

  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Eh, I'm in for sticking to calorie goal...
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I see where you are at and I pledge my support, starting tomorrow. My pledge will be to eat enough clean food during the day, and not try to fix a calorie deficit with desert in the evening. Whatever it takes to feel good right ! Feel free to add me. :happy:
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    wow you guys are A-holes. If you guys don't want to join her then don't respond! And she is not shaming it, she's just stating what doesn't work for HER. So lay off.


    the way i see it, she is exhibiting terribly orthorexic thinking and inviting others to join her in this terribly orthorexic thinking.

    people are responding the way they are because 1) that mindset will hurt her chance of long term success, 2) it's unnecessary, and 3) there is a very high probability that she will binge the minute the 2 weeks are over.

    we'd like to help her see that by changing her relationship with food, she can still enjoy all sorts of foods in moderation and still lose weight.

    wanna know what the surest recipe for failure is when trying to lose weight?'s to attack the problem by following a deprivation diet mentality.

    are you freakin serious????? she cheated maybe over did it! and wants to make a freakin pledge to keep her motivated and instead get all kinds of irrelevant freakin bull!! it has nothing to do with mind set relationship with food and wtv else bull u people came up with!! im so sick of this every time i come in a thread i have to get pissed with holier then though know it alls! get over yourselves and live and let live!!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    wow you guys are A-holes. If you guys don't want to join her then don't respond! And she is not shaming it, she's just stating what doesn't work for HER. So lay off.


    the way i see it, she is exhibiting terribly orthorexic thinking and inviting others to join her in this terribly orthorexic thinking.

    people are responding the way they are because 1) that mindset will hurt her chance of long term success, 2) it's unnecessary, and 3) there is a very high probability that she will binge the minute the 2 weeks are over.

    we'd like to help her see that by changing her relationship with food, she can still enjoy all sorts of foods in moderation and still lose weight.

    wanna know what the surest recipe for failure is when trying to lose weight?'s to attack the problem by following a deprivation diet mentality.

    are you freakin serious????? she cheated maybe over did it! and wants to make a freakin pledge to keep her motivated and instead get all kinds of irrelevant freakin bull!! it has nothing to do with mind set relationship with food and wtv else bull u people came up with!! im so sick of this every time i come in a thread i have to get pissed with holier then though know it alls! get over yourselves and live and let live!!

    Don't come into threads if you don't like it. For serious.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    wow you guys are A-holes. If you guys don't want to join her then don't respond! And she is not shaming it, she's just stating what doesn't work for HER. So lay off.


    the way i see it, she is exhibiting terribly orthorexic thinking and inviting others to join her in this terribly orthorexic thinking.

    people are responding the way they are because 1) that mindset will hurt her chance of long term success, 2) it's unnecessary, and 3) there is a very high probability that she will binge the minute the 2 weeks are over.

    we'd like to help her see that by changing her relationship with food, she can still enjoy all sorts of foods in moderation and still lose weight.

    wanna know what the surest recipe for failure is when trying to lose weight?'s to attack the problem by following a deprivation diet mentality.

    are you freakin serious????? she cheated maybe over did it! and wants to make a freakin pledge to keep her motivated and instead get all kinds of irrelevant freakin bull!! it has nothing to do with mind set relationship with food and wtv else bull u people came up with!! im so sick of this every time i come in a thread i have to get pissed with holier then though know it alls! get over yourselves and live and let live!!

    Don't come into threads if you don't like it. For serious.

    when i post its in a positive way unlike u people so spare me!!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    wow you guys are A-holes. If you guys don't want to join her then don't respond! And she is not shaming it, she's just stating what doesn't work for HER. So lay off.


    the way i see it, she is exhibiting terribly orthorexic thinking and inviting others to join her in this terribly orthorexic thinking.

    people are responding the way they are because 1) that mindset will hurt her chance of long term success, 2) it's unnecessary, and 3) there is a very high probability that she will binge the minute the 2 weeks are over.

    we'd like to help her see that by changing her relationship with food, she can still enjoy all sorts of foods in moderation and still lose weight.

    wanna know what the surest recipe for failure is when trying to lose weight?'s to attack the problem by following a deprivation diet mentality.

    are you freakin serious????? she cheated maybe over did it! and wants to make a freakin pledge to keep her motivated and instead get all kinds of irrelevant freakin bull!! it has nothing to do with mind set relationship with food and wtv else bull u people came up with!! im so sick of this every time i come in a thread i have to get pissed with holier then though know it alls! get over yourselves and live and let live!!

    I'm really sick of coming into threads and being accused of being a sugar and wheat shill and an a-hole because I don't think that this type of all or nothing thinking is necessary. We've all got our cross to bear I suppose.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I ate half a carrot cake for lunch I feel freaking awesome! If it fits I shall have it!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    when i post its in a positive way unlike u people so spare me!!!

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    when i post its in a positive way unlike u people so spare me!!!

    I'm a big fan of irony. Do go on
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    wow you guys are A-holes. If you guys don't want to join her then don't respond! And she is not shaming it, she's just stating what doesn't work for HER. So lay off.


    the way i see it, she is exhibiting terribly orthorexic thinking and inviting others to join her in this terribly orthorexic thinking.

    people are responding the way they are because 1) that mindset will hurt her chance of long term success, 2) it's unnecessary, and 3) there is a very high probability that she will binge the minute the 2 weeks are over.

    we'd like to help her see that by changing her relationship with food, she can still enjoy all sorts of foods in moderation and still lose weight.

    wanna know what the surest recipe for failure is when trying to lose weight?'s to attack the problem by following a deprivation diet mentality.

    are you freakin serious????? she cheated maybe over did it! and wants to make a freakin pledge to keep her motivated and instead get all kinds of irrelevant freakin bull!! it has nothing to do with mind set relationship with food and wtv else bull u people came up with!! im so sick of this every time i come in a thread i have to get pissed with holier then though know it alls! get over yourselves and live and let live!!

    Don't come into threads if you don't like it. For serious.

    when i post its in a positive way unlike u people so spare me!!!

    I was far from negative. I said something along the lines of if I did this it would lead to a binge so no thanks, so please tell me where I was negative.

    I just think if the forums piss you off you should probably stay out of them, it makes life a lot easier.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I ate half a carrot cake for lunch I feel freaking awesome! If it fits I shall have it!

    ^^ Gets it
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member

    I can think of several things I sometimes want to say to myself to not go for a walk, so using a TV show, a movie, the weather, my ankle (sprained it last week) those are my cheats for putting off my walk, shortening it, or just not going sometimes. So while OP does her thing, mine will be committing to no excuses for not exercising.

    You in? I think this could be fun.

    Really like this reply!

    I don't have a lot of problems staying in my calories and eating natural food, but exercise is difficult for me. I live in the center of Mexico City and am not young anymore ( 65) and use among other things the safety/security factor of this big city to not exercise after dark, because I work during the day. I will commit during the next two weeks to finding a time during the day when it is safe to exercise outside.
    I also don't quite understand the negative replies of so many people, but then again I tend to ignore those who have nothing productive/intelligent to say.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    wow you guys are A-holes. If you guys don't want to join her then don't respond! And she is not shaming it, she's just stating what doesn't work for HER. So lay off.


    the way i see it, she is exhibiting terribly orthorexic thinking and inviting others to join her in this terribly orthorexic thinking.

    people are responding the way they are because 1) that mindset will hurt her chance of long term success, 2) it's unnecessary, and 3) there is a very high probability that she will binge the minute the 2 weeks are over.

    we'd like to help her see that by changing her relationship with food, she can still enjoy all sorts of foods in moderation and still lose weight.

    wanna know what the surest recipe for failure is when trying to lose weight?'s to attack the problem by following a deprivation diet mentality.

    are you freakin serious????? she cheated maybe over did it! and wants to make a freakin pledge to keep her motivated and instead get all kinds of irrelevant freakin bull!! it has nothing to do with mind set relationship with food and wtv else bull u people came up with!! im so sick of this every time i come in a thread i have to get pissed with holier then though know it alls! get over yourselves and live and let live!!

    Don't come into threads if you don't like it. For serious.

    when i post its in a positive way unlike u people so spare me!!!

    your rant was really positive.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    For anyone who fell off the wagon... join me in my pledge. After a horrendous wheat binge followed by a horrendous chocolate binge I am thoroughly ashamed and determined to make a pledge to myself and to YOU ...


    Will you join me?

    I'm in. I really need to quit the sugar. I have cut down a lot but it is still sneaking into my tea.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    MEAN. you guys are all MEAN. all OP is doing is considering foods "good" and "bad" and wracking herself with guilt for eating bread and chocolate. now she's just asking others to rally against crackers and ice cream with her. what is so horrible about that???? maybe if she gets enough people to want cake to go the **** down it will just go away for good. strength in numbers bro.

    sorry if that had typos, I'm a little busy eating a chocolate bar and tortilla chips..... and staying under my calories :wink:
  • klinger6395
    klinger6395 Posts: 44 Member
    IIFYM all day.. ain't nobody got time to cheat lololol
  • GenuinelyFake
    I take the pledge! Started detoxing a few days ago & feeling so much more energized.
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    Eh, I'm in for sticking to calorie goal...

    ^^^^ Also in for drama..
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I take the pledge! Started detoxing a few days ago & feeling so much more energized.

    hmmm...can't tell if genuine, orrrrrr
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    I get you.

    Blow the know it all trolls off because you certainly don't want anyone to be bringing you down.

    Get back on it! Don't beat yourself up.

    2 weeks. Ready, set, go! I'm hoping to last forever, wheat does terrible things to me besides just fatness. It helps me to remember that once I cheat, I have to beat the cravings all over again and have to get back into ketosis. One cheat/bite just wastes days-the more bites, the more days.

    You can do this.
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