p1xelate Member


  • My small dog loves rawhide toys but she destroys the small ones in seconds so each christmas I get her a giant braided one made for a dog much larger than her but she will carry it around the house for months.
  • when I cook chicken in the crock pot I do it for 4 hours on low. I would think overnight would be too long for chicken even on low.
  • I like the idea of doing it without the crust since I don't usually care for crust and tend to eat around it. I think I will play around with this although likely with whole eggs and maybe even some bacon. Thanks!!
  • Most veggies don't have high calorie counts and I don't always weigh them I have gotten used to how a serving looks. I estimate since the difference between my guess and the actual is not going to be a huge difference (and I guess high when I decide to check my guess). Fruit I weigh because it usually has higher calories…
  • I know it is silly but I count everything. The minute I skip something I end up over the next days and weeks with holes in my diary (recovering from it now) I count stupid stuff like .1 of a serving of Sun Butter from licking the spoon after making my daughter a sandwich. Logging only takes a minute and for me logging…
  • I have a Sensio Bella Cucina. It is a little basic but I do so much with it, from grinding coffee beans or spices to making pesto and smoothies. Works great and I got a bunch of cups and two blades for about $20 on sale I think it is normally about $30. If it can handle fresh basil I would bet it would handle spinach.
  • OMG thank you I so needed some laughs to get through today!!
  • "I do not want ten million dollars. I do not want to visit Ireland. I do not want to end a Tobin family feud. And, above all, I do not want to court my eighth cousin, once removed." Angel Light by Andrew Greely Read it when I was 12 or 13 but this line never went away just so much WTH lol
  • I am also 5'7" 30yo female :). For our height a healthy BMI is 118 to 169 so losing a pound and a half a week is going to be very difficult. I got very close to a healthy BMI before my life fell apart last year but had planned on switching to .5 lb a week once I got to about where you are and concentrating more on building…
  • 3 to 4 dress sizes is HUGE!! The scale is only one of MANY ways you should be tallying this journey. You are smaller you have kept to your calorie goals and you have kept up with your exercise. Those are all huge! I am starting all over again because this year I couldn't. Revel in your victories!! Before you did this…
  • I love mine so much I got one for my mom too! I have a desk job and at the end of the day it really helps me to know that I didn't' move enough today and I go do some more. My mom is in her 60s and has joined MFP to get herself on track and it has helped motivate her too. She often beats me in steps each day because I am…
  • It does!!!! I tried it once when my hair was about at my bra strap in the back and it was several pounds!
  • she rocks and has helped me so much!
  • I do the same my daughter is now 6 and is allowed to get away with them with her father so I still get 'testers' occasionally but I started at 3 years old. If she was throwing a fit I would walk her to her room and tell her she could come out when she got all her bad feelings out and could use her words to work on the…
  • Before I had my daughter I maintained 130 for many years, both toned and not so toned but the scale didn't fluctuate much. There were times where I was 130 and too skinny and times where as someone else said looked ok with clothes on but not so much without. The lowest I have been since having my daughter is 150 and I was…
  • My mother is diabetic (controlled by diet) and has to watch the quantity of fruit she eats because it will mess with her blood sugar, but if you are not diabetic and are getting the majority of your sugar from fruit I wouldn't worry. Even with being diabetic she still gets fruit in every day because it is healthy she just…
  • I only use the wristband for sleeping because it notices a lot more motion and if I wear it around the house like that I know it is counting too much just based on what it tracks at other times. I wear mine in the holster on the center of my bra and it is very accurate as far as how many steps I take. My settings are set…
  • I am not a guy but this ^^^^^
  • My boyfriend kept getting messages from match.com It was driving me crazy and he finally found a way to get them to stop I know he wasn't looking but it still sucked to know he hadn't done anything with it. When I would talk to him he didn't quite get why it bothered me but he finally did something about it after we had…
  • Was doing pretty well with the monster thing but then today and yesterday I had one each day :( but at least I wasn't having as many before that ...
  • My girlfriend started menopause after hers and she was in her early-mid twenties. They did a tubal so young because she had so many health problems during both of her pregnancies and they weren't sure she could make it if she tried again. I know she had a rough time with it for quite awhile.
  • How are you doing with the cutting these out?
  • I am in the process of getting myself off of Monster energy drinks (again because I have done this before, stupid me) I went 2 days with out one (trying to save money I also dont like coffee but have been working on ways to enjoy it) and got a migraine so bad I could barely move and as soon as I had one I improved…
  • Crap then I messed up because I counted it as my veggie yesterday!!!! Thanks Amber for the sacrifice it is sweet even if you didn't need it! :) Feeling really icky today -migraine started last night so bad I am nauseous AND my daughter came home from school with flu symptoms so not really sure what is up with me. Still…
  • forgot to post last night but I had a 30 minute tickle war/wrestling match with my daughter and the puppy not sure of the exact burn but it was definitely a workout. Puppy freaked out (in a good way) as soon as I sat on the floor apparently she thinks I should come down to her more often LOL. Finally remembered to do some…
  • does cleaning/moving furniture around or going for a walk with the kid count?
  • I always work out with my kindle. I put it on the setting to talk out loud and listen to my book with my headphones it distracts me WAY more than music since I don't listen to music much and listening to nothing drives me crazy and I get bored.
  • Of course :)