

  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    For anyone who fell off the wagon... join me in my pledge. After a horrendous wheat binge followed by a horrendous chocolate binge I am thoroughly ashamed and determined to make a pledge to myself and to YOU ...


    Will you join me?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member

    Firstly. not everyone on this site has been obese.

    Then they are in no position to give advice to the obese.

    There are many trainers and physicians who have never been obese. They educated themselves on how to effectively lose weight and pass this information on to their clients/patients.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Well done!

    Many people on here are toxic people -- they want to stop us doing what works for us. They want to lure us and tempt us back into eating those foods that make us cheat. We have their names now, we know their motives - to stop us losing weight - and so now we can just ignore them on every thread. They do not want to help us, but to make us fall off the wagon.

    Well guys, time to pack it in. They found out about us

  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    it's not hard to understand that their are many ways to lose and keep off weight and it's a shame so much time has been spent arguing over this fact.

    Exactly -- the wisdom comes in finding out what works for YOU as an individual. Then sticking to it.

    People of my age - 55 -- have DONE the "moderation" thing as well as the calorie thing, the low fat thing, the vegetarian thing, the meal replacement thing .... and failed on the lot. We finally find something that WORKS and along they come, telling us to do once more all the things that have failed to work!

    What was that saying about the first sign of madness being, doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result?

    I hear you, sister. I'm over the hill myself and have lost weight and kept it off. My issue is already posted in the thread and how/why I got to this place now and why Atkins is one of the few choices I have as a lifetime way of eating. Nobody cares, they just keep on pushing what worked for them. I may be newb on MFP but I'm not a newbie in life or health.

    I'm also not sure how pointing out that may weight loss is only water-weight so should be disregarded as something that is helpful. Some are claiming they are doing positive and at the same time really do fit the bill of a "troll". Yeah, I'm old enough to call it when I see it. I see it, if someone else doesn't, I'm not going to explain it. I had to get old to understand certain truths. They must put in their time, too. LOL.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member

    Firstly. not everyone on this site has been obese.

    Then they are in no position to give advice to the obese.

    There are many trainers and physicians who have never been obese. They educated themselves on how to effectively lose weight and pass this information on to their clients/patients.

    ^^ This. You pretty much just shot whatever little credibility you had left with that one OP.
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    Soooooo, if I join you in your pledge, what happens after two weeks? Do I just go back to being fat?

    The idea behind the pledge is that if we can stick to something for 2 weeks, we can do 4 weeks, and then 8, and before we know it, a year has passed.

    WHY you found this SO OFFENSIVE is a mystery.

    There's no mystery here. It's about control. Some people want it----over you.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    wow you guys are A-holes. If you guys don't want to join her then don't respond! And she is not shaming it, she's just stating what doesn't work for HER. So lay off.


    the way i see it, she is exhibiting terribly orthorexic thinking and inviting others to join her in this terribly orthorexic thinking.

    people are responding the way they are because 1) that mindset will hurt her chance of long term success, 2) it's unnecessary, and 3) there is a very high probability that she will binge the minute the 2 weeks are over.

    we'd like to help her see that by changing her relationship with food, she can still enjoy all sorts of foods in moderation and still lose weight.

    wanna know what the surest recipe for failure is when trying to lose weight?'s to attack the problem by following a deprivation diet mentality.

    are you freakin serious????? she cheated maybe over did it! and wants to make a freakin pledge to keep her motivated and instead get all kinds of irrelevant freakin bull!! it has nothing to do with mind set relationship with food and wtv else bull u people came up with!! im so sick of this every time i come in a thread i have to get pissed with holier then though know it alls! get over yourselves and live and let live!!

    you sound hungry

    No im just Italian! i don't get how u don't get why im so pissed she asked a simple freakin question and she gets all this bull**** and im the bad guy!!!! its crazy to me ! anyway im done arguing with ignorance is useless!
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Soooooo, if I join you in your pledge, what happens after two weeks? Do I just go back to being fat?

    The idea behind the pledge is that if we can stick to something for 2 weeks, we can do 4 weeks, and then 8, and before we know it, a year has passed.

    WHY you found this SO OFFENSIVE is a mystery.

    There's no mystery here. It's about control. Some people want it----over you.

    Nope. Not it at all. But it does illustrate why you and your new buddy aren't getting what ANY of us have been trying to say.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Soooooo, if I join you in your pledge, what happens after two weeks? Do I just go back to being fat?

    The idea behind the pledge is that if we can stick to something for 2 weeks, we can do 4 weeks, and then 8, and before we know it, a year has passed.

    WHY you found this SO OFFENSIVE is a mystery.

    because they want you to be successful and there is A LOT of evidence that says that what you are planning to do is simply setting you up for failure down the road.

    you admitted your problem is binging. so now to battle your binge problem, you want to tighten up your diet and pledge to deprive yourself of those very foods that you crave and end up binging on.

    how can you not see that THAT is a recipe for disaster?

    you want to know how to "restrict" your diet without "depriving" yourself of the things you enjoy? simply enjoy them in moderation. count their calories. log them. see the impact they have on your day. pretty soon, you'll be eating them less and less and in smaller portions. but you'll still be having them from time to time. this is how you prevent yourself from obsessing about them and binging at a later date.

    you may not believe this, but none of us want to see you post a new thread here 3 weeks from now complaining about how you binged as soon as you completed your 2 week "no cheat" pledge. however, right now, i'd say most of us think that to be a likely scenario.

    we're trying to get you to understand that you can't just exchange one bad mindset for another and think that you'll be any more successful.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
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