ninavdd Member


  • For me personally, what helped was a workout schedule with video's. I bought BeFit in 90 (also for free on youtube) and made sure I did every workout within those three months (sometimes doubling them up if I missed one). By then I had developed a routine and now I just choose randomly from 4 to 5 times…
  • I don't think ratatouille is rocket science. Just trow in what you got. :) I usually use: courgette, aubergine, red pepper, garlic, onion and tomatoes. You can sauté them off in a pan and then add some wine and tomatoes and simmer, but I prefer an oven roasted one. - cut all the veggies in big chunks (also my preference -…
  • It may be just weird because it's a bunch of strangers 'judging' your body figure. Whenever friends are moving, I ask if they need help, and they almost always say: 'Thank you, but it's not neccesary. We have enough strong guys helping. You could help us painting if you'd like". I don't take that as offensive. I'm not a…
  • The belgian in me disapproves :) Thanks everybody! I'll just add half a tbs of oil. That should be plenty!
    in Deepfrying Comment by ninavdd April 2014
  • I'm not really worrying. I did only eat one :) Just wondering for future reference, because I do love homemade french fries and I would probably want to eat more than one!
    in Deepfrying Comment by ninavdd April 2014
  • Aha, good idea! Thanks! Edited to say that I have a deep fryer and I can't really weigh my oil. But I can weigh the croquettes. It will be off a little but not that much, I suppose.
    in Deepfrying Comment by ninavdd April 2014
  • I was thinking the same thing. Although it was swimming, not being a quarterback. Nobody would ever assume I once was a quarterback! Sooo, to protect my own ego, I'm with team compliment!
  • I think it's a number that frequently comes up in the automatic mfp-settings. For me, regardless what weight loss goal I give mfp (half a pound or 1 pound per week), it always puts me on 1200. I use the custom settings now, as my brm is 1440 and I think eating only 1200 would be infeasable in the long run for me.
  • I just ate too much, clean or otherwise. I would happily eaten a salad over lunch (with half a kg of feta cheese and 2 tbs of olive oil), followed by chocolate as a mid-day snack, followed by a bag of chips before dinner, followed by two full plates of a relatively healthy dinner (with waaaaay too much olive oil), followed…
  • I'd love to join!!! I'm 30 and need to loose 20 lbs. I am trying to do this by working out and portion control. Lack of will-power on both counts is what got me here in the first place :)
  • Thank you very much for that advice! I'll do them at different times whenever I work from home.
  • Anybody? Any input would be much appreciated!
  • Oh no!!! Fruit and veggies! That is indeed a pity! My friend's husband doesn't like ANY veggies at all, unless they are hidden. So when she makes spaghetti sauce. She cooked the minced meat in one pan, and the veggies + tomatoes in another. When cooked, she blends all the veggies together before adding the beef. He knows…
  • A few questions. Where do you live? What do they absolutely don't like? Things that are cheap are rice/potatoes/local and seasonal veggies, so what I would make today in my country is: - chicken thighs (cheaper than breast) with some pepper/salt/paprika/Mediterranean herbs cooked in the oven with coleslaw (carrots, white…
  • I used to be like you and drank very little (2-3 cups of soda max.). Now I drink liters of water a day. I think its just something you get used to. In the beginning I forced myself to drink a 1-liter bottle (about 4 cups) before lunch, which I refilled and 'had' to drink before going home from work. I still do this, but…
  • Do you have to drive there? Be the designated driver, that way you can avoid the alcohol. In my country (Belgium) I feel it is hard to refuse alcohol unless you are pregnant, taking medication or driving. I think it's about the same in France.