pinkfanatic68 Member


  • Welcome. I'm glad you're here and you're reaching out for support. Whether or not you fall into a specific diagnosis, you're aware that you have an unhealthy relationship with food. I find it sad that we consider poor body image and bashing ourselves as "normal". I'm a good girl if I restrict and I'm terrible if I eat that…
  • I almost feel sorry for those who can't be happy for someone else's achievements, etc... Misery loves company and they want to bring you down with them. I just don't understand feeling the need to bully/put others down to make myself feel good. Be proud of yourself for taking the necessary steps to take care of yourself.
  • Sometimes as we get better..take steps to take care of ourselves.. others around us may get worse. Especially family members. You'd think they'd be the first ones to support you and cheer you on. :frown I learned this my first time going through inpatient treatment for my eating disorder. I think Dr. Phil refers to the…
  • Besides the wii game, and remote controls..are there other required accessories to buy separately for wii zumba, dance """? I already have wii fit and wii fit plus.
  • I'M BEAUTIFUL , by Bette Midler THIS ONE'S FOR THE GIRL, by Martina McBride MAN, I FEEL LIKE A WOMAN, by Shania Twain I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL, by Joan Jett multiple PINK and ABBA songs Plus many more upbeat and empowering songs
  • That's right... progress, not perfection. The day I have perfect "abstinence" is the day I'm cured. Not going to happen.
  • I agree that abstinence is different for everybody because we need food to live. It's like picking up a white chip everyday. We need to learn to eat in moderation. That's like telling an alcoholic that alcohol is a legitimate food group so they MUST drink in moderation to survive. Huh?! :noway: I honestly don't have a…
  • I'm Pink Fanatic and I'm a compulsive eater altogether. Officially today I'd be considered EDNOS according to the present DSM criteria. My first time going through in-patient treatment specializing in eating disorders, both substance abuse and eating disorder patients were treated together, using the 12 steps. Because I…
  • Hi Hannah! This is soo tough, I know. You're NOT alone in this! According to today's DSM criteria, I'd be considered EDNOS. Plus I also have a long history of self-injury. Glad you're here too, so we can support each other.:flowerforyou: I'm new here at MFP. For my weight, food and physical activity tracking, I prefer My…
  • I'll be 46 in a couple weeks. Don't remember when I last had a healthy relationship with food. I was first both anorexic and bulimic in my late teens. According to the DSM criteria TODAY, I'd be considered EDNOS.
  • I enjoy wii tennis. I joke that I'm in training for "Wii Wimbledon":laugh: Granted I can't play real tennis. However, I manage to hold my own on wii tennis court. A couple months ago, for a farce, I created an alter mii-go that's left handed. Turns out I'm ambidextrous at wii tennis. :tongue: No kidding! I strive to…
  • March will mark 10 years since I had my very first hotflash. I'll be 46 in a couple weeks. I can go for months with zero hotflashes, then they kick in for a short period of time before going away again.. Plus, I experience what I prefer to call "neurological flatulence". LOL What the heck did I come into this room for? I…
  • It blows my mind too, that people don't always wash their hands. Especially health care professionals. When in doubt wash your hands. I agree with you that the flu shot should be a personal choice and NOT mandatory. Last flu shot I had was fall 1997. I had side effects from it. Then I managed to get the flu twice that…
  • I'm interested whether or not kelp really helps thyroid function. I've read to be careful of soy products/supplements because they can lower thyroid function.
  • I was born with congenital HYPO thyroidism, therefore according to Taber's medical dictionary, I have "cretinsm". It's interesting how people throw the word "cretin" around and they don't know the real meaning of it. It's like when people throw around the word "retard". :angry: I was finally diagnosed at two months old.…
  • l 'll be 46 in a couple of weeks. I'm going through a long drawn-out perimenopause. I experienced my first hotflash almost ten years ago. They're sporadic with me. I experience what I like to call "neurological flatulence" (brain farts) all the time. I cont.. to menstruate every month. I joke that I get the best of both…
  • I'm in Marietta, GA...Just outside Atlanta. However, I grew up in Endicott, NY. :)
  • Since the DSM has changed some of its criteria for diagnosing eating disorders, today I'd be considered EDNOS. I started with bulimia in my late teens. Then I crossed over to anorexia. The last couple years, I had been compulsive overeating. Today, I admit I'm USUALLLY more on the restrictive side. I'm in my mid-forties. I…
  • I look forward to my birthday on Feb. 4, because my parents are getting me the fitbit zip. Yay me! :bigsmile: The fitbit gets great ratings. My last pedometer died last month.
  • Just for Today I will practice self kindness. :love: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • One day at a time.. Sometimes, I have to get through an hour at a time, or five minutes at a time.:smile: We're all in this together. Glad you're coming here and reaching out. :flowerforyou:
  • I, too, have fear of others' attention to my body (men's attention). Therefore, over the years I've fluctuated between anorexia and compulsive overeating. For me, I have this fear because I was sexually assaulted in my early years. I'm determined to make myself either disappear with the anorexia or look grotesque to avert…