Peri Im a pig yes oink oink.. Romana 1 was a great companion though as well .
Second Best Doctor behind Tom Baker. Acting wise, I would even say he was better. One moment he was jolly. The next pissed off, one minute cocky and arrogant, the next dejected and resigned to his fate. The way he handled the truth at TRENZALORE when he found out the planet he was on in Time of the Doctor was amazing. He…
I agree Rose was great with number 9. She almost felt like a after thought with ten . But will give her her best props when she wiped out the entire TIME WAR refugee SKARO FLEET as either the MOMENT or BAD WOLF
Loved it. It was on during the 50th annaversy week. Also if you can google The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot on the BBC website for those into old school who. I had a greet weekend last year watching those before and after DAY OF THE DOCTOR
The Ultimate Foe [23.4] (29 November - 6 December 1986) The Doctor: In all my travelling throughout the universe, I have battled against evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here. The oldest civilisation: decadent, degenerate, and rotten to the core. Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen…
Whoops misread this .. The two on top are who I would be want to be if I could . Date Karen Gillian or Freeman Agaiman :)
I have agree with the folks who said some movement is better than none. I had a much better workout today han yesterday. I guess some days are gonna be great and other not so great gotta stick to the path consistantly though :)
Instructible(Exile ) the original and the remix with FLO- RIDA versions
37 Childless. Love being around kids and all, just getting my life together frist adn get my self straight economically before I even find THE ONE first .
I simply tell them that I ahve more energy now, Im happier, and I lost 25 pounds doing what Im doing . They see the results and dont say a word afterwards
Four was my favorite, but I love eleven the second best. 10 wore on me after awhile. I was starting to get annoyed with him . But needless to say i was a very happy camper with the last 5 minutes of DAY OF THE DOCTOR :)
Still very big, still very fat, but it hit me when a few size 18 shirts of mine started to fit a little losse. Before I started this, Even size 18 shirts were too tight on me now they are starting to fit loosly. Also I think having more energy and eating right made me feel happier :) . Finally size 17 1/2 is starting to…
I demand you do the HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY DANCE you accomplished a lot be happy and keep up the good work
Better mood Thinking better, Fitting into clothes Better person at work, My health.
add me if ya want , were all n this together
Patience. You might not see the results right away, but others will at first. Just believe in what your doing and stick to it .
YOU CAN DO IT AND YOU WILL DO IT You might be surprised how much you DONT miss drinking if you can get through the whole month. Although its been awhile, I have gone times where I go out with friends and dont drink a drop of liquor or beer. I would joing you for April, but I gotta help a friend out at a beer fest. this…
MAn dont give up. Whatever you do, dont give up. Forget what the scale says, what does your body say? what do the chothes say on your body. If thier loose or starting to seem too big, then your on the right path. Did the first cave man quit when he used a sharp spear instead of a club? Did the Continental Army quit in…
L_arc en Ciel - Ready Steady Go
My Love ~ Summon Courage ~ "
houki boshi-younha
Rocks-Hound DOG
tooku made- do as infinity
Necroing a long dead post. Ok because of my size, and also the fact that I never got hit hit on in highschool or college much. So it was very surprising, when I walked up to this gerogous woman a few years back and she and I started talking. Well I thought she was being friendly and nice to me ou respect. We tlaked, she…
Damn Straight that impressive. Im aiming for that by next year . Im aiming for 35 minutes this year . For the record, when I was just exercising and never eating right, I was able to hit 42 minutes and that was with me sleeping wrong the night before and my side burning the whole time. I could probably have hit late 30's…
Keep doing what your doing. I know folks who did insanity and for the first 4 weeks there was no change. they were stronger, more cardio endurance, but basically no change. By week 5 , the weight started to come off and they started to get slimmer. they never gave up and inspired me to get off my duff and workout. Dont…
I workout out 5 days a week. Might be 6 soon though. of those 5 days, I workout for a hour on two of those days , and two hours on three of them. I always workout in the morning, but I also workout in the afternoon for a additional hour as weel 3/5 days
I bet you also feel lighter and ahve way more energy now as well :)? great job
Great story of your progress . It has inspired me to go for a walk on my rest day. Thank you very much