a friend and enjoy the beauty. Work up to walking fast for a minute, then slow down a little and alternate every minute. You may find you want to start jogging! Have fun!
  • Join a class! If you can find a buddy to go with, it is much more fun. I enjoy kickboxing but other fun classes are Zumba, Boot Camp or Cardio Fusion. All get your heartrate up and burn calories.
  • See where she is at in a year. Typically, things like this don't last. The only way to true fitness is working out and eating right.
  • Yeah, I think I can definitely say that I wouldn't cheat. I have morals and my vows mean something.
  • NO WAY!!! I love my man for more than his looks. He could stand to lose a few pounds, but that doesn't matter to me. He is kind, sincere, loving and above all a wonderful husband and father.
  • Know that you are doing this for yourself and not anyone else. You are taking the steps toward a healthy lifestyle, feeling and looking better. You should be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished! Congratulations and keep up the healthy living!
  • I am a VP of Marketing for a local credit union. I create ads, PR, Community Events, manage the call center (how that fits, I don't know!) We are small therefore I wear many hats. MFP rocks!
  • I use lots of supplements with water, but I also drink a lot of water flavored with a squirt of MIO. You can adjust the flavor to your liking. I don't prefer very sweet water, so I just put one small squirt in a water bottle several times a day and it satisfies my water intake. There are some great flavors including…
  • WOW, 30 degrees sounds warm! I run outside no matter what the temperature, unless it gets to dangerously low wind chill temperatures (which happens in Wisconsin!) When that happens, I am forced to run on the tradmill but I hate it. I love running outside with my iPod. Each run, I try to go a little further than the last…
  • I listen to alternative and harder rock music - that gets me motivated. My favorite groups are Chevelle, Breaking Benjamin, 30 Seconds to Mars, Foo Fighters, Lifehouse, Shinedown. I usually put together a mix of the faster paced music. It is great to run or walk to!
  • Hi, Amy! I'll be your friend!
  • If you started 3 weeks ago and already lost 7 pounds, that is definitely a success! Your weight is going to fluxuate slightly, so don't get caught up in the number on the scale. Look at it this way: 10 pounds of fat is the size of a watermelon but 10 pounds of muscle is the size of a cantalope. They both weigh the same,…
  • Hi, Nikki- I have struggled all my life with weight. Every day I wake up and say I am going to start today, only to fail. I am hoping by finding friends who are in the same boat, we can support one another and work together through the frustrations and the successes. Send me a message sometime - I would love to hear from…
  • I am in the same boat! I did a half last year but did not keep up my training. I am basically starting over! I would love to be your cyber running buddy.Glad to see you are doing the Hal Higdon program. It is awesome!