blahlemon Member


  • You know what they say, how do you make 5 lbs of fat look attractive? Put a nipple on it!
  • Just because the truth is a nasty piece of business doesn't make it any less true. The father is more likely (statistically speaking) to have/exert influence especially since she is not the bio-mom.
  • Good luck, you're not her Mom and are very unlikely to have an impact. Hows her relationship with her dad though? He will have more influence and if he's willing to help the biggest benefit will come from him encouraging her.
  • Yes! Treat yourself. Your body is not designed to go totally without treats, the problem is we over indulge in this society so easily. Sometimes in the midst of trying to hit goals and make good food choices we forget to allow ourselves to indulge every now and then. By setting rewards for goals (4 good days earns X or a…
  • Or you are offsetting your weight loss with muscle mass. Look for other indicators like body fat % or inches. Weight is just a number. It's not the whole story.
  • If your weight is a problem cause he's worried about your healthy then you might consider taking a shot. Better to have loved and lost then never loved at all. If your weight is a problem because he wouldn't want to be with a person of your size then don't even bother. The only thing that matters to him is superficial…
    in :-( Comment by blahlemon March 2011
  • I can't say I've had this experience, I've always seen myself as slimmer then I really am (it's a blessing and a curse all at once!) What I can do is give you a cautionary tale of my dad. My dad was 180lbs, 5'5" at his highest weight a number of years ago (maybe a decade now) when he decided to loss weight. The problem was…
  • There is an interesting irony in calling yourself MissOutandAbout while keeping this a secret.
  • Don't starve yourself, keep to your calorie count, if you hit a plateau or get a little spike back in weight don't get discouraged, just go to the success stories and encourage yourself. BTW, does anyone else thing that the "just based on weight" thing is a little silly? How about taking the whole package into…
  • I'd let you add me but since we're already Glad you're liking it; thanks for reminding me that "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels"!
  • ICU812
    in YW82LIV Comment by blahlemon March 2011
  • 1200 calories may still be too little, I understand wanting to lose the weight quickly but are you losing it for yourself or because of others? You body can still go into starvation mode when eating more then 1200 calories. Pick good healthy foods, lots of fruits and vegetables and pick exercises that maximize burning fat…
  • Let the system set that for you, it will automatically set you to a safe weight-loss rate.
  • Terrific work, keep it up! Keep some of you old clothes so if you want to go swimming on a lousy day you can always go swimming in your clothes!
  • I use tea (Black made with tap water) against my calories because it's 2.5 calories per 8 oz.
  • The key is portion control, you can enjoy anything you want (pretty much) so long as the portions are appropriate. When in doubt take less and spend longer with each bite. This will allow your stomach to catch up with your brain and make you feel less hungry. If you do over indulge don't beat yourself up, if you put it on…