hitting calories

I just joined myfitnesspal last Saturday and so far I love logging my food..but I seem to never hit my calories. I am usually over in protein and under in fat/cal/and carbs...any suggestions on what to do? is it bad to be over in protein and under in the others? Is there a happy balance to attain? Do other people go over/under in their marks? ..what do you do?

Thanks to anyone who can help!!

=) Nic


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    as long as you are eating lean protein--eat it up
    You're better off eating more protein than fat or carbs. Protein will make you feel full longer and stick with you.
  • johnny51981
    I'm over in protein quite often. I don't *think* it's bad if you do, I mean protein is good for you!

    I always try to come under my daily calories, but not crazy under, maybe 100-200 and some change. If it is enough for an entire realistically sized meal, then I'll fit in some extra snacks.
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    I am always over in carbs, protein and fiber....but stay under in calories. I think as long as your eating healthy and stay under your calorie limit you don't really need to stress over being on or under the others numbers.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    When I was stressing about not meeting my goals, this was helpful for me. It helped keep me on track to know I had a little wiggle room.

    It dawned on me that it's not hitting a number exactly, but falling within a range consistently...
    So, I went to the goals section and kept playing with the data I input. to get the following info
    You can figure out yours, but here's the idea...

    To lose 1lb/week I get 1240 cal

    To lose 1/2lb/week I get 1470 cal (1240+250 cal)

    To maintain my GOAL weight I get 1670 cal (1240+430 cal)
    ....unless I consistently go over lose 1lb/wk goal by 400 cal
    I should still lose (maybe a little more slowly, but no reason to throw in the towel).

    To maintain my CURRENT weight I get 1720 cal
    ....unless I consistently go over lose 1lb/wk goal 500 cal
    I should not gain. So I'm not losing any ground. (I can take a break and then pick-up where I left off)

    Even if I am not hitting every goal dead on I'm still doing much than I was before MFP.
    which, for me, is reason enough to stick with it.

    I'm on maintenance for a while right now until dr. gives me an all clear on a potential problem, but when I was losing my range was 1240-1670 as long as I fell in there I was making progress without being in a severe deprivation mode. Not being able to maintain is my biggest fear, (okay that and yo-yoing.) I need to make a plan that I can live hopefully for a long time to come.

    Remember, it's not about being perfect it's about doing better.
    No matter where you start from it's all about taking baby steps.
    Later you look back and realize that all those baby steps add up to something substantial.

    Also recently read an article, that said one factor in successful weight loss is having measurable goals.
    I think this site is great for that.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I generally get close to twice the amount of protein MFP recommends. Try adding a little more food to your meals so that you can reach your calorie goal, it's important not to be under. Don't worry about being under in carbs or fat though, both those will get stored as fat if you eat more at one time than your body can use for energy.
  • nicole12878
    nicole12878 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much to all who responded...I was worried but you all put me at ease! THANK YOU SO MUCH for you help and support! You are all amazing..keep up the good work!! Thanks again!!!

    =) Nic