Zuzanna100 Member


  • Aspartame is to be avoided on induction (but I'm doing old school Atkins, new school may be different).--I think that's in those sugar free jellos BUT, if you're not stalling...if it's not broke, why fix it? The bars aren't supposed to be used on induction, either (again, I'm old school). If you just have to have a sweet…
  • hint: It seems to me that the cheapest type brands usually have the lowest carbs and sugars, so don't overlook the cheapo's.
  • It's been a while since I've Atkins and I'm still on 2 week induction myself so I'm not sure about what I'm going to say about your diary but I'll give you my opinion. 1. I'm not a tomato eater but I'm not convinced it's okay on induction. Double check your tomato and cucumber. It may be okay. 2. Your Atkins shake and…
  • That happened to me but i lost 1/2 pound this morning! Hang in there!
  • I've been on a 3 day stall, I actually gained back a pound a few days ago. Cauliflower mash has more carbs than I thought, so that was a mess up but I looked at the fiber and it's almost half fiber so that helped (even though I normally don't track net). I've been slightly over my carb 20 count to for the past few days, by…
  • Ranch or Ceasar A few carb and sugars but it doesn't stall me. I shop and read the labels, some dressings are less carbs and sugars than others. I don't care for blue cheese otherwise I would definitely save what carbs I could.
  • Okay, don't know if this is the thread or there's a new one but just so i don't forget i'm currently down 6 pounds. My ticker needs to at least say down 16 pounds at the end of this month!
  • Congratulations! You look great!
  • If you don't stall on splenda and can use almond flour, this looks good but I haven't tried it: http://www.food.com/recipe/low-carb-frosted-pumpkin-bars-119761
  • Veggie try with dressing Shrimp (with garlic butter) Cauliflower mashed (instead of mashed potato)-just don't have too many cups of it. Shishcabobs (however it's spelled-just watch what you use to marinade) Thin sliced ham with cheese stuck together with toothpick Bacon wrapped cream cheese stuffed pepper (any kind of…
  • It doesn't matter if you have a bad re-action to certain food stuff, NEVER restrict yourself!
  • Please don't give up. You look amazing and have come so far! Do you want to go back to that? Because if you give up you most likely will gain weight. Okay, now I'll wait for the pro's to help you get over the hump but don't ever give up, you've worked too hard to be where you are. It's also possible that your muscles are…
  • I really hope you keep this a for girls group.
  • There's no mystery here. It's about control. Some people want it----over you.
  • I hear you, sister. I'm over the hill myself and have lost weight and kept it off. My issue is already posted in the thread and how/why I got to this place now and why Atkins is one of the few choices I have as a lifetime way of eating. Nobody cares, they just keep on pushing what worked for them. I may be newb on MFP but…
  • Yep, foods a fact of life. Some people have to restrict because of allergies, some for illnesses, some for addiction. I know this, so, yeah, my issues have already been addressed concerning triggers. I don't even re-call anyone saying that it's impossible to lose weight doing what your doing...where did you see that post?…
  • OP, Just wondering if you've figured out what that response had to do with this thread. I haven't. Sugar in moderation doesn't work for me, that little thing about us all being different and such is lost on some. Hearing about toffee isn't helping me in my weight loss struggles but since I'm currently not eating sugar,…
  • So happy you see it. Women are especially vulnerable to this for some reason.
  • None of that was in my post. There's nothing more for me to say. You've made your point. You want to be in control. Go ahead, there's always an audience. I'm not a fan. What was put here in THIS thread has only been narrow-sightedness that there is only one path in this journey. Sir, I respectfully disagree and will leave…
  • It's definitely not my first rodeo, either. I've lost weight and kept it off, this is from medicines and illnesses that I'm currently struggling with atm. I know what I'm doing through my own trials that came before MFP. Maybe you should learn to help those that seek your help, which this thread did none of advice seeking.…
  • That's you. We are all different. Some people consider that sabotage when you are putting down their plan. Not everything works for everyone. There's really no more for me to say. I can acknowledge words and posts can work 2 ways. What I don't understand is why some posters also can't see it.
  • OH, and believe me. I've done some major self-reflection and that's why I have no problem standing up to people who THINK they are in the right.
  • How is entering a thread, talking about failure going to help anyone? Heart in right place, wrong outcome. Still, if it doesn't apply, don't post. No reason to bring OP down-what's the purpose to glorify one's own success's? Good for you but sometimes people can harm more than help.
  • The post speaks for itself. If a topic doesn't apply to you why go in and talk about failure? I have joint issues, I don't go into running threads and start talking about how that doesn't work for me.
  • ex: No reason for this to be posted. Ignore thread if it doesn't fit but this was snark insinuating failure of people your restrict.
  • No, trolling is trying to tear down someones plan for weight loss. Some people are just giving there point of view or advice. It's the way the message is told that differentiates the trolls from the "trying to help" ers. It still doesn't make the trying to helpers correct for everyone (as in my personal problem with…
  • Brides parents on wedding (and reception) invites. Groom parents on the dinner party invites (you know the dinner after the "run-through" before the actual marraige) Traditionally, this is what the grooms parents pay for....if they can. Much cheaper than the actual wedding!
  • Here's a different perspective but unless your super physically active that is A LOT of calories per day. 1. Some people need an appetite curbed for medical reasons. Not me, but I know people who just can't stop eating as a medical condition. Medicines can also do this, especially steroids. 2. Boredom. When I ate carbs I…
  • This is my first short term goal, so I'm in! 10 pounds. There's a party this month so I'm already finding alternative food that I may enjoy...there's going to be a lot of parties for the rest of my life so I may as well build up a favorite party plate list and get used to doing things this way. My plan is for the rest of…
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