Workout routine

Hi everybody,

I'm sort of new to exercising and I could use some input. Up until now I've been doing the BeFit in 90 days- routine. That's about 35 minutes 5 times a week, but I want to be exercising at least an hour. I have a stationary rowing machine (well, my boyfriend does) at home and I've downloaded a start-to-run app (to 5K).

The BeFit routine is sort-of the same:
- a warming up (5 min)
- a strength routine with weights (back/shoulders, but, arms, ...) (10 min).
- a cardio (mma, fatburning, cardio booster) (10 min)
- a cooling down (yoga or normal stretch) (10 min).

Once a week there are two cardio routines and once a week two strength segments.

I was wondering what to do first. The rowing/running or the BeFit DVD's. I read somewhere to do strength first, followed by cardio, but rowing is kinda both, I think (I might be wrong :) ). Anyways, I would appreciate the input of some more experienced people!

Thanks! Nina


  • ninavdd
    ninavdd Posts: 18 Member
    Anybody? Any input would be much appreciated!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Yes, it's generally better to do strength first.. or (even better) do them at different times of the day. You can do 5 minutes of the rower before strength as a full-body warmup.
  • ninavdd
    ninavdd Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you very much for that advice!

    I'll do them at different times whenever I work from home.