

  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member

    This ^^^^ IS NONSENSE! If you are massively obese, and you do not deprive yourself of anything, how the hell do you lose weight? There has to be SOME deprivation, for continuing to eat the same way will result in more and more weight being gained.

    I did - on the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board and Low Carb Friends. There are thousands and thousands of people on there who have lost over 100lb. And not one of them did it by eating sugar "in moderation."

    The only *I* deprive myself of is eating whatever I want, whenever I want. Also, um, hi. I eat sugar in moderation. I'll be having a huge piece of sticky toffee pudding before I go to bed. It will be delicious, I'm sure. :) Then that will be it for desserts for the week. Why do you feel that's an impossible approach?
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    Hey 366 - I am on board. Usually, I cheat on purpose once a week but I want to see what happens if I stay strict for two weeks in a row. Will check back September 15. Good luck
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member

    This ^^^^ IS NONSENSE! If you are massively obese, and you do not deprive yourself of anything, how the hell do you lose weight? There has to be SOME deprivation, for continuing to eat the same way will result in more and more weight being gained.

    I did - on the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board and Low Carb Friends. There are thousands and thousands of people on there who have lost over 100lb. And not one of them did it by eating sugar "in moderation."

    The only *I* deprive myself of is eating whatever I want, whenever I want. Also, um, hi. I eat sugar in moderation. I'll be having a huge piece of sticky toffee pudding before I go to bed. It will be delicious, I'm sure. :) Then that will be it for desserts for the week. Why do you feel that's an impossible approach?

    OP, Just wondering if you've figured out what that response had to do with this thread. I haven't.
    Sugar in moderation doesn't work for me, that little thing about us all being different and such is lost on some. Hearing about toffee isn't helping me in my weight loss struggles but since I'm currently not eating sugar, it's not really hurting me, either.
  • Tymeshia
    Tymeshia Posts: 194 Member
    I think its smart to know your foods that make you cheat. I'm in for the 2 weeks to help me get back to my regular program.
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    It wasn't an insult -- it was a question. I am sick and tired of them banging on about moderation, when they themselves clearly are UNABLE to eat in moderation! Did you even bother to read my OP?

    I did read the OP.

    I also read other people trying, in good faith, to help you see things that you that you just aren't seeing. Things that have helped people (who once felt as you do now) to approach food differently, and to lose >100 pounds. And more importantly, to keep it off.

    Things that could help you if you would listen, instead of shout.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member

    they learned the hard way. they got fat... tried to get thin following gimmick diets and deprivation diets... had mixed results... finally figured it out... and were eventually successful at not only losing, but maintaining.

    This ^^^^ IS NONSENSE! If you are massively obese, and you do not deprive yourself of anything, how the hell do you lose weight? There has to be SOME deprivation, for continuing to eat the same way will result in more and more weight being gained.
    if you really want motivation and support, find the people who have lost 100+ lbs and LISTEN to them.

    I did - on the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board and Low Carb Friends. There are thousands and thousands of people on there who have lost over 100lb. And not one of them did it by eating sugar "in moderation."

    ULTIMATELY, it's none of your business how I am losing. If you didn't want to join me in a two week pledge to keep to whatever diet it is that you are following, WHY JOIN THIS THREAD AT ALL?

    This thread is ONLY for people who want to join the pledge. The rest of you can bog off and go pick on a vegetarian or something.

    The ones on my friends list did it by eating less and exercising. And they've lost significantly more than 100 pounds. Me? I only lost around 65 pounds. I'm not really sure as I didn't like weighing myself and took no "before" pics. The ones I have I'm well covered in clothing.

    ETA: Keep in mind that you're not going to find a lot of people talking about eating carbs (sugar) on an Atkins bulletin board.

    And, BTW, you make your approach everyone else's business when you post on a public message board. Again, people are actually here to help. The true trolls and "haters," as you have chosen to call them, come and go pretty quickly as the mods here aren't exactly lax with them. Hey, if you don't like what anyone suggests then skip over it or disagree in a respectful manner. We're all adults here.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member

    This ^^^^ IS NONSENSE! If you are massively obese, and you do not deprive yourself of anything, how the hell do you lose weight? There has to be SOME deprivation, for continuing to eat the same way will result in more and more weight being gained.

    I did - on the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board and Low Carb Friends. There are thousands and thousands of people on there who have lost over 100lb. And not one of them did it by eating sugar "in moderation."

    The only *I* deprive myself of is eating whatever I want, whenever I want. Also, um, hi. I eat sugar in moderation. I'll be having a huge piece of sticky toffee pudding before I go to bed. It will be delicious, I'm sure. :) Then that will be it for desserts for the week. Why do you feel that's an impossible approach?

    OP, Just wondering if you've figured out what that response had to do with this thread. I haven't.
    Sugar in moderation doesn't work for me, that little thing about us all being different and such is lost on some. Hearing about toffee isn't helping me in my weight loss struggles but since I'm currently not eating sugar, it's not really hurting me, either.

    I was responding to a direct comment. :)

    Of course everyone has different approaches that work, but claiming that no one can lose over 100 lbs by eating sugar in moderation is ludicrous. This website is full of people who have, including myself. I hate to see people get misinformed, since they may feel the only way to lose weight is cut out everything they like. Maybe that *is* what will ultimately be the most helpful for them, but it's not the only way. That's how a lot of people burn out and give up.

    Also, if simply hearing about a certain kind of food "isn't helping [you]...", you'll need to address your issues with food triggers. That's been something that I've had to do as well. It's made losing weight a lot easier. Food is a fact of life, and you can't escape it. Good luck!
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Hey, if you don't like what anyone suggests then skip over it or disagree in a respectful manner. We're all adults here.

    You talk to me as if I started this thread to ask for advice. Go back and read my first message. NO ADVICE WAS SOUGHT.

    I am doing a clean 2 weeks, and wanted other people who want to eat "clean" -- whatever that means to them -- to join me in a pledge. It does not matter what kind of diet they are on. It's the pledge that is important.

    The idea behind the pledge is that if we can stick to something for 2 weeks, we can do 4 weeks, and then 8, and before we know it, a year has passed.

    WHY the haters found this SO OFFENSIVE is a mystery.

    If they don't want to join the challenge, why not just ignore it?

    I guess it's sad that they have nothing better to do with their weekend than impose unwanted advice and then start a great big fight when the advice is inappropriate. What sad lonely people they must be.

    I am 55, not 12. I know what works for me, and it's COLD TURKEY (figuratively, as well as literally!) and no amount of bullying by you lot is going to change that.

    What you "moderation" people are saying is that you got fat through sheer laziness and gluttony, and so maybe that is why you do not understand the rest of us, who didn't.
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member

    This ^^^^ IS NONSENSE! If you are massively obese, and you do not deprive yourself of anything, how the hell do you lose weight? There has to be SOME deprivation, for continuing to eat the same way will result in more and more weight being gained.

    I did - on the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board and Low Carb Friends. There are thousands and thousands of people on there who have lost over 100lb. And not one of them did it by eating sugar "in moderation."

    The only *I* deprive myself of is eating whatever I want, whenever I want. Also, um, hi. I eat sugar in moderation. I'll be having a huge piece of sticky toffee pudding before I go to bed. It will be delicious, I'm sure. :) Then that will be it for desserts for the week. Why do you feel that's an impossible approach?

    OP, Just wondering if you've figured out what that response had to do with this thread. I haven't.
    Sugar in moderation doesn't work for me, that little thing about us all being different and such is lost on some. Hearing about toffee isn't helping me in my weight loss struggles but since I'm currently not eating sugar, it's not really hurting me, either.

    I was responding to a direct comment. :)

    Of course everyone has different approaches that work, but claiming that no one can lose over 100 lbs by eating sugar in moderation is ludicrous. This website is full of people who have, including myself. I hate to see people get misinformed, since they may feel the only way to lose weight is cut out everything they like. Maybe that *is* what will ultimately be the most helpful for them, but it's not the only way. That's how a lot of people burn out and give up.

    Also, if simply hearing about a certain kind of food "isn't helping [you]...", you'll need to address your issues with food triggers. That's been something that I've had to do as well. It's made losing weight a lot easier. Food is a fact of life, and you can't escape it. Good luck!

    Yep, foods a fact of life. Some people have to restrict because of allergies, some for illnesses, some for addiction. I know this, so, yeah, my issues have already been addressed concerning triggers.

    I don't even re-call anyone saying that it's impossible to lose weight doing what your doing...where did you see that post?
    What I do re-call is people saying restricting certain foods isn't the way to lose weight. That's a shame because when I don't restrict food I become immobile because of my own issues "that have been addressed" and being immobile does hinder my weight loss.

    Really, it's not hard to understand that their are many ways to lose and keep off weight and it's a shame so much time has been spent arguing over this fact. And it is a fact.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Hey, if you don't like what anyone suggests then skip over it or disagree in a respectful manner. We're all adults here.

    You talk to me as if I started this thread to ask for advice. Go back and read my first message. NO ADVICE WAS SOUGHT.

    I am doing a clean 2 weeks, and wanted other people who want to eat "clean" -- whatever that means to them -- to join me in a pledge. It does not matter what kind of diet they are on. It's the pledge that is important.

    The idea behind the pledge is that if we can stick to something for 2 weeks, we can do 4 weeks, and then 8, and before we know it, a year has passed.

    WHY the haters found this SO OFFENSIVE is a mystery.

    If they don't want to join the challenge, why not just ignore it?

    I guess it's sad that they have nothing better to do with their weekend than impose unwanted advice.

    Your goals aren't offensive. Your insults and attitude are. Best of luck, OP.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Guess what OP? Not all of us were fat at one point. Some of us have lived out ENTIRE LIVES eating things in moderation. I have about 8 pounds I need to lose. My all-time high is about 20 pounds over my ideal weight. So, you might want to open your clearly very closed mind and widen your clearly very narrow views to attempt to learn from people who have had the success you're looking for. I know you won't, but you should. And yes, I am telling you what to do.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    One more thing to say to these "no banned foods" and "all foods in moderation" people, who, some have said, as these Great Experts that "Know it All" and we have to listen --- - if they are such experts in "moderation" and don't ever binge, have no food addictions, no trigger foods, then how on earth did they come to be obese?

    I think there are a group of people on here who just love to sabotage.

    They know all about trigger foods etc and encourage people to eat them, knowing that the dieter will either binge on the trigger foods, or eat a BIT of the trigger food then go through emotional hell trying not to binge.

    Either way, the saboteur gets the ego-trip. They don't WANT others to succeed, because it diminishes their own success. A bit like climbing the ladder, then pulling it up after yourself, but it's done in an insidious fashion, under the guise of "only trying to help".

    These are the SAME people who will keep on telling a recovering alcoholic that it's OK to have "just one drink". Same with the person who kicked heroin or tobacco..... yeah, go on, just have ONE little cigarette ... you know it's really BAD to BAN cigarettes, it only makes you want them more ..... go on, let me light it for you ....

    The saboteur is then able to go about crowing about how THEY gave up successfully, and look down on the person they sabotaged, who is still drinking/smoking/shooting up, and feel sooo superior.

    Firstly. not everyone on this site has been obese. I haven't. Overweight, yes. I have friends on here who have and do struggle with obesity, though.

    People who have been here for a while have watched others succeed and have learned how they did it.

    I sincerely doubt anyone on this site wants to sabotage anyone else and see them fail. We celebrate each other's successes, even very minor ones. There are numerous knowledgeable posters here, who have gone through exactly what you are going through. Many people have reached their goals but stick around to help people so they don't have to make the same mistakes.

    I feel awful for you. Someone must have hurt you very badly for you to assume that everyone is out to get you. It would be wonderful if you could let your guard down and recognise that people here want you to succeed.

    It's great that you know what your trigger foods are so you can avoid them. I wish you the best.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    it's not hard to understand that their are many ways to lose and keep off weight and it's a shame so much time has been spent arguing over this fact.

    Exactly -- the wisdom comes in finding out what works for YOU as an individual. Then sticking to it.

    People of my age - 55 -- have DONE the "moderation" thing as well as the calorie thing, the low fat thing, the vegetarian thing, the meal replacement thing .... and failed on the lot. We finally find something that WORKS and along they come, telling us to do once more all the things that have failed to work!

    What was that saying about the first sign of madness being, doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I think its smart to know your foods that make you cheat. I'm in for the 2 weeks to help me get back to my regular program.

    Well done!

    Many people on here are toxic people -- they want to stop us doing what works for us. They want to lure us and tempt us back into eating those foods that make us cheat. We have their names now, we know their motives - to stop us losing weight - and so now we can just ignore them on every thread. They do not want to help us, but to make us fall off the wagon.

    Okay. This is just crazy.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Soooooo, if I join you in your pledge, what happens after two weeks? Do I just go back to being fat?
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I think its smart to know your foods that make you cheat. I'm in for the 2 weeks to help me get back to my regular program.

    Well done!

    Many people on here are toxic people -- they want to stop us doing what works for us. They want to lure us and tempt us back into eating those foods that make us cheat. We have their names now, we know their motives - to stop us losing weight - and so now we can just ignore them on every thread. They do not want to help us, but to make us fall off the wagon.

    This is the biggest load of crap I have ever seen. None of us are trying to "lure you or tempt you into eating foods that make you cheat" or stop you from losing weight. That's beyond ludicrous. In fact, the exact opposite is true. But go ahead and do things your way. Six months from now, when you are still struggling and wondering why, think back to this thread. Maybe you'll have a V8 moment at that point. Either way, I'm done with you.
  • ShadeBlossom
    ShadeBlossom Posts: 99 Member
    I think its smart to know your foods that make you cheat. I'm in for the 2 weeks to help me get back to my regular program.

    Well done!

    Many people on here are toxic people -- they want to stop us doing what works for us. They want to lure us and tempt us back into eating those foods that make us cheat. We have their names now, we know their motives - to stop us losing weight - and so now we can just ignore them on every thread. They do not want to help us, but to make us fall off the wagon.

    Okay. This is just crazy.

    Tinfoil hats for everyone!
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member

    Firstly. not everyone on this site has been obese.

    Then they are in no position to give advice to the obese.
    It's great that you know what your trigger foods are so you can avoid them.

    That isn't what the others on here are saying -- they are saying, "it's great that I know what your trigger foods are so I can try to persuade you to eat them, and also I can come on here boasting that I can eat them as much as I like".
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Many people on here are toxic people -- they want to stop us doing what works for us. They want to lure us and tempt us back into eating those foods that make us cheat. We have their names now, we know their motives - to stop us losing weight - and so now we can just ignore them on every thread. They do not want to help us, but to make us fall off the wagon.

  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Soooooo, if I join you in your pledge, what happens after two weeks? Do I just go back to being fat?

    The idea behind the pledge is that if we can stick to something for 2 weeks, we can do 4 weeks, and then 8, and before we know it, a year has passed.

    WHY you found this SO OFFENSIVE is a mystery.
This discussion has been closed.