

  • My best weight/age was 7 lbs 14 oz shortly after being surgically removed from my mothers loins. :oP But as an adult. Now. 31 and 169. I weigh less now than I did when I got my license at about 25 lbs.
  • WTG Brend! And you look younger too! You didn't look old before, but you definitely look younger!!
  • I have this same question about coffee. LOL
  • That, and other things, is what I told myself I would no give up on because I know if I cut things OUT, then I'm only setting myself up for failure or will go back to after making my Supreme Goal Weight. So if I have it, but not go crazy, I'll be able to hold to this for a lot longer.
  • Oh I still eat out ALL.THE.TIME (I have to in order to stay sane since it allows me to leave work for a bit...otherwise I would be ripping heads off!), I just make sure it fits into my calories for the day.
  • I've actually grown to despise the word "diet" because the word "diet" has been used as something people go on temporarily...when it is something that you have to keep up on FOREVER. Anyway, that's not what you're asking. LOL I still have some weight to lose, so I'm not sure what the maintenance mode is on MFP....but I…
  • Well, getting away from sugar all together is impossible, since there is some form of sugar in virtually everything. And since I'm a dude...I clearly don't have that monthly visitor. And I'm going to say that your body does need some sugar to function properly...I'm not diabetic or hypoglycemic, but I do know that my blood…
  • Mine is first thing out of bed on Saturday mornings. I spend the day at mom and dad's with my sisters...and we never know what we have to eat that day, so for me, its best to have it the day that I may end up eating the most or something I have the other 6 days to burn it off. HA!
  • Good for you!!! Not only can you do it, but you are GOING to do it!!! One thing that has really helped with me is NOT giving up on tasty foods that got me to my heaviest (255 lbs at 5'11"). But I would actually follow the serving size and fit it in to my daily calories, if possible....but also introduce more veggies, more…
  • DH = Damn Husband? Has "Sam" not been paying attention?
  • All you can control is what you eat. You don't have to change the location of where the two of you eat, but you can control what it is you order. Most places do have healthy(ish) options, so try your best to work with that. In addition to that, I know with me, if I am too strict with my diet...I will eventually give up. So…
  • I've always loved walking...specially on a really nice day on the 5K trail by my house since it is away from any traffic and along the river. Beautiful!! I don't run because I always tense up to where it starts hurting my back...though, I would love to change that. And weights...well...they're pretty much are the devil's…
  • Just in case you haven't had a chance to read it yet....BUMP. HA!
  • If you can't judge complete strangers on the internet...who can you judge?
  • I'm not sure about a supplement to get rid of the sweet tooth...they might curb your appetite, but doesn't help with the sweet tooth. I always keep snack packs of either pudding or jell-o in the fridge. They give me the sweet, but not a ton of calories.
  • Awkward...........
  • Jelly Beans. Any kind...doesn't matter.....Jelly Beans! Doesn't matter what size bag I buy, they are GONE the same day they are were purchased. BUT, I have become a stickler on making sure to stick to my calories. So if I eat the jelly beans, I miss out on something that would have filled me up more...and when the calories…
  • I have the same thing...mostly in my hands and feet (even with shoes or slippers on), but still chilled for the most part, and I'm down almost 50 (so far).
  • If I have plenty of calories left for the day...I'll go balls to the wall and have me a bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup. If not, I'll have a pudding cup. They typically run around 140 or so calories.
  • I'm over in protein quite often. I don't *think* it's bad if you do, I mean protein is good for you! I always try to come under my daily calories, but not crazy under, maybe 100-200 and some change. If it is enough for an entire realistically sized meal, then I'll fit in some extra snacks.
  • Chinese Food mostly and I miss it. I'll have a Chinese Frozen Meal so I can have the nutritional info for it...but its just not the same. But other than that, I haven't really given up anything, just cut it back down to the serving sizes that they should be at versus what I used to eat OR if I have some extra calories to…
  • My driver's license weight is actually my next goal. And I have about 20 more pounds to go to get there. The last time I renewed my license (5 years ago), the guy at the DMV asked me if my weight had changed any, to which I replied, "That's my goal weight" in a joking manner and the guy left it. So I guess the DMV isn't…
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