CorlissaEats Member


  • Sure, I am in. 20lbs by Christmas would get me to goal.
  • Given that most people don't actually know their IQ number so there is no point in asking? Must be at least as smart as me, and apparently I am a totally smarty pants...or maybe I just have a smart mouth.
  • Oh, Gawd, food porn! I do the gluten-free, egg and dairy free due to allergies too. Thanks for the link!!! :p
  • If by "my girls" you mean your children, then congratulations! You just made a wonderful memory that hopefully they will cherish too. As to the 1500 calories, live and learn. ;) Next time try a pizza place with better portion control built in? Buffets make me want to try a little of everything...and that adds up fast.
  • I'm working on getting into a IF routine. I think it depends on your definition of Intermittent Fasting. Based on my research it can mean many things. I'm basically working towards eating all my calories for the day between 5 and noon. Why? Because I have an active puppy that I am trying to train and in the evenings, after…
  • Um? You are losing inches....that's still loss. I would guess you are eating somewhere at maintenance and your exercise is helping you develop muscle while losing fat, hence the scale staying still but the measuring tape moving. I would suggest looking at weight loss at a holistic level and celebrating that success. Either…
  • I think ratios are a matter of personal preference. I naturally eat at 40% carb, 20% protein, and 30% fat but I am gluten, dairy and egg free due to allergies. I would like to get my protein higher but its constant work to even hit 20%. Lowering your carbs is a good goal, but maybe you might find it easier to exchange your…
  • Eggs are the foods most likely to cause headaches, but the rest does sound like gluten or diary issues. (People with gluten issues frequently have issues with diary and eggs too. The proteins are similar in structure.) If you think you have an issue with gluten, just cut it out of your diet. I mean, do your research to…
  • I would talk to your doctor. A]void online advice until you have gotten their opinion. Anxiety, and panic disorder are reactions related to your nervous system and it being out of whack, in many cases. I know for me eating wheat upset my hormone balance or something and triggers panic attacks 24-28 hours later. Its not…
  • Look at your diet? Pork makes me stink like crazy. Only one of the reasons I stopped eating it, but it was so bad that working out around people was ...undesirable for them. Also got better smelling when I gave up dairy and eggs but I gave them up because it was discovered that I am slightly allergic to them. Food…
  • Yes. I like to be anonymous on MFP. None of my FL are people I was friends with in RL before joining. I did have one person but I found it make me feel like I couldn't be honest and that I had to sensor myself so I quietly unfriended them. I'm still friends with them on Facebook and that's enough. That said, I have met 5…
  • I track it based on my cycle. I official count my weight about 8 days after the start of my cycle because its typically my lowest day each month and the best indicator of progress. The rest of the days is just data...
  • Yes. I started getting sick alot. Then I followed the advice of thousands of MFPers and I increased my calorie goal. The auto settings MFP uses had me trying to eat below my BMR...thats the number my body needs just to be in a coma with zero brain activity or bodily movement apart from breathing. Once I increased them it…
  • Magnesium can sometimes other words an Epsom Salt bath. It really depends on what is causing the DOMS and whether it is actually injury.
  • It might not be a protected status but its documentation should this ever escalate into harassment or bullying. I would lodge the complaint with HR and then forget about it. Its rude. And rudeness in the workplace should never be tolerated. Its meant to diminish you and that is technically harassment. Its not enough to get…
  • Google "standing push ups" - they are much easier done against a wall, or using a couch. You can also use things like bottles of water or soup cans for some resistance. Other moves you can google for form: Bicep curls, skull crushers, lateral raises, overhead press, chest press, arm raise, bent-over rows
  • I get up at 6:45 and have to leave to catch my bus by 7:40. If you have an hour, anything in the oven is do-able. If the oven isnt at temp when I put my hashbrown in, I just give it 2 extra minutes. Another option is to find a refrigerator bran muffin recipe. It keeps up to 6 weeks and you just bake however fresh muffins…
  • How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? First thing I do when I get up is go make my coffee, and I get a hashbrown patty and turkey sausage in the oven at 400F on a timer for 30 minutes. I spray the hashbrown with a little PAM and salt it and its crispy like I just got a deep fried one from McDonalds. Use…
  • Cup size is actually connected to your proportions. Its one reason why your size can change depending on how or where you lose weight. If the difference between your ribcage and your bust is 1 inch then you are an A cup, 2 inches is a B cup, 3 inches is a C cup, etc. Everyone gains and loses fat differently. Some people…
  • If you are going to weigh daily and are a little worried about it messing with you- I would suggest tracking it on a spreadsheet. And then tracking your cycle at the same time. You will notice correlations and that helps a ton. I go up and down based on my cycle and there is a certain point a few days after TOM leaves town…
  • Get a second opinion. There are lots of reasons you can experience pain. My hip pain is the pinching of the sciatic nerve. Stretching helps with the hips in general, but when it gets pinched it makes no difference. Its a sharp pain that doesn't get better with walking or exercise. It gets better when the inflammation goes…
  • I have about 20lbs to go. I am actually at the point where I just don't tell people I still want to lose more. Its been my experience that it takes at least 30lbs for others to notice, and most won't actually comment until you hit 40 or 50lbs lost. Those measly 20lbs are unlikely to show outwardly anyways so its none of…
  • I think slow it down would help. Maybe try running with a heart rate monitor- trying to keep your heart rate within a target zone instead of maintaining a pace? When I do couch to 5k- I rarely go above 3.5 or 3.7mph for a pace. I can run at 4.5-5mph but found that I lost my breath too quickly and couldn't get passed about…
  • Wow. I feel really lucky. I have a profile up on PoF. I get really good responses usually. And so far, every guy I have met has been a nice, polite man. But then again, my profile is fairly clear that I think online dating is an introduction not a date; and that I am classy. Only a few guys try to ask if going for a movie…
  • I think it comes down to how you have your diary set up. I do zig zag calorie goals. Each day of the week is a different number to aim for that contributes to my overall deficit goal. It lets me eat more on the days I am home, or that I work out, and less on the others. For example, Sunday I am home all day. I cook for my…
  • Yes. I have done/do meal prep. I used to buy my meat in large quantities and cook it all at one. Pulling out what I needed for each meal. I also did this with dried beans, freezing in meal portions. Allowed for spontaneity and shaved time off my cooking time. I used to make veggies bags on Sunday for each weekday and such.…
  • Grocery stores in Canada are confused too. I log the white ones as yams, and the orange ones as sweet potatoes. There is an entry for 'white yam (not sweet potato)' that seems to be somewhat accurate so I often use that one since I buy the white ones.
  • How did you blow it? Unless you exceeded your total daily burn for the day, and every day this week all you did was cut into your calorie deficit. Do you know your TDEE? That should be your gauge for the day, not the MFP calorie goal. Sure the salt content, and the extra mass in your bowels could show in the scale for a…
  • What you have listed as your TDEE is actually your TDEE minus 15%. TDEE means total daily energy expenditure. Stay away from 1200 cals, especially if your TDEE is estimated at 2087. Thats an 887 Calorie deficit! Deficits of 500 cals per day are within the realm of healthy. General rule of thumb should be eat at least your…