Exercising at home help

I am not stable with working out as of yet, but I don't want to give up. My plan is to start at home, and if I am consistent at home for a month (or 2), then I will go out to get a gym membership at Crunch gym. The only equipment I have are my 10lb dumbbells. Here is the home workout that I saw on Pintrest that I want to try. A few of these will be substituted with another exercise. What do you think? I'm a starter, and I need to know if I'm going the right direction.

45 jumping jacks
15 squats
5 jump squats
50 Russian twists
30 secs plank
10 standing calf raises
5 kneeling push-ups
30 secs superman
10 lunges (each leg)
40 crunches

100 jumping jacks
50 crunches
20 tricep dips
15 squats
20 lunges (each leg)
70 Russian twists
20 standing calf raises
5 push-ups
30 sec plank
10 lunge split jumps

80 jumping jacks
50 vertical leg crunches
20 sit-ups
15 tricep dips
20 squats
10 side lunches (each leg)
15 leg lifts (each leg)
50 bicycles
15 wall pushups
40 Russian twists

90 jumping jacks
20 tricep dips
10 sit-ups
30 bird-dogs
30 sec plank
30 squats
15 incline push-ups
40 crunches
10 oblique crunches (each side)
20 standing calf raises

100 jumping jacks
25 vertical leg crunches
30 crunches
20 squats
20 wall pushups
50 Russian twists
15 sec side plank each side
10 lunge split jumps
5 jump squats
40 high knees

60 jumping jacks
40 crunches
10 sit ups
10 tricep dips
20 side lunches each side
15 incline pushups
10 oblique crunches each side
30 butt kickers
5 jump squats
15 jack knife sit-ups

50 jumping jacks
20 squats
100 Russian twists
5 kneeling pushups
1 min downward dog
15 jack knife situps
10 lunches (each)
10 side lunges (each)
20 bird dogs
20 inner thighs lifts (each)


  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Looks like a pretty well-rounded circuit. Some of them don't seem like they'll take that long, so I would repeat the circuits in order to workout for a total of at least 20-30 minutes.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    IMHO you may be setting yourself up for failure - you don't have any rest days in there. Doing your routine daily, seven days a week will become anathema pretty quickly. May switch a couple of days up for swimming, cycling, walking, running?
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Where's your rest day? Too much, too soon. Plus, it's all cardio. If all you have is 10 lb dumbbells, you might as well use them!
  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    You can get loads of free cardio workouts online that you can do in your house without any equipment. You workout seems good but you should have 1 or 2 rest days and, if it were me, I'd add in a long walk or cardio fitness DVD one day a week at least. Change things up a little
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    Have you ever tried Aerobics Videos?
    If you can follow them, then you wont need a gym.
  • esheepie
    esheepie Posts: 23 Member
    It doesn't take long to do. I did this a few months back with a little challenge, but my problem was when my time to do it changed. When I stopped, that's exactly what happened... I stopped!
  • esheepie
    esheepie Posts: 23 Member
    Where's your rest day? Too much, too soon. Plus, it's all cardio. If all you have is 10 lb dumbbells, you might as well use them!

    I was definitely going to add dumbbells to some of the exercises like the squats. I forgot to mention that after each exercise I would go on a 30 min walk
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Definitely need at least one rest day in there. And I agree that it seems like a bit much for just starting out.

    Those 10lb dumbbells will be good for somethings, probably too much for others as you're just starting out. Be careful and go slow, and invest in some lighter sets as well until you work your way up.

    Another good, free workout source is FitnessBlender.com - great variety of workouts there.
  • esheepie
    esheepie Posts: 23 Member
    Well, the two days of rest could be days I focus on my online classes. Thank you for the advice.
  • ninavdd
    ninavdd Posts: 18 Member
    For me personally, what helped was a workout schedule with video's. I bought BeFit in 90 (also for free on youtube) and made sure I did every workout within those three months (sometimes doubling them up if I missed one). By then I had developed a routine and now I just choose randomly from Fitnessblender.com 4 to 5 times a week. I don't think I've would've sticked with it if I didn't have the program the first 6-8 weeks.

    Good luck on starting to work out! It's totally worth it! I feel better both physically and mentally!
  • BenderFitness
    I only do home workouts. You can definitely get good results at home. As other people already mentioned you need to add 1-2 rest days. Additionally, because you are just starting out you may want to start with 3 or 4 days per week, see how your body handles it, and increase from there.

    You have to figure out a routine that is sustainable for you in the long run. :)

    Good luck and have fun!
  • sexy_mamma
    YouTube has tons of workout videos and zumba . They get you going definitely a must try at home on your own time . I love it !
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I haven't been to a gym in probably 10 yrs!!!

    I work out at home and play competitive volleyball. As long as you're consistent and do your research (on form, developing as you grow, etc) then Working Out at home is Very beneficial.

    It looks like you're on your way, Goodluck!
  • AceCC86
    AceCC86 Posts: 71
    I do a lot of cardio at the gym, but had been too intimidated to do any strength training while there because I had NO idea what I was doing.

    I just started with some exercise videos at home that combine cardio & strength training. I'm working out muscles that I must not have worked on in at least a decade! Having the videos as a guide will also help teach proper form as you don't want to physically injure yourself.

    Right now I'm doing Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred (with plenty of rest days -- I'm so sore the next day!). All you need is a set of hand weights. 10 lbs. may be a little heavy to start out with though. I'm using 5 lb. weights and having trouble.