debou5 Member


  • I am actually taking his course on Udemy, and I read his book. I was really interested in his diet as I love my cheat days on Saturdays but also because I want to get leaner without going on a restrictive diet. According to the meal plan he gives on the course, I do not see how this diet could be negative on our health, we…
  • Yes, I often check Mark Scisson's website it is pretty good. I'm following Chris Kresser's plan so I did an elimination diet and I'm now reintroducing food to see which one I'm intolerant to so I eat dairy sometimes not, I drink kefir for probiotics. Since I'm trying to lose weight I'm moderating my dairy intake. I'm…
  • I'll look it up. My problem is that I eat too much sigar without realizing it. I'm paying a little more attention now except today because it is my birthday so I'm enjoying myself but I'm going to be more careful in the future. I made homemade Larabar but it is not good for me to have that in the fridge I have a tendency…
  • Well I did not keep it and I could only get 10 books at a time... I was happy because I had one month free trial but I would not pay for it.
  • I just read something interesting "A study by the European Journal of Applied Physiology found out that people who perform long, slow (and boring, seriously!) cardio actually suffered from a decreased T3 thyroid hormone production." Maybe the fact that my T3 uptake is low because I have been doing long slow cardio for…
  • Yes you are right. I have one bar left so I'll resist the temptation to buy more and I will buy low glycemic index fruit instead for my dessert or to add to my breakfast and I will keep the shredded coconut for my dessert for dinner.
  • I eat a lot of vegetables but at the end of each meal I do not reel satisfied, I always need to eat a bar or some shredded coconut, or nuts, fruits does not appeal to me as much.
  • I was wondering, how much sugar is it okay to eat every day? I realize that I do eat a lot of sugar and I did not even notice, there are days I'm going to eat a larabar then I'm going to make a drink with 2 dates, cow milk or almond millk and cocoa powder and for the past two days I've been drinking a smoothie so more…
  • This is what I thought too. I will see with my doctor in France to get more tests.
  • I saw his article the day I got my test this is why I am still doubting that I don't have any issues. I'm sorry about how I described my breakfast, I started this week to stop eating pancakes for breakfast so the beginning of this week I ate kelp noodles with spinach, mushrooms, and lamb, then I was eating patties and I…
  • Yes I got the numbers, TSH: 3.40 mIu/L, T4: 9.0 mcg/dL, total free T4 index (T7): 2.3 mcg/dL, T3 uptake: 26 mcg/dL
  • I lost my hair recently like 2/3 of it because of my treatment but I met a girl who has the same disease has me and got the same treatment and her hair loss was because of hypothyroidism. My husband often complain about my cold hands/ feets. I do not go every day to the bathroom but I won't say I'm constipated, I'm pretty…
  • I only got tested for TSH, T4, free T4 and T3 uptake. I guess my doctor will know which test I need to take according to my symptoms.
  • I actually read than running for more than 30 is not that good because it gives stress response to your body. I also used to run for a year for about 30+ everyday and I actually did not notice any changes on my body so I changed my workout routine and now I'm following a guide which includes strength training, and power…
  • So I'm not eating pancakes for breakfast, I usually eat beef patties with a smoothie (avocado, 1 cup pineapple, 1 cup almond milk) or with some shredded coconut and milk or I eat lamb with kelp noodles. For lunch I eat a salad with a bunch of veggies and a Larabar, for dinner it is usually some meat, half of my plate…
  • Yes I saw that that much sugar in the morning was not good, which I could've remember when I was eating my plantain pancakes for breakfast -_-..
  • Oh ok I misunderstood. I checked my book and for weight loss and on a 2,000 calorie diet the carbs recommendation (only starchy vegetables and fruits) is 50-75g. So like if I eat a big sweet potato a day I'll get like 40g of carbs so my pancakes were like waaay over it since 1 cup of plantain is like 48g of carbs. I'm…
  • 100g seems good. It was earlier on this post on the first page somebody says "keep it under 60g". And on MFP I entered my goals macro as 20% carbs, 65% fat and 15% protein so it was around 60g but I just changed so it looks like that now: 15% carbs, 25% proteins, 60% fat which seems better.
  • Okay then I'll eat more. Thanks :)
  • In my book that I follow for my AIP Chris Kresser says that we should not worry about counting vegetables as carbs but we should count fruits and starchy vegetables. He says for weight loss we should eat between 50-75g of carbs if we don't have a lot if weight to lose... Now I see that I haven't been following what he said…
  • Yes I won't cut on any vegetables this is the only thing I shouldn't worry about but I'm gonna to eat 1/2-1 cup of sweet potatoes at night to see if it works better for me. Yes AiP it is not easy but at least I will know what my body can tolerate or not. For the meat I'm pretty happy because I can find grass-fed beef…
  • Lol okay so I'm definitely going to stop eating plantain for breakfast and focus on my vegetables, proteins and healthy fat. I'm not going to count my carbs since after eating my salad I'm full and after eating 3/4 of a plate of vegetables I'm more than full so I won't overdo it on carbs if I stop eating paleo pancakes. I…
  • I put lettuce, radishes, carrots which has a lot of carbs, aragula, watercress, cucumbers, zucchinis, olives, 1/4'avocado, onions, and my dressing is olive oil and vinegar.
  • Yes my salad is like 30g of carbs. I wonder how people who are on a keto diet do... Because if vegetables and nuts count as carbs they might not eat a like of those.. But yes I'm definitely finish my plantain pancakes that I made tomorrow and Thursday I will find another breakfast, I'm so hungry when I wake up so I need to…
  • So how do you keep your carb intake under 100g if you count vegetables? Because I know just my salad is already 50g. I don't think I'll count my vegetables in my carb intake I'll definitely count fruits, nuts, and the starchy vegetables. I did not realize it was that much sugar and I cannot even imagine when I was eating…
  • The juice that I made are 80% vegetables and 20% fruits. Paleo won't be a fail and so far it hasn't been, I'm healthy and I don't have any symptoms and it had been 5 months I'm off medication so this will definitely my lifestyle, this IS my lifestyle. I'm not that hungry, in the morning if I eat my breakfast around 10 I…
  • The 10 days diet detox was the first diet I did in order to heal my body it was a diet that removed every inflammatory foods like gluten, coffee, sugar... It was basically like the paleo diet with a few more food allowed. I was not starving myself at all. I was still taking my treatment at that time so I did not know if it…
  • I'm not trying to lose 10lbs I gained 10 lbs in one month this is my problem. The juice diet is not extreme, it was kind of a transition to my old bad eating habits to my new lifestyle: the paleo diet. It was also helpful for my elimination diet because it was easier not to eat the food I was not allowed to eat. You might…