gabylewis22 Member


  • Thanks everybody! @Debbieclark11 , it's so easy to just say 'it's okay i'll start again monday', but I've got a pretty hectic social life and if I did that every single time I went out for a meal or a night out drinking or a random evening binge then I would never diet again! Even if you end up doing 5 days on and 2 days…
  • Haha thanks! I had one of those microwave popcorns covered in melted butter followed by a couple of crumpets, one with nutella and one with melted cheese - yes I know it sounds vile but its truly amazing. 1000cals worth of amazing hahaha.
  • Rari Workout - Lethal Bizzle :smiley: if your into your grime of course.... ;)
  • I was diagnosed aged 7 (I'm now 23) - as you can imagine I was diagnosed when it was pretty rare and there was barely any choice for gluten free foods etc. I was tested again when I was 21 and they decided that I didn't have it after all. So I went back to a wheat-eating diet and the weight piled back on haha. Anyway, the…
  • Me too - Pasta, Rice, Bread - MY ENEEEEMY. And then also dairy - cheese and chocolate are my nemesis. BUT saying that. Everything in moderation, right?
    in carbs! Comment by gabylewis22 May 2015
  • Mine actually started working today! Phew! Think it needed an overnight update....
  • So today is my 3rd day using UP and for the first day it hasn't synced any of my food calories from MFP. What do I have to do to make it sync?
  • Add me - I've been using Jawbone for the last 2 days and still trying to get to grips with it.... !
  • Went to the gym two days in a row! Personal achievement for me!
  • I lost the boob and the bum. Now desperately trying to get the bum back at least as I think the only way to get the boobs is to pay for them :wink:
  • My original goal was the high end of my BMI, until I realised that I still felt 'fat' at this weight, so dropped to the middle range of my BMI which I felt good at. Now I'm back up to the top end again haha.....
  • Really odd, but all I thought when I reached my goal weight was 'great, now I need to set a new goal'. Very hard to get out of the mindset of 'dieting' once you've reached it!
  • I know that 'making things' when your just craving the naughty thing that you KNOW is in the fridge/cupboard is near on impossible. What do I do? Go and do something else until it's time to go to bed. Go for a jog, or to the gym, or do an exercise DVD or SOMETHING to keep your mind off food! It's the only way for me.…
  • Honestly. If I go on vacation - or 'holiday' - I let go! Sod it. I might get one or two holidays a year IF THAT - so what if I eat too much for a week. You can easily get back on it afterwards :smile: Don't panic!
  • Put it this way. Which is longer, a minute in the microwave, or a minute on the treadmill. To me, I can wait for food if I have to. But every single time I do cardio I'm counting down the seconds until I can stop....
  • My situation sounds almost identical to yours. I started at 174 and got to 122 at my lowest. I felt happy with my body shape for the first time in my life and wasn't planning on losing any more weight, just did what you did - got into running! Anyway, a few of my friends (who were the same size at me at my biggest) turned…
  • Between October and March I put on a stone. Not a happy bunny and finding it difficult to shift it now!
  • I used to do Zumba every week and I loved it! Mainly because it was fun and burns a hell of a lot of calories. Get yourself there!
  • Having the same problem. I lost 3 stone, put one back on, and now struggling to get it back off. I'm doing everything I did last time and it's not happening!! :'(
  • Having a friend who's always been tiny ask to borrow some of my outfits made me crazy happy. Like, YESSSS WE CAN SHARE CLOTHES NOW! :smiley:
  • I had a break up a few months ago after a 4 year relationship. If anything, it motivated me more to lose weight - the weight loss and exercise gave me something to focus on rather than just moping about. And to be honest, with all the crying etc, I just wanted to sleep, I had no appetite at all. Use it to your advantage.
  • Yes please! :smile: My holiday is on June 15th so this is perfect! Female, 23Yrs, 5"4 SW: 174 CW: 137 GW: 126 XXX
  • Congrats!! I remember the feeling when I went from double figures (in stones... so 10 stone something), to 9 stone something and that felt like more of an achievement than the 2 and a half stone I'd already lost to be honest ;)!
  • I would just like to say, don't be put off if 'strolling' is all you can do - any kind of movement is better for you than sitting down and eating! Of course a power walk is better - I lost 3stone last year over the course of 6 months entirely by power walking between 4-7 miles every day. Screw the gym membership, your legs…
  • I used to do Zumba classes once a week and was always told that we were burning around 600 calories per session - never as high as what your suggesting. So yeah I think it's a good idea to log it as lower or keep back calories just in case!
    in Zumba Comment by gabylewis22 April 2015
  • My original goal was 10 stone, then 9.12, then 9.7 and so on and so on. I went onto Maintenance calories at 9stone and now I am 8.12. In one sense I get annoyed and say COME ON EAT MORE AND GET BACK TO 9 - as the boyfriend and mother keep telling me I'm now too skinny. In another sense I've still got the psychology of…
  • Sod healthy versions of pasta. Just eat exactly what you want in a smaller portion. As an Italian I eat pasta probably 5-6 times a week! BUT If I do have any advice...using yoghurt in sauces instead of cream is an absolute god send - And light mozzarella - in a pasta sauce it tastes exactly the same!
  • I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. My entire diet consisted of pasta and bread - I physically stopped eating for a while to the point it was stupid. I lived on a gluten free diet for about 3 years - gradually started introducing things back, and yeah, at first I got horrendous tummy aches and couldn't move for a few…
  • Hey :) I know what you mean about weight watchers! Some of those groups can be quite intimidating really - I much prefer the support of MFP and the way in which you make your own rules! I'm also just starting on the whole running thing so happy to friend you so we can discuss that together! And I'm also a UK bird ;) Good…
  • I'm the same height as you and had exactly the same problem. I'm 129 at the moment - my goal is 126 and then I'm stopping. I'm happy with my size, it's now all about the tone!