AglaeaC Member


  • I don't mind :) It wasn't for me, but for someone who may have needed to hear it today or the other day. Thanks though!
  • Nice Ceci! I did the 3.2 km, 4.1 km total with walking before and after. Feels good to have some kimd of plan to stick with again. Makes the internal debate less tedious.
  • Thanks everyone! I just came back from my walking for cross-training, and it was a good walk. 30 minutes is a decent time to get the heart working, but it isn't that much effort wise. I haven't yet decided what to do about tomorrow's strength training that should follow the 3.2 km run, though. @maggiekat my problem when…
  • Ugh, forgot to ask a question to everyone. I wonder how warming up is included in your programmes? When the task is to run for instance 7K, is the warm-up included or not?
  • @taeliesyn and all, I just moved on to Hal Higdon, W1D1. It's nice for a change to listen to my own music only, but the route lengths vary on each of the three running days, so I'll have to do some measuring today, then make notes. Currently I need as easy as possible, which means increasing distance regardless of time.…
  • Great news, rusgolden, and comgrats on bettering your time. Ceci, so glad you're with us still :D
  • I declare this page a happy page so far! @rusgolden It's good that you're adjusting to the heat. I need to do so, too, as it's becoming too hot for me. It might not be enough to run earlier or later, but I'll see if those options would work first. I'm done with couch-to-5K finally! So so happy! Off to take a shower :smiley:
  • @ftrobbie Sorry to hear life has been testing you a bit, but it's great to see you back here! I was wondering whether something had happened. @rusgolden What's your targeted weekly loss? If you're burning a lot via running, I'm not sure anything past 500 g (um, 1 lb I think) per week is easy to keep up with, but then I'm…
  • Hope someone more advanced can pitch in, but I think there might be as many answers as there are respondents, because people function differently even when there are similarities. Have you raced before? Do you know how you'll react to the situation? And what is your goal, to finish or to create a first personal best or to…
  • When mine are heavy, it is like they are burning up of acid on the inside as well as have been drenched in steel. Very unpleasant. No running today due to horrific migraine in the morning as well as dreadful weather. Did walk though and am reminding myself that crosstraining is a fantastic invention.
  • Haven't decided whether that was a great or silly decision yet, but kudos for barefoot running. I think that will never be on my bucket list. Blisters suck. Will you be cycling in the godawful heat in summer, too? Still can't imagine those temperatures as anything one can function in normally! Did W8D2 just now. Heavy…
  • What kind of bike?
  • @rusgolden Congrats, good decision. And nice stats too. @NancyN795 Well done. What you suggested doesn't sound at all like cheating to me, just walk when it fits your needs on the course best.
  • @rusgolden The heat is probably the biggest reason for the defeated feeling. Is there a chance you could run either earlier or later to avoid the worst of it? Do take care to hydrate well and seriously, the sun isn't on you, but in this context it is a plague. As for repeating or not, it depends on your personality I…
  • Nice job @NancyN795 and @rusgolden ! I'm right behind you, only two more weeks to go before I get done with C25K (second time). @Just_Ceci what a bummer, your diagnosis :( @MeanderingMammal Oh my. Well, hrm, congrats. Fine bling! :smiley: @taeliesyn You sound like you're getting back in your groove, I'm glad. Can almost…
  • Hammy sounds like a pet. Glad you were able to run comfortably! I'm sure you're right on the first portion, but the motivation (well, you're obviously right on that one, too) part is what has me attached to some kind of plan, even when it keeps floating a bit. During the shortish break when I was literally unable to do…
  • @NancyN795 hills really are ghastly... I can't even say I'm used to normal hills yet because they are so sneaky here and the elevation distance isn't huge at all. There was one tiny "molehill" that almost did me in though, in the beginning of C25K I mean, but now I'm just breezing past it. There was that same feeling of…
  • I actually think I might jump between distance and time according to feeling. Lately I've had a lot going on with rather tired legs as a result occasionally, so there is no point in pushing too much as long as I head out the door at least. The main point after all is to increase distance slowly enough, and I think I grasp…
  • Oh, sorry about bodily troubles! I left the group on page 140-something and jumped to the reply field. Ceci, I hope the arm stops being a nuisance, and perhaps the mri will show something of use. Please post back! Taelisyn, don't overdo :) Thought I'd do a bit of finger waving just in case.
  • Oh hai, it's been a while... Hope everyone is well! And amazingly enough I've forgotten to start posting in this group. Anyway, I just finished W6 of C25K today, feels fab to be done with intervals as per last week (from today on it's only constant running again). I've planned to keep going with the Hal Higdon novice 10K…
  • If there are medical reasons to overweight, yes. But in many cases some common sense combined with brutal honesty about one's self toward one's self will work for first steps. Most issues on the planet have been represented by now in this forum, and there is plenty of experience, so (in partifular if finances are a problem…
  • Absolutely. Personally I don't believe in extrinsic motivation at all (as in it won't work for me), but maybe it works for others. I've read a bit more in this thread and have to say that I think there's no use in focusing on what people should or shouldn't say to others. Yes, it is important in social interactions in…
  • I can't be bothered to separate and waste stuff, or try to figure out what to do with the poor neglected yolk later.
  • As a small kid, I asked a classmate's mom whether she was pregnant. I didn't mean any harm by it. She was fat, not pregnant, and I was old enough to realise I had said something silly. Lesson learned. A five-year old might not understand that some people are sensitive about the word and can perceive it as hurtful, so…
  • Green tea, huh? No wonder, I've been doing it the wrong way all the time. Black. Thanks for clearing things up.
  • Long time no see. My running went down the drain a while ago, haven't had the headspace to get back on track, but a first step is to poke my head through the door here again, so hello. And hi to new people as well.
  • Well, it is an investment in your health, too. I did the Hal Higdon W1D4 run today, 1.5 miles or 2.4 km. Super slow with side stitch (yay...), but better shoe lacing now. Heavy wind from both front and side part of the way, new experience to fight the elements like that on top of schlepping myself forwards. Hated the 10…
  • Finances are actually a reason for me, too. Fees are shockingly high here unfortunately. But if I choose with care, I might be able to squeeze something out from the wallet without feeling too bad about it.
  • Thanks :) I've decided to stick to the actual HH novice 5K for now to get back on track, so today was W1D3 with a 5K of Nordic walking rather than run/walk. Hope it's okay that I report here for accountability also the non-running days. Also looked at a local race calendar and think it would be nice to aim for a 5K and a…