How many times a week do you workout ?



  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I'm so inconsistent! But one time to five times a week works right now.

    I exercise (lift, dance, or run) from fifteen minutes to an hour at a time.
  • mrsBrown1989
    6-7 times. i try to go to the gym but if i am too lazy to go I still force myself to do cardio at home.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I lift 5 times a week for about 2 hours.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Hi, so I usually workout 6 days a week, 90 mins each time. I usually do low- impact Aerobics, or walk 6 miles. Between two jobs and a family, im starting to think it's best i workout 5 days a week instead. But i feel like i'll fall off track.

    So here are a few questions, how often do you workout? For how long do you usually workout in one session? Do you ever feel guilty for taking a rest day?

    Thanks ! I would really like to read some responses. I think that would help me feel like guilty/lazy.

    I exercise 4-5 times a week, for about 40-60 minutes each session. I do a lot of different things. Jogging, exercise DVDs, weight lifting, online workouts, the gym.

    I don't feel guilty for taking a rest day. Muscles are made in the gym, kitchen and bedroom (rest).

    I do feel guilty for not working out when I feel physically up to it.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    My winter schedule:
    3-4 days/week: 1+ hr walk with the dog
    Tues/Thur/Sat: 45 min spin class & 30 min weights
    Sun: 90 min Bikram (hot) yoga
    Sat or Sun: If lucky, 1-2 hr bike ride outdoors (15-30mi) or 5K run outdoors

    My summer schedule:
    3-4 days/week: 1+ hr walk with the dog
    2 other weekdays: Bike commute to work (90-100 mins or 27mi roundtrip) - weather permitting
    Tues: fast group ride (40-50mi or approx 3 hrs) - weather permitting
    Sat: typically a long ride (40-80mi, 3-6 hrs) - weather permitting
    Sun: 90-min Bikram/hot yoga or 60-min Hatha yoga (depends on burnout levels).

    I try to take 2 rest days a week (Dog walks are ok.)
    If you can't tell, I don't have kids/family demands. And I basically gave up TV.
    When I type this out, I can totally see how this looks a bit excessive...
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I go running at least 3 days a week, do plyometrics once a week, and lift 3 days a week. I'm thinking of just lifting twice a week and focusing on running, though. One of my lifting days is at home (shoulders and arms) because I have adjustable dumbbells that I use for each exercise...even though I workout 7 days a week, I say that I only workout 6 days a week cause that day at home with the weights can be done at any time, lol.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Five. Three are weights days, one is a core day, and one is yoga.
  • GibbsGirl13072
    GibbsGirl13072 Posts: 156 Member
    I've been aiming for 6 days a week, alternating with a brisk walk and the Sworkit app for core or arm stuff. It just kind of depends on the weather, or what I feel like doing that day. I do notice that I feel better on the days that I get some exercise in, whether I break a good sweat or stretch my muscles out with some yoga.
  • Tight_Fit
    Tight_Fit Posts: 453
    Cardio 6x per week

    Lifting 4x per week.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I can't believe how much y'all exercise...

    I do strength training 3x a week for about 30 minutes. On the weekend, I try to squeeze in a long walk. That's it.
  • Jlmervin03
    Jlmervin03 Posts: 152 Member
    I would prefer to work out everyday but because I feel I take away from time with my family I usually work out 4 days a week. (Mon, Wed, Thur, Sat) for about an hour to an hour and a half. I do feel guilty on my rest days so I bought an excercise ball and weights and a eat alot better on those days as well.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Define workout first. I walk 4-12 km a day, every day without fail (I have a High energy dog 4km is a minimum walk at a brisk pace -45 minutes is 4-5 km -weekends we do this once daily and a 10km walk once a day all weather for the most part) , I cycle 14-18km 4-5 days. I don't do a lot of pure strength training though as I don't have the gear and don't belong to a gym.
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
    6 days a week, the time varies because right now I'm doing Shaun T's Rockin Body, the workouts are usually 45-75 minutes.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    My winter schedule:
    3-4 days/week: 1+ hr walk with the dog
    Tues/Thur/Sat: 45 min spin class & 30 min weights
    Sun: 90 min Bikram (hot) yoga
    Sat or Sun: If lucky, 1-2 hr bike ride outdoors (15-30mi) or 5K run outdoors

    My summer schedule:
    3-4 days/week: 1+ hr walk with the dog
    2 other weekdays: Bike commute to work (90-100 mins or 27mi roundtrip) - weather permitting
    Tues: fast group ride (40-50mi or approx 3 hrs) - weather permitting
    Sat: typically a long ride (40-80mi, 3-6 hrs) - weather permitting
    Sun: 90-min Bikram/hot yoga or 60-min Hatha yoga (depends on burnout levels).

    I try to take 2 rest days a week (Dog walks are ok.)
    If you can't tell, I don't have kids/family demands. And I basically gave up TV.
    When I type this out, I can totally see how this looks a bit excessive...

    Low demand dog then. I have a cattle dog and 45 - 60 minutes a day is the minimum (aside from the time he spends with he dog walker while i am at work)
    Not excessive imo, and varied . i need to add some variety myself
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    4-5 times per week, usually 5 in most cases.

    About 65-75 minutes.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I work out during lunch with a group and we do a 60 minute HIIT circuit 2 days a week and a yoga session one day a week, on days that we are not able to work out together I do a 32 round Tabata that takes about 40-50 minutes and then every day I do 15-20 minutes on the elliptical machine 1-2 times a day. I also train with my son’s soccer team that I also coach, I have them do an 8-16 round Tabata and we also run 8-10 laps around the field. I also do kettle bells and TRX but I have incorporated those into my personal Tabata routine. And recently I started to play 1-2 hours of pickup soccer on Sundays and jogging on Saturdays.
  • Apple31415
    Apple31415 Posts: 98 Member
    My philosophy on days off? Sometimes things get in the way and you have to miss. Therefore, i don't ever intentionally take a day off (if i'm especially sore or wore out, i make it a lighter day, but not an "off" day). That way, when the unavoidable conflicts occur, it makes itself a "rest" day. Also, i don't stress out about having to make choices like workout over family, etc. but the trick is, i work out EveryDay that there is no conflict. That is working out to be 5-6 days a week for the last 6 months and i'm cool with that. I mainly do cardio (60 minutes of either treadmill or (mostly) elliptical) and 3 of those days i'll add 30 minutes of strength training. For me, the flexibility works and i appreciate the days when i don't have a conflict, but accept the days i do and chalk it up as a "rest" day. This kind of rambles, but i understand your question completely and this is the mindset that has worked for me!
  • flabbybunker
    flabbybunker Posts: 57 Member
    I workout out 5 days a week. Might be 6 soon though. of those 5 days, I workout for a hour on two of those days , and two hours on three of them. I always workout in the morning, but I also workout in the afternoon for a additional hour as weel 3/5 days
  • Apple31415
    Apple31415 Posts: 98 Member
    I agree. You just HAVE TO be extra mindful of diet on those inevitable rest days or when you have a conflict and miss workout.
  • SB4Hope
    SB4Hope Posts: 23 Member
    I have found for me if I skip a day of doing something, the next day is harder to get back into it. I may not do a full workout every day, but I will at least get on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes when I don't feel like a full workout or I am busy. That way the next day is easier to go full strength.