michellevt725 Member


  • There is an indoor water park in Lake George, NY
  • I got my husband tickets to their last tour and I went with him. I was dreading going to the concert. I had so much fun at that concert! It is probably one of my favorite concerts of all time.
  • Congratulations! I want to be in that same boat in a couple weeks!
  • I started back on the bandwagon to help with my infertility. I wasn't following too closely then I went for an eye check up. Over the last two month I've had 2 MRIs. The first one to rule out a brain tumor, the second for further diagnostic testing. I have pseudo tumor cerebri. Evidently PTC is getting more common in women…
  • I've been going through my closet finding old pants to wear. I am fitting in 16s if I buy them now but my old 18s fit (sometimes, sometimes they are falling off of me). I'm scared to look for new clothes to only find out that I need more 18s still.
  • I don't go to the gym because it's a drive and pretty expensive but maybe later in my journey. But, I do worry about taking a day off from any exercise. I know I skipped 30 ds on Sunday and I really had to force myself to get up yesterday morning to do it.
  • I'm did day 5 of level 2 this morning and I made it almost all the way through without stopping I just needed to catch my breath a little bit in the last cardio section. But I also just can't do the squat thrusts and plank jacks yet. It kills my calf muscles. :(
  • I've been here for 12 years now. I'm originally from the Syracuse area in NY. I met H in college and moved here since he is a farmer and couldn't move away. :)
  • Where in Vermont are the 4 (so far) Vermonters? I'm in the Middlebury area. :)
  • I took this for a while. I added a tablespoon to 8oz of water and took that to work every day and then further diluted it by putting that mixture into another 16 oz of water (like a third of the original 8 oz mixture went into the 16 oz of water). When I first started I could taste the vinegar in the water but when I…
  • I'm Michelle and I'm from Vermont.
  • For breakfast I would drop the pancakes and add in some fruit. I don't know how big your salad was at dinner but it doesn't seem like you have much fruit and veggies on your diary. Add nuts to your snacks also.
  • Another PCOSer here. I'm 33 and looking back I've had symptoms since I was about IDK, 13? Got my period when I was about 11 had it regularly for a couple of years and then it just stopped. I may have gotten it a couple of times a year but I can't remember now. I didn't think much about it and everyone explained it away…
  • That is me! I went of my metformin a couple of months ago and I'm still losing weight so it can be done.
  • My husband scoffed at having to give up his WHOLE sleeve of ritz crackers and only eating a half a sleeve. Now, he isn't the skinniest guy in the world. He has his belly and his love handles but he isn't obese by any means. The guy wonders why I spend so much money on food. Dude, you eat enough for three people everyday! ;)
  • My husband is a dairy farmer and active all day long (4am-7:30pm) the other day I set him up an account on here to see what he is eating etc. We put him in the highest activity level. We then logged his food in for the day and he was something like 2500 or 3000 calories over. He is losing weight currently so I think MFP is…
  • I also use green & red peppers to scoop up canned in water tuna fish with 1T of light miracle whip. You could also just put your bread in the freezer and take out the slice or two a day that you are using. When I use bread I make my sandwich in the am while I'm packing my lunch and by lunch time the bread is defrosted.
  • You could use lettuce instead of bread. What about pumpernickel bread?
  • I have PCOS and have been ttc for the last 4 years. It sucks. I was on metformin for a few months and found that it didn't really do much for me. I don't eat white bread, rice or potato. Also, only plain fat free yogurt. Even with whole wheat pasta & brown rice I try to limit that to once or twice a week. This was so hard…
  • I'm on level 1 day 7 or 9 I can't remember. With so much else going on I lost track in my head but have it logged in here. I'm afraid to move up to level 2 because of the shin splints I get. I'd like to join you guys if it's possible. :)
  • I use 3lb weights and it's killing me but I refuse to buy anything lighter.
  • I have to do the modified push ups. I have to stop during the jumping jacks/jump rope combo b/c it kills my shins and I had to stop during the bicycle crunches. I felt like I couldn't breath while I was doing them. Today was my day 1. I tried doing 30ds before but by day 3 my knees were killing me and I couldn't do it…
  • I was on metformin for about 4 months. I started at 750mg of the XR for a week then went up to 1500 (1 pill in the am, 1 pill at night). I stopped taking it so that I could join a study comparing femara & clomid in those ttc. I told H that I would see if the weight started piling back on I would go back on the metformin. I…