Just starting out

Hey guys,

I've just reached "enlightenment"! I realized that my lifestyle was unhealthy, and that it would eventually kill me. Right now I am 18 years old, 5ft 11inches, and weigh 280 pounds. I'm going to college next fall and I want that to be at least 250 by then. My ultimate goal is 180lbs (which I think is healthy for my body and height).

My plan is to each a variety of healthy, non-processed, foods, and to try and get all, or more, of the DR doses of vitamins and minerals. On top of just eating right, I am going to try to ramp up my exercise, slowly but steadily.

Any kind works, suggestions, questions, or funny jokes are more than welcome!

Thanks for the support!


  • heathhumble
    heathhumble Posts: 178
    Welcome aboard.You have come to the right place for support and lots of motivation.Good luck.If you want you can add me as a friend. Remember "Stay Focused"
  • johnny51981
    Good for you!!! Not only can you do it, but you are GOING to do it!!!

    One thing that has really helped with me is NOT giving up on tasty foods that got me to my heaviest (255 lbs at 5'11"). But I would actually follow the serving size and fit it in to my daily calories, if possible....but also introduce more veggies, more lean meats and, well, more REAL food. It has helped me keep going because I wasn't doing away with the stuff that tastes good, which if I were to dive right in to all healthy all the time, I would and have fallen off the wagon. By doing that and walking a couple times a day and a 5K walk once a week, I dropped 40 pounds in 5 months. I was on Weight Watchers then, and then joined here and have lost another 13 pounds...so far.

    I measure EVERYTHING. Multiple sets of measuring spoons, cups, and even a weight scale. Those have been the major keys to what has helped me. It might be a pain, but it will really help you visualize a TRUE serving. When I got about a week into it, it was all realistic and I realized that I was never hungry because I was always eating to fulfillment.

    I now have increased my workouts some, but still the main piece is a good paced walk. I do some weights once or twice a week, when I go to the gym with my mom and sister.

    And from a mental standpoint, I also meditate each day. It just helps clear the mind and keep a positive outlook on the weight loss and life in general. There are some guided meditations on YouTube that you can use.

    That is what has worked for me. Maybe pieces of it will work for you. Either way, you ARE going to meet your goal!! :o)
  • nicole326
    nicole326 Posts: 11
    Welcome!! I'ts so awesome that you are making changes to become healthier...you won't regret it! I'm sure you'll love My Fitness Pal and all the people here. everyone is super friendly and we all support each other here, no matter how much weight you have to lose. Good luck!!! :)